“I've been meaning to see this as I'm a huge zombie nerd. I will watch pretty much anything with zombies. Not to say that all of what I watch is good because that would be a lie. Anyways I actually knew about the book version of the movie. Which was pretty much the same as the original just with addi” read more

"Even though Deadpool wasn't part of this universe they still hinted at it. If you have seen it where would it rank in comparison with these?"
“I mean why not? Girls in bikinis and an attractive killer mermaid sounds like a recipe for a cheesefest. I figure it can't be worse than Indigenous hopefully. Although it does have the horrible Natalie Burn as one of the leads. Milan Todorovic also directed Zone of the Dead which I actually found pr” read more
“Here on Netflix again and so I decided to check this out. It was actually on my to watch list, but I forgot all about it. The plot sounds interesting. I find it amusing that no writer is credited. They probably wanted to hint at some sort of realism which is always a bit silly. You can't fool us fil” read more
“So this has been on my to watch list for awhile. I've seen it on peoples' lists about how awesome it is. I just never really got around to it. Since it's on Netflix I decided to go ahead and get on with it. Adriรกn Garcรญa Bogliano has directed another movie which I found to be pretty enjoyable call” read more
“Netflix always has someone in its depths that I get bored enough to check out. This happens to be one of those times. It seems to be average for the people who have seen it. In that case this may be at least watchable if anything. I haven't seen or even heard of the other films by the director or th” read more

"League: 1. Persephone 2. Lara Croft 3. Mystique 4. Santanico Pandemonium 5. Nancy Callahan Promotion: 1. Princess Leia 2. Roxana 3. Rose O'Reilly"