*You know before this was thought up I do recall talking to my friends and mentioning that if I were to cast someone in a live action Assassin's Creed it would be Michael Fassbender.
*I feel like casting is my calling given the circumstances lol.
*It has a pretty” read more
*I love Groundhog Day based stories as they are almost always fun.
*I never got around to watching this until today sadly.
*My friend had told me it was worth watching though.
*It has a small cast with a few recognizable faces including an alumni from D” read more
*I knew about this movie for a long while.
*My parents watched it and I believe we owned it at some point.
*I recall them liking it at least I think I do.
*Anyways it's another Bill Paxton film I decided to check out that I haven't seen.
*The ” read more
*I knew nothing about this until it popped up on Netflix.
*The cast was interesting with Josh Peck and Tony Revolori leading the charge.
*I watched the trailer and it looked decent enough.
*It's actor Chester Tam's first crack at writing and directing a” read more
*I saw the trailer for this before it came to Netflix and thought it looked pretty interesting.
*The name is a tad silly, but I mean why not?
*Maisie Williams is always a plus as well if you ask me.
*Plus it's a superhero story of it's own which is cool” read more
*We played this at my theater for awhile although I never checked it out.
*I do recall the ending credits had a very interesting song about cocaine lol.
*Also the poster gives it a very uncomfortable vibe to sit at the movies in.
*It's written and direc” read more
*I wasn't too sure what to think of this with the trailer not really grabbing me to be honest.
*I mostly didn't care for it because of Melanie Lynskey being kind of boring to me.
*This is Macon Blair's first movie as a director although he wrote a horror movie ca” read more
*Honestly I knew almost nothing about this before watching it.
*All I knew is that people said it was really well done but very sad.
*I decided to go ahead and check this out though since Casey Affleck won for it.
*This is first film I have seen directe” read more