"I'm glad someone else enjoyed Free Fire! Also me personally I couldn't get into The Visit. I thought it was just too ridiculous."

“Neutral Notes:
*I wonder if Dead West means zombies or the like?
*There is literally no one recognizable here.
*I'm beginning to lose faith in this one seeing as it's almost 2 hours long.
*This is the only work from Jeff Ferrell.
*So let's see what ” read more
“Neutral Notes:
*I remember seeing the trailer and thinking it looked fairly amusing.
*The cast is also interesting enough.
*It wasn't a top of my list type of movie though.
*Anyways I decided to watch it since it was on Netflix.
*This is the direct” read more
“Neutral Notes:
*I was pretty skeptical about this one as I've never heard of it.
*Something caught my eye about it and decided to give it a shot.
*There are a few pretty good actors here among some pretty bad ones.
*I didn't realize this is directed by Darren” read more
“Neutral Notes:
*I don't quite remember a trailer for this, but I was pretty curious about it.
*The plot sounded quite interesting for sure.
*Plus the cast here is a really great selection.
*I have only heard of one of director Charlie Mcdowell's films, but I h” read more
“Neutral Notes:
*I have been wanting to see this since I saw the trailer and clips.
*The characters looked fun and interesting.
*Also Russian superheros is a pretty fun idea.
*I've have not seen the work of the writer or director before this.
*Seeing ” read more
“Neutral Notes:
*The story sounded like a fun idea.
*It's also free on Amazon so I figured I would check it out.
*I've never heard of the director or writers before.
*Interesting to see a face here I recognized only from Walking Dead though.
Positive” read more
“Neutral Notes:
*I knew absolutely nothing about this before watching it.
*It just happened to be another horror movie to check out on Netflix.
*I didn't even realize it was Bollywood horror.
*I've never seen anything from the director or writers.
*I ” read more
“Neutral Notes:
*I've never heard of this before watching it.
*The main reason I wanted to check it out is because of Antonia Thomas.
*Another reason is I was looking for new horror films to watch on Netflix.
*This is the first film I have seen from writer/dire” read more