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The Most Hated Woman in America (2017) review

Posted : 7 years, 10 months ago on 29 April 2017 02:29 (A review of The Most Hated Woman in America (2017))

Honestly I didn't know anything about this story or even that it was going to come on Netflix until it did. The cast is what really pulled my attention toward this with Melissa Leo and Juno Temple. Plus the story sounded pretty interesting. Tommy O'Haver also directed Ella Enchanted and Get Over It which were both okay. This is Irene Turner's second film over all and her other was another film directed by Tommy O'Haver.

This was certainly an interesting movie, but it wasn't the greatest. The acting was pretty damn good though. Melissa Leo really pulled off this role which was different than what I normally see of her. I don't think that we were given a full enough picture of things. The story was a little bit out of whack with jumping back and forth. It was pretty amusing, but when it went dark it was pretty dark. I wasn't sure what would happen over the course of the movie which made it a more interesting than if I knew beforehand.

I think it's worth at least one watch though. The story is intriguing and the acting gives it a nice edge. It could have been better, but it still kept my interest.

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Kevin Hart: What Now? review

Posted : 7 years, 10 months ago on 29 April 2017 02:13 (A review of Kevin Hart: What Now?)

I absolutely love Kevin Hart comedy. I don't care what anyone says I think he is pretty funny. The movies aren't always a hit though. His stand up of course is the best of his work. Also there are some pretty neat guest stars for this one. Tim Story has directed a lot of things including other Kevin Hart movies like Let Me Explain (another stand up) and Ride Along. Leslie Small is another director known for Kevin Hart's stand up films. Kevin Hart of course writes his own stuff here. He is also assisted by Joey Wells and Harry Ratchford who have worked on his other work as well. This is the first film written by DC comics writer Brian Buccellato who tackles the casino scene.

There isn't a lot that needs to be said about this one. The material and jokes are funny. The casino stuff was pretty hilarious. If I put Halle Berry in my movie I would do the same thing lol. If you enjoy Kevin Hart this is definitely worth a look.

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Mulholland Drive (2001) review

Posted : 7 years, 10 months ago on 28 April 2017 04:07 (A review of Mulholland Drive (2001))

Ah Mulholland Drive. This is one of those movies you hear about all the time and you get more and more curious. You always hear about the Hobo or see pictures and such. This is honestly only my second venture into the film world of David Lynch. I hear it's one heck of a weird one too. At least it has some great cast choices. So let's see what all the fuss is about.

Holy hell that really was a trip. You have to really focus and pay attention to the details. It's not really explained as much as it is implied what is going on. How is everything connected and why? What is really going on? What happened with these people? Some things go unanswered or simply drift out of the story. It's a highly psychological and strange film. You really have to think outside of the box here. The acting is excellent and I loved the chemistry between Naomi Watts and Laura Harring. Plus come on those moments between them are definitely worth admiring. I didn't realize the hobo was supposed to be a man until I actually watched this! Honestly though I didn't think this was greatness. I thought there were a few plotholes that kind of sunk it down for me. I mean I'm sure it doesn't all need to make sense. It's definitely a very interesting film and I see why it's always talked about.

This is a movie for the thinking person and not simply for just entertainment. In that sense it was good, but it really isn't my cup of tea. There are thinking movies I love, but this just wasn't one of them. I did find it to be an interesting watch though. I just wanted something that was a bit different. If you are curious about checking this one out only do so if you have time to really focus. Otherwise you will not be satisfied with this film.

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Kid Cannabis review

Posted : 7 years, 10 months ago on 28 April 2017 03:49 (A review of Kid Cannabis)

When this originally came out I really wanted to see it though I can't remember exactly why now. Maybe it looked funny or something. Anyways it was on Netflix so I decided to check it out. I didn't even realize who was all in this. As it has a good young cast with some well known older cast members as well. I honestly didn't even know this was based on a real story. John Stockwell also directed Into the Blue and Turistas. So I guess he is all about tourism stories. Though this one just has some border crossing between Canada and the US. Anyways let's see how this is.

Yes this was certainly an amusing watch. It was interesting to see how a bunch of people barely pass their high school years try to start a drug empire. The characters were all unique and interesting. There was one pretty brutal scene that happens pretty unexpectedly just fyi. This kind of situations never work as there is always someone who says too much or expects more. Anyways the story is really good and I didn't expect the outcome of it all. The facts at the end were interesting about all the people involved. Some are as you would expect and others not so much. I'm surprised by the fact that everyone snitched on Nate so quickly and without care.

