“So I absolutely love and adore Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell so when I saw the trailer I absolutely wanted to see this even if it turned out to be bad. I was definitely excited when I found this would be in my theater. So when I got the chance I decided to check it out. Scott Moore and Jon Lucas were ” read more

"1. Monica Bellucci 2. Emilia Clarke 3. Milla Jovovich 4. Eva Green 5. Audrey Hepburn Promotion Allison Mack! Daisy Ridley Alicia Vikander"
“Man I swear I have been waiting for this since I've heard of it coming out. It doesn't look quite as good as the original. It does have a decent cast with some returnees. I love that James Merendino returned to write and direct this sequel instead of some random person. I am hopeful there will be so” read more