“All right so it's time to check out a wild Cronenberg classic. I actually know very little about this one besides a handful of things that I only barely remember. I didn't even know Debbie Harry was in this! I have seen a few Cronenberg movies which were definitely unique. Now I can add this to that” read more
“I wanted to check out something crazy and gory, but not quite so glum like say Cannibal Holocaust. It might still not be a particularly joyful story though. Steven Sheil has only one other film of which I've never heard of. Other than that I really don't know much else. Let's see if it was worth the” read more

“It's time for another classic Tod Browning film. This one is actually considered to be quite good. Although it is another one that is considered a little controversial. It's mostly due to the fact that it's a story ahead of its time. I recently watched American Horror Story that shares many ideas fr” read more

"Apparently the Point Break remake didn't do all that great anyways. They also remade Birth of a Nation due to come out by the end of the year."