I was planning to check this out when it originally came out, but I ended up not feeling up to it until now. I like the cast well enough and the story sounded interesting. Ricky Gervais also wrote and directed another starring role with The Invention of Lying which was just average. Anyways let's see if this is any better than that.
Well I enjoyed this more than his other film. Though it's probably not by too much. Most of the movie was kind of boring. It had moments that were amusing and the idea of whole story was fun. It just didn't really have me fully invested. The stuff near the end though I thought was the most fun of the whole movie. When things got intense in absurd ways that's when things finally got fun. Yet it was a bit late to truly say it was anything more than average.
It's an okay movie with some funny moments and ideas through the runtime. The acting was fine and the characters were good. Near the end is when it really had my attention, but it had been a tad late. It just missed something to make it a truly fun movie. It might be enjoyable for some though. It's not a bad movie, but it's really not impressive either.
Special Correspondents review

Pan-dola review

Well well well what do we have here? Is this a Netflix original from South Korea that just so happens to be a disaster flick. I don't mind if I do! Apparently this is the only film from Jong-woo Park so far. I wonder why. Anyways let's see if South Korea still has it.
Wow that was incredible! The acting was excellent. The characters were interesting and developed nicely over the course of the film. The disaster moments were intense, but they weren't over the top. The drama wasn't annoying and it gets you emotional. I never knew what was going to end up happening. The ending was intense and well done. The fact they didn't cop out on the main character's death was a nice touch. Another interesting thing about this disaster flick is that they spread it out and don't do it all at once.
If you are looking for a fresh disaster flick with a good story check this one out. South Korea really knows how to make a film. The drama, the characters, the development of said characters and story, and the chaos of what is going on is all captured quite well. I wonder why there is no credited writer yet though. Anyways it's on Netflix so if you have it then it's free and you can turn it off if you don't agree with me lol.
Wow that was incredible! The acting was excellent. The characters were interesting and developed nicely over the course of the film. The disaster moments were intense, but they weren't over the top. The drama wasn't annoying and it gets you emotional. I never knew what was going to end up happening. The ending was intense and well done. The fact they didn't cop out on the main character's death was a nice touch. Another interesting thing about this disaster flick is that they spread it out and don't do it all at once.
If you are looking for a fresh disaster flick with a good story check this one out. South Korea really knows how to make a film. The drama, the characters, the development of said characters and story, and the chaos of what is going on is all captured quite well. I wonder why there is no credited writer yet though. Anyways it's on Netflix so if you have it then it's free and you can turn it off if you don't agree with me lol.

Mascots (2016) review

Ah another Netflix original. I am a bit behind on this one. It had been on my queue, but I never really had all too much interesting in watching it until now. The concept seemed different, interesting, and funny. It also had a few usually good actors mixed in with people I didn't like or never heard of. I haven't seen any of Christopher Guest's films, but I have heard of a few of them. As for Jim Piddock I saw The Man and Tooth Fairy. So with that I'm not sure I can expect too much from this. Let's see if it will surprise me.
Well that was a pretty basic and typical comedy. There were a good bunch of annoying characters. I have to say with the interviews and stuff I was bored. The jokes were dated and bad at times. The only reason I give it the rating I'm giving it is because of the scenes where the mascots do their little skits. Also there are a few characters I liked.
It's a dumb mockumentary comedy with the major fun being the skits. The acting wasn't great from everyone, but there were likable characters. I also thought the mascot designs were interesting enough. I doubt this one will be a hit with many folks. In fact just skip this one or watch just the skits.
Well that was a pretty basic and typical comedy. There were a good bunch of annoying characters. I have to say with the interviews and stuff I was bored. The jokes were dated and bad at times. The only reason I give it the rating I'm giving it is because of the scenes where the mascots do their little skits. Also there are a few characters I liked.
It's a dumb mockumentary comedy with the major fun being the skits. The acting wasn't great from everyone, but there were likable characters. I also thought the mascot designs were interesting enough. I doubt this one will be a hit with many folks. In fact just skip this one or watch just the skits.

