"League: 1. Persephone 2. Lara Croft 3. Santanico Pandemonium 4. Nancy Callahan 5. Silk Spectre II Promotion: 1. Cherry Darling 2. Leeloo 3. Babydoll"
“I can't help but constantly think of Unfriended when I see this. I know the concepts are pretty different, but the names are way too similar. Anyways it does have a fairly decent cast. I've never heard of the director or the writers though. It's not received very well, but I'm going to give it a sho” read more

"1. Daenerys Targaryen 2. Joan Harris 3. Margaery Tyrell 4. C.J. Parker 5. Number 6 Promotion: Missandei Skye (Daisy Johnson) Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter)"
“P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney. An imaginary address that I just can't ever forget lol. Of course I am one of the ones who loved the first one. I mean I was 13 at the time. I didn't even think about that until now. Once it was speculated of course I got excited. I was curious to see after all these” read more