It's a fun movie and it's pretty funny. I don't know what I was expecting from it originally though. So hopefully I got what I wanted from it. I would say it's worth checking out at least once.

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Hyena Road review

Posted : 7 years, 10 months ago on 28 April 2017 02:48 (A review of Hyena Road)

This has been sitting on my Netflix queue for awhile and I typically like war movies. I just wasn't too excited because of the runtime and that it didn't have too many known faces. I mean it has a Sutherland brother, but he is one of the least known. Anyways Netflix was going to take it off my queue so I just went ahead and decided to check it out. It's written and directed by Paul Gross who I've never heard of before.

Well it wasn't bad. In fact the writing and directing was okay. The action infrequent for a war movie was even pretty good and intense. Where this movie fails at though is the acting and length. It's really way too long for a movie with actors not many people would recognize. Let alone the acting is pretty bad at times. Some scenes linger too much or are unnecessary for the story. Also I feel like part of the plot is extremely similar to that of Lone Survivor which was a much better movie. Although the outcome of these two films are vastly different. I didn't see the ending for this coming which was good.

It's not a bad film though it needed better acting and a time cut. The action when it happens is good. The characters are at least likable. Some may find this a bit boring for a war movie and I would agree until the final battle happens. That's when things really got interesting. For that it's worth checking out, but the rest is just plain skippable.

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The Riot Club review

Posted : 7 years, 10 months ago on 28 April 2017 02:38 (A review of The Riot Club)

I have been meaning to watch this for years. It looked interesting and the cast is insane. I had to rush and watch it though as my Netflix was about to take it from my queue. Lone Scherfig also directed the beautiful and heart-wrenching One Day. Laura Wade who wrote this also wrote only one other thing I've never heard of. Anyways let's see if this was worth the wait.

The opening was pretty amusing and made it kind of feel like a comedy though it definitely turned out not to be. I thought this was going to have several instances of what the club does throughout the year. Instead it takes place mostly over the course of a dinner after dealing with initiation rituals. Of course I didn't read the description before watching and only knew some details. Anyways the acting was excellent. The characters were intriguing. Natalie Dormer was great, but was just a small role that didn't do much with her character. In fact I felt like her story was kind of abrupt. I didn't know how this would end or what would happen before it ended. The ending reminded me a lot of Burning Sands although with a different outcome. There are some moments that make you despise some characters and feel for others. Some such scenes you didn't know how it was going to progress. The ending was in parts good and also bad in a way. It's not what I was expecting to watch, but it was still a great movie.

Rich people can be pretty awful some more so than others, but not everybody is bad. Anyways this was a well made film with great actors taking on some intriguing roles. Some moments will have you clenching your seat. Others may make you laugh. In the end I think it showed some things many people don't notice. I say this is well worth the watch so check it out.

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The Asian Connection review

Posted : 7 years, 10 months ago on 28 April 2017 02:23 (A review of The Asian Connection)

I know what you're thinking. Why in the hell would I suffer through a new Steven Seagal movie. Truth be told I don't know why myself. You never see him do anything worth note these days. I really only chose this because I was bored and I like Michael Jai White and Sahajak Boonthanakit. It also helps that at least these types of movies usually have gorgeous women. Daniel Zirilli has done a few other films I've seen which were from Tapout called Locked Down and Circle of Pain (which was awful). Writer D. Glase Lomond also worked on Locked Down. One really odd thing is that Tom Sizemore for some reason came up with the story for this. Now his current work isn't all that good so I can only assume he isn't a great writer either.

Well that was straight garbage! This is even worse than Circle of Pain which was pretty bad itself. The lead guy looks like the love baby of The Miz and Johnny Knoxville. He isn't the greatest actor either, but I honestly kind of liked him. Steven Seagal was boring as usual. I don't understand why he always has to wear sunglasses and I swear he wears the same pair in everything. Pim Bubear is a pretty bad actress, but she makes up for that with how attractive she is. I also liked Steven Seagal's love interest played by Darunee Srimueng who also can't act but is super attractive. Sahajak Boonthanakit did a good job though in his role. It's like he actually tried, but he should stick try to get into better movies. Michael Jai White wasn't utilized to his fullest here with a one scene role. I was so disappointed by that. I was hoping he had more to do to make this enjoyable. The shootouts weren't bad for this type of movie. It's pretty awful, but it could have been even worse.

