*Zombies are my jam I don't care what anyone has to say on the matter lol.
*I saw the trailer recently and thought it looked stupid funny.
*It does have some actors I like so that's a plus.
*It's directed by April Mullen (who is attractive let's be hon” read more
*I really didn't know much of this besides it being on a few lists of best horror in 2016 and my friend posting on Facebook about it.
*Other than that it looks like a mixture of being like a possession movie mixed with the oddball movie Deadgirl.
*André Øvred” read more
*I have had this at my theater since it came out, but we weren't allowed to watch it until the 2nd of January via Disney's rules. I ended up very busy until I finally get to check it out 8 days after the freedom period.
*Gareth Edwards also helmed as the director of Monste” read more
*They spew these out carelessly.
*I have no idea why I watch these. It could be my determination to finish stories.
*The mains return with others who haven't been a part of the series for awhile.
*Tim Maltby who directed the previous film returns again ” read more

*I have seen a lot of bashing on the trailer and such due to people not understanding that this is meant to look the way it does.
*It's a remake of the original and wanted to keep the campy idea of said original.
*They weren't going for serious so people just sho” read more