"1. Daenerys Targaryen 2. Joan Harris 3. Mira 4. Margaery Tyrell 5. C.J. Parker Promotion: Missandei Skye (Daisy Johnson) Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter)"

“For a horror film fan I am ashamed to say it took me nearly 27 years of my life before I finally watched this version of Dracula. Feel free to rag on me for that. I decided to finally catch up with the rest of you by adding it to my 2016 Horrorthon! This is the only film I have seen from Tod Brownin” read more

“I'm starting off my horror month with this one. The premise is what really caught my eye for my October Horrorthon list. It has a few decent actors which is a plus. I also like the After Dark Horrorfest films. I wish they would still do them, but it seems they have sort of died off now. This is Dari” read more