"Some strange choices in here like DAWN and Connor, but I agree with most of these and I am glad someone else appreciates Doyle!!!"

"I would have to completely agree with you plus there is one more I would add like Missandei played by Nathalie Emmanuel."

"Haha GSP is boring! I did like him beating Josh Koscheck, but whenever he fights he bores me."

"It would be cool if you said which drugs the movies have in them?"

"Definitely needs an update *Mads Mikkelson as Hannibal *Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/The Hulk *Christian Bale as John Connor"

"Kristen Stewart slept with her director while she was with Robert Pattinson...that's a good role model??? She is also very plain looking. Her acting is dry and her face has the emotions of wood. Now m"

"1. 28 Weeks Later 2. Let The Right One In 3. Sinister 4. The Evil Dead 5. Night of the Living Dead (1968) 6. Dawn of the Dead (remake) 7. Zombieland 8. From Dusk Till Dawn 9. Alien 10. 28 Days Later"

"I base my dislike on the choices the characters have made and how they treat others. It isn't based on how interesting they are like Joffrey is really interesting and the actor portrays the character "

"actually there was a sequel to House of the Dead and it was a flop as much as the first "

"Wait these are your favorites, but u rate Movie 43 as 3 stars? o.O"

"1. Iron Man 3 2. Star Trek Into Darkness 3. Kick-Ass 2 4. Man of Steel 5. The Wolverine 6. This Is The End 7. World War Z 8. After Earth 9. Monsters University 10. Now You See Me"

"Mama sucked! Texas Chainsaw Massacre was okay. Evil Dead was awesome. Really looking forward to Carrie and The Purge. World War Z looks to be bringing a new flare to the zombie genre and Brad Pitt+ZOm"

"CD Smiles everyone has their own opinion...just saying. "

"Also is it weird that I am still interested in these? lol"

"You should also say which movies they parody for the people who are oblivious."

"American Werewolf in London Oz from Buffy the Vampire Slayer The Howling "

"Argo- 5 Django Unchained- 4 The Perks Of Being A Wallflower- 3 Beasts of the SOuthern WIld- 2 Life of Pi- 1"

"Hostel 3 and Insidious in my opinion were loads of crap."

"ON Buffy she has hunted just about everything too shapeshifters, ghosts, zombies, etc..."

"Harvey would have been cooler if he was more involved in the movies...."

"I agree with you only about Angelina Jolie and Sarah Jessica Parker"

"Vote for Changeling, Fear, and Avatar. Vote against Automaton Transfusion unless you are into sort of disturbing films then by all means go for it lol"