"Check out River (the horror one with Joe Anderson) and Persons Unknown. Revolution I believe left on a cliffhanger."
*I thought this looked pretty awesome, but I never watched the first one so I was going to pass.
*Apparently it's pretty much a completely new story than the first so I decided to go ahead and watch it now.
* I haven't seen any films from director Pou-Soi Cheang” read more
*I saw the trailer for this and honestly wasn't too sure what to expect from it.
*After hearing nothing but positive word of mouth I decided to go ahead and check it out.
*It has a great cast anyways which is a plus.
*Besides that Mel Gibson is a pretty” read more

*I saw the trailer and thought it looked fairly interesting.
*I don't think Zoe Kazan looks like a mother least of all with a teen daughter. Although it looks like it would be possible given the actors actual ages.
*It's a small, but somewhat recognizable cast wh” read more
*I needed to watch something silly after seeing the very serious and tragic Patriots Day.
*There have been scenes I saw on youtube that make this look quite silly.
*It has a handful of names that horror fans and/or 80s fans would recognize that I wasn't expecting” read more
*I'm not sure what to really think before watching this.
*The only trailer I saw didn't show a lot to go on.
*I feel it's a tad soon, but then again these days it doesn't seem to take long for them to create films of tragedies and such.
*I have enjoyed ” read more