“I am surprised this is rated so average. I would have expected something much higher given the cast and crew. Plus the trailer looked absolutely incredible. Jeff Nichols is the mastermind who brought us Mud and the up coming Loving that I absolutely want to see. I don't know why I have taken so long” read more
“I actually really enjoyed the first one. It had a good twist and some fun action. This one did catch my interest with the trailer. It has a pretty interesting main cast. This is directed by Dennis Gansel who did We Are the Night (an interesting look at a group of female vampires) as well as The Wave” read more
“It's from the incredibly funny people of The Lonely Island group. I kind of missed out on it while it was in theaters sadly. At first I had thought it was some dumb new documentary from Justin Bieber or something until I actually watched the trailer. That was before the theaters of course. All three” read more
“This has been on my "to watch" list for quite some time so I figured I would go ahead and check it out. It has a small but fairly recognizable cast. Also the premise does sound quite interesting. The only film I have seen by Julian Gilbey is one of the better segments from ABC's of Death 2. Although” read more
“Alright so we are now at the end of the road for this series as I've already seen the remake. I hear mixed feelings about this one. Some say it's the best of the sequels others say it's terrible. I also hear that Mickey Rooney is a bit of a hypocrite as he hated the first of this series but stars he” read more