“I'm not sure why I want to watch this other than it's on Netflix and the killer's mask in the poster looks cool. I haven't seen or even heard of anything by the director. The same goes for the writers. It does have a few pretty recognizable faces. Well we know what the first weapon will be. Oh no do” read more
“Anna Kendrick means for me this is a must watch. Jake Johnson is definitely one of my faves now due to New Girl. Everybody else is alright. Joe Swanberg has been in a lot of movies I've seen. As a director I have only seen his V/H/S segment. Hmm well all the characters are likable so far. It seems o” read more
“Anthologies are always fun. It's a mixed bag of excellence, fun, and yes even the occasional crap. This one takes on multiple holidays. I don't think any of the holidays here haven't had some kind of horror film based on them. It's always nice to see someone else's take on an idea. So I'm going to r” read more
“I saw this while scrolling through Netflix. The premise is what caught my interest. So I figured I would go ahead and check it out. I found out it's a SyFy film though. The level of entertainment could vary heavily on this. The director has worked on a few horror films. The most notable being The Hi” read more

"1. Robert Downey Jr. 2. Idris Elba 3. Simon Pegg 4. Hayley Atwell 5. Emma Watson 6. Chiwetel Ejiofer 7. Benedict Cumberbatch 8. Tom Hiddleston 9. Martin Freeman 10. James McAvoy"

"I loved Man of Steel as well. This just had a lot of disappointment to it."

"He Never Died is great! Equilibrium is a guilty pleasure of mine. The Town is excellent! If you read DC comics you will probably hate a lot about Batman V Superman otherwise you may be one of those wh"