“Thoughts Before Watching This:
1. After seeing the trailer I knew I wanted to see this.
2. It does sound similar to both Don't Breathe and I'm Not a Serial Killer (partially to do with that all three deal with older men [played each by excellent older actors] who may have dark se” read more
“Thoughts Before Watching This:
1. It's about freaking time!
2. Rob Zombie is insane when it comes to his original ideas although I actually liked his Halloween movies for reasons.
3. I had to go back and see why I rated House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects so low.<” read more

"Favorites: (Coming up with favorites is so hard with this show there is too many lol) 1. Tyrion Lannister 2. Daenerys Targaryen 3. Ygritte 4. Oberyn Martell 5. Missandei 6. Arya Stark 7. Grey Worm 8. "

"Favorites: 1. Jim Hopper 2. Dustin Henderson 3. Eleven 4. Mike Wheeler 5. Benny Hammond (The Cook small role, but I really liked him) Least Favorite: 5. Steve Harrington 4. Nancy Wheeler 3. Agent Con"