"I came up with a bit lol I bolded the must sees though Since you watched the first I say Descent: Part 2 The Hamiltons Deep Blue Sea (It might be a guilty pleasure lol) Laid to Rest 1 & 2 Dead Silenc"
“Thoughts Before Watching This:
1. I like these kinds of stories.
2. Hopefully it has a lot of war.
3. There are tons of movies classified as war where basically nothing but drama happens.
4. The cast here is pretty interesting with Keri Russell and Sean Bridg” read more

"Looking for stuff you haven't seen yet? Any type of horror you will not watch?"
“So basically the reason I wanted to check this out is simply because Anna Kendrick is in it. I will watch anything for her haha. Hopefully it will be funny as well. So it looks like the director Jake Szymanski mostly directs silly little shorts. So I'm curious how he will handle a feature length sto” read more
“I find it hilarious still that someone complained how violent this PG-13 film was compared to Neon Demon which I watched recently. I mean sure if this was R maybe I would understand. Given all the stuff that happens in Neon Demon though I just don't get it. I have been meaning to watch this for a bi” read more
“I originally thought this was a sequel to the original movie, but sadly it's just a remake. At least JCVD returned for it though. Dave Bautista looks like a way cooler Tong Po than the weird looking original one. This has a great collection of martial artists including the late Darren Shahlavi in hi” read more
“Alright so no more Sasha Mitchell this time. Once again our previous lead is killed off and replaced. At least this time it's not some random brother. Still the plot here is pretty silly. This is directed by Kristine Peterson who also directed the first Critters movie. Which was pretty terrible by t” read more

"1. Simon Pegg 2. Hayley Atwell 3. Felicity Jones"
“The plot is once again super cheesy. Also I hope they explain how David is just all of a sudden married. The return of Tong Po played by some random. Sadly this entry doesn't have the greatness that is Dennis Chan. Albert Pyun returns to direct for some reason. This is the only movie out of two from” read more

“I know it's silly to continue a series despite it surely being a bad experience, but I sometimes get surprised. This one however I highly doubt. I mean the plot is so far fetched. A kickboxer takes down an international terrorist lol. I know action plots can be bad, but come on! At least Dennis Chan” read more