"I agree with Flintstones 2, Shark Tale, and G-Force...but i Did like The Woman in Black and Ice Age 4."

"Yeah I totally hated Elf and I guess I am one of those who qualify as overrating most of these hahah"

""Run and Tell That" was my favorite song in Hairspray- The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice. You say it ain't so, but darling what's the use. Good movies except for Shaggy Dog."

"One of the best actors a personal favorite!"

"Rowan Atkinson's films usually suck when he is the main character in my opinion. I cannot stand his humor. I don't hate Cars 2 it was alright, but I did love the first one. Yep I hated Shaggy Dog "

"Haha you should change the titles to CuteOverload. These are adorable."

""We fought the furniture and the furniture won!" lol"

"Alternative girls are so attractive in my opinion at least. Also I wish I could grow a Mohawk :("

"Degrassi, The River, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Buffy, Supernatural, and True Blood. You're awesome ;) I just now finally started Breaking Bad and so far it's pretty good."

"Train (2008) Snakes on a Train Subway Trains - Do these count as well? Fruitvale Station Midnight Meat Train"

"I will have to find out how to make most of these since I am sure a restaurant won't serve them for cheap lol. Also thanks a lot for making me hungry :P"

"Yeah I loved 5, 6, and 9-12. I really liked Catching Fire, but I didn't love it. Hook was alright. I hated Elf more than you though as I rated it at 1 star (Probably because I just really don't enjoy "

"1. Nancy Callahan (Sin City) 2. Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter) 3. Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer) 4. Silk Spectre (Malin Akerman) 5. Silk Spectre (Carla Gugino) 6. Rebecca Romijin (Mystique) 7. Allison Mack"

"She is interesting. I wonder what will happen with her on The Walking Dead."

"I am still amazed that I actually had a phone conversation with Allison Mack for one of my birthdays :D"

"1. The Colt (Supernatural) 2. Wolverine's Claws 3. Mjolnir 4. Iron Man Suit 5. Sword of Sparda (Devil May Cry) 6. Soul Edge (Soul Calibur Series) 7. Plasma Caster (Predator) 8. Scarface's Machine Gun"