Unless you are a huge Steven Seagal fan this movie should be avoided. I mean you could probably think of some way to make it more fun with a drinking game or something. As it is though it's such a lame movie with awful acting and a weak script. Steven Seagal must be pretty cheap since he is always in something by someone who hasn't done much. Just skip it.

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The Hollow Point review

Posted : 7 years, 10 months ago on 28 April 2017 02:06 (A review of The Hollow Point)

I've never heard about this one until I saw it on Netflix. These types of direct to DVD or VOD type movies aren't always any good. Though the cast here makes it stick out. I didn't decide to look at it though until I saw people on Facebook constantly suggest it to others. It's directed by Gonzalo Lopez-Gallego who also did Apollo 18 and Open Grave. As for writer Nils Lyew this is his first film. So with all I've heard and with director and the cast I can only hope for something good.

Well that was unexpected. The violence in this movie is infrequent yet brutal. I swear some moments I was so shocked by I didn't know what would happen in the rest. This movie didn't joke around. It was short so it gets to the point quickly. John Leguizamo plays one scary villain. He usually plays really likable characters and for Pete's sake Sid in Ice Age. This was another side of him as an actor that really tests him. Patrick Wilson is a great lead with an intense presence throughout. James Belushi plays smarmy well and really makes you dread his character. The ending is pretty good. Oddly enough there is an extra scene after the credits which is pretty satisfying.

So I can agree with those I saw on Facebook saying this was a good watch. The characters were interested and portrayed well. Though I have to say John Leguizamo is the scene stealer. It's pretty violent, but it's infrequent. It may be tough to watch for some due to a few moments. Otherwise I definitely recommend looking this one up.

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Barry review

Posted : 7 years, 10 months ago on 28 April 2017 01:51 (A review of Barry)

I don't care if people know this, but Barack Obama is awesome. His family is excellent and I have respect for them as a whole. I wanted to see Southside with Me, but haven't gotten around to that one yet. So when I saw this one pop out on Netflix I was instantly curious. I'm really starting to like Anya Taylor-Joy and it's nice to see her doing something dramatic instead of Sci-Fi or horror. This is the first film from Vikram Gandhi that isn't a documentary. Although it being a biography I'm sure he did a heck of a lot of research. This is also written by funny author Adam Mansbach of Go The F**k to Sleep that was popularly and humorously read by Samuel L. Jackson of course. So for these two to take on this movie is a very interesting set up.

That was actually pretty straightforward and simple. I think the love story was alright, but knowing the outcome did kind of take away from that aspect of the movie. The cast was excellent though. Newcomer Devon Terrell did an excellent portrayal of you Barack Obama and really had his speech down. Anya Taylor-Joy did great with her roll and it wasn't weird seeing her in a normal film. Though her role is apparently a fictionalized collection of Obama's college girlfriends. Odd decision if you ask me. Jason Mitchell was great and much different than how I saw him in Kong or Straight Outta Compton. A lot of the small parts had good actors too including Ellar Coltrane from Boyhood, Jason Mitchell, and Ashley Judd. The whole thing is well acted and gets it's points across.

I liked that this doesn't try so hard yet it runs so smoothly. It's straightforward and has a simple feel to it. The underlying message of it though is where the depth is at. Plus the acting is excellent. If you are an Obama hater well then this wouldn't be for you. To understand the man as a whole though this gives some look into his background. I for one really enjoyed it.

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XOXO review

Posted : 7 years, 10 months ago on 27 April 2017 11:41 (A review of XOXO)

I don't even remember Netflix even promoting this film. I just saw it appear on there one day. I wasn't too interested in it though. I mean I like Sarah Hyland, but with the last movie I saw from her I wasn't impressed. Besides the cast here isn't all that well known and I don't even like the lead. Anyways I got bored so decided to go ahead and give it a shot. This is the first and only film written and directed by Christopher Louie. The same goes for co-writer Dylan Meyer.

So let's just say this wasn't the greatest movie. Sure it's better than the last crap I watched with Sarah Hyland though. I liked the setting of the story and even the characters. The acting could be vastly improved though from most of the cast. I don't get why people dislike Chris D'Elia as I think he is pretty decent and plays serious well here. Ryan Hansen seems to be a bit typecast as the douchy type. Anyways I think there were some good parts and ideas. The story felt a little bit flat though. One of the twists was decent enough. The other twist was pretty obvious to me. The ending was cliche though.

Sometimes Netflix can't get them all right which is the case with this one. It needed some depth and better acting. The characters were good though and the music was vital. This just wasn't all that good. If you like EDM maybe you will like this, but for a regular movie goer skip this one.

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