“Ah The Jungle Book another new take on a classic. Well I figured I would check this out this month as well since I already watched the new Tarzan. Jon Favreau is quite the director. I also hear nothing but positive things about this one. Oddly enough this is written by Justin Marks who also wrote th” read more

"Vanessa Hudgens Ryan Michelle Bathe Shay Mitchell Cobie Smulders Piper Perabo Minka Kelly Stefanie Scott"
“I honestly hated the first Zoolander. It just wasn't my kind of funny. It had moments, but overall it was just lame. I'm watching this though because I'm curious and also for the opening scene. Maybe this will surprise me and actually be fairly enjoyable. It has a lot of great actors in it which is ” read more

"League: 1. Persephone 2. Lara Croft 3. Santanico Pandemonium 4. Nancy Callahan 5. Rose O'Reilly Promotion: 1. Roxana 2. Cherry Darling 3. Leeloo"
“I only heard this was coming like a few days before it came on Netflix. I haven't watched it yet, but I have heard it's pretty great. Plus it does have decent actors. It also comes from one of the writers of Orange is the New Black. For me that is a plus of it's own. Well hello Ellen Page! Yeah this” read more

"1. Simon Pegg 2. Hayley Atwell 3. Martin Freeman 4. James McAvoy 5. Felicity Jones"
“I hated the first ABCs film. Most of the segments were just dreadful to sit through. Then part 2 came out and I was pleasantly surprised. Now this one is chockfull of the rejects who didn't make it into part 2! It's all the segments for the letter M. So we are going to see if they should have been k” read more