“So I really knew nothing at all about this movie until I saw it on Netflix. The main reason I even checked it out was because the main character's name is Logan aka my name. Besides that the cast was fairly interesting with a couple people I don't see too often anymore. I've never heard of Fernando ” read more
“I don't know why, but I had thought this was about bitcoin at some point. Maybe somebody had put a false plot or something down. Anyways when I watched the trailer I thought it looked fairly interesting. It has only a few faces that are somewhat known. Apparently this is based on a book too. I swea” read more
“I didn't recognize this movie until I actually began to watch it on Netflix. I actually recalled watching the trailer and thinking it looked like it would be an amusing watch. It has a great cast including the girl from The Book Thief. Stephen Herek is a mixed bag director with stinkers like Critter” read more
“I recall thinking this, Don't Breathe, and The Good Neighbor all felt so similar in their vibes and trailers. This was amusing to me considering they all were released within the same year as well. I liked the other two which weren't quite as similar as I thought they would be. So since this was on ” read more
“I remember a big amount of Ryan Phillipe direct to DVD and VOD on demand films came out around this time including this one. I also remember wanting to see them all. The cast here is small, but recognizable. It's directed by Alan White who has a few films under his belt of which I never heard of bes” read more
“I remember watching the trailer for this awhile back. I thought it looked amusing even if a little bit of a cliche. I like the cast of course and seeing Jackie Chan in action movies of course is always pleasant. I've never heard of Wen-Chia Chang but since they are credited as development executive ” read more
“This movie right here had a very unusual trailer to it. Yet whenever I was on Netflix it would grab my attention with it's look and title. The cast is small with only a few recognizable faces. It's directed by Oz Perkins who is legendary horror actor Anthony Perkins' son. With that I was even more i” read more
“I was never really a huge Ratchet and Clank fan. I played parts of it when I was at my friend's house, but I never had the games myself. My friend was the super fan though. I watched him play a fair amount and it was an amusing game. I saw the trailer for this and it looked decent enough. It has an ” read more
*I have been meaning to watch this for a bit now.
*My dad shared the trailer and upon checking it out I thought it would be interesting.
*I really like the main stars of course.
*Morten Tyldum also directed The Imitation Game which got nominated for sev” read more
*I have been wanting to check this out for awhile.
*From what I hear it sounds like a mash-up of Splice, Ex-Machina, and Lucy.
*It has a pretty neat cast which is a plus.
*Luke Scott also directed two shorts one called Loom and the other was the prolog” read more