“I was curious about this one. When I watched the trailer it actually looked pretty interesting. The director William Brent Bell wrote and directed one of my guiltiest pleasures called Stay Alive (the horror movie about dying in real life if you die in the video game). Sadly he was also the one behin” read more
“I have never seen this third addition to the TMNT movies of the 90s. In fact for a long time I didn't know it existed. I was then told that this was because it was so awful. I grew up on these guys though so I figured I would go ahead and just watch it since it's on Netflix. I have heard of stuff fr” read more
“I have been meaning to watch this. I've heard many good things about it. That it's not your typical horror movie. It's a slow burner with a different style to it. That's it doesn't really on jump scares, but it tries to be genuinely creepy as hell. This looks to be the first outting for writer direc” read more

"Beauty 1- Monica Bellucci 2- Salma Hayek 3- Scartlett Johansson Breast 1- Monica Bellucci 2- Salma Hayek 3- Gemma Arterton Buttock 1- Jennifer Lopez 2- Salma Hayek 3- Scarlett Johansson Legs 1- Bel"

"Group A (Romania) = Catrinel Menghia Group A (France) = Eva Green Group A (Albania) = Rita Ora Group A (Switzerland) = Katerina Graham Group B (England) = Emilia Clarke Group B (Russia) = Irina Shayk"