Satanic review

I have been seeing this on Netflix for awhile, but the rating made me very skeptical. It has Sarah Hyland in the lead role though so could it really be that bad? It has a few other recognizable stars as well. This is the first film directed by TV director Jeffrey G. Hunt. Of the shows he has worked on I've only seen Gotham. I have seen all of Anthony Jaswinski's previous movies which I loved like Vanishing on 7th Street, Kristy, and The Shallows! They all had interesting and fun concepts. So why is this considered so bad? It's time to see for myself.
Good lord that was dreadful. What happened to Sarah Hyland?She used to be sought after and now she does garbage like this! The acting wasn't all that great yet I actually did like the characters. The storyline was garbage and silly. The deaths were pretty much all off-screen. Nothing even all that scary ever really happens. The twist was painfully dumb. There is no explanation of how or where or when the lame time loop even comes to be. The ending was so very weak. Anthony Jaswinski failed hard with this one.
This movie pissed me off so hard. It's not fun. The deaths mostly happen out of sight. The acting could have been better. At least the characters were likable, but that's basically it. I would say give this one a hard pass. I feel bad to have wasted my time on it.
Good lord that was dreadful. What happened to Sarah Hyland?She used to be sought after and now she does garbage like this! The acting wasn't all that great yet I actually did like the characters. The storyline was garbage and silly. The deaths were pretty much all off-screen. Nothing even all that scary ever really happens. The twist was painfully dumb. There is no explanation of how or where or when the lame time loop even comes to be. The ending was so very weak. Anthony Jaswinski failed hard with this one.
This movie pissed me off so hard. It's not fun. The deaths mostly happen out of sight. The acting could have been better. At least the characters were likable, but that's basically it. I would say give this one a hard pass. I feel bad to have wasted my time on it.

Operator (2016) review

I was curious about this movie when I originally saw the trailer. The concept looked intriguing and the cast are pretty good. I saw it pop up on Netflix so I decided to go ahead and see what it was all about. Oh look the director has my name Logan. Logan Kibens has no other works under his name though. Neither does writer Sharon Greene. Anyways let's see if this is as interesting as it looked.
Well that was an odd one for sure. I was reminded a little of "Her" starring Joaquin Phoenix but without the Sci-Fi element. There was one scene that was pretty awkward to see, but yet for the story itself it makes sense. This movie also made me realize I think Mae Whitman is kind of hot lol! The acting was excellent and the characters were really well rounded. It was interesting to see as everything went. It kind of felt like seeing the creation of Siri although of course it's not. I thought the ending was a good touch.
It's a sweet and to the point movie. Some of the idea can be a bit strange. Martin Starr and Mae Whitman had great chemistry. I honestly really liked her here. It's kind of what I was expecting although there were moments I hadn't been expecting. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it was a decent one time watch.
Well that was an odd one for sure. I was reminded a little of "Her" starring Joaquin Phoenix but without the Sci-Fi element. There was one scene that was pretty awkward to see, but yet for the story itself it makes sense. This movie also made me realize I think Mae Whitman is kind of hot lol! The acting was excellent and the characters were really well rounded. It was interesting to see as everything went. It kind of felt like seeing the creation of Siri although of course it's not. I thought the ending was a good touch.
It's a sweet and to the point movie. Some of the idea can be a bit strange. Martin Starr and Mae Whitman had great chemistry. I honestly really liked her here. It's kind of what I was expecting although there were moments I hadn't been expecting. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it was a decent one time watch.

Pete's Dragon review

I have been wanting to watch this for awhile. I remember seeing the original as a kid and loving it. I told myself I would wait to watch it with my wife though. So when it popped up on Netflix I told her that's what we would watch. It had been awhile since I had seen the trailer so I forgot all the big names that were in it. This was written and directed by David Lowery who did the very serious Ain't Them Bodies Saints. So for him to do a movie for children is a major difference. As for writer Toby Halbrooks I haven't heard of him or seen his other film. So I'm really hoping this will be as good as the original or somewhere close.
Well this was a very good movie. Of course it's Disney so they had to have a few details that'll make you sad. I was kind of pissed to be honest that Elliott doesn't talk in this! He shows emotions, but really that was one thing I really wanted to happen. The acting was pretty good from just about everyone even the newcomer who plays Pete. Something was a bit off about Karl Urban though. His accent in the movie was kind of wishy washy in my opinion. It threw me off. The story was still great although it's much different than the original. At least as I remember which isn't much to be honest lol. I absolutely loved the ending which made up for my disappointments.
Pete's Dragon was an excellent watch. It's a bit more intense than most family movies these days. It still has a lot of heart to it though. The acting was great besides whatever was going on with Karl Urban and I liked the characters. The story was it's own and keeps you hooked. If you haven't seen it yet I would recommend it especially since it's on Netflix.
Well this was a very good movie. Of course it's Disney so they had to have a few details that'll make you sad. I was kind of pissed to be honest that Elliott doesn't talk in this! He shows emotions, but really that was one thing I really wanted to happen. The acting was pretty good from just about everyone even the newcomer who plays Pete. Something was a bit off about Karl Urban though. His accent in the movie was kind of wishy washy in my opinion. It threw me off. The story was still great although it's much different than the original. At least as I remember which isn't much to be honest lol. I absolutely loved the ending which made up for my disappointments.
Pete's Dragon was an excellent watch. It's a bit more intense than most family movies these days. It still has a lot of heart to it though. The acting was great besides whatever was going on with Karl Urban and I liked the characters. The story was it's own and keeps you hooked. If you haven't seen it yet I would recommend it especially since it's on Netflix.

Deidra & Laney Rob a Train review

So I had no ideas about this movie before I saw it pop up on recently added in Netflix. I added it to my queue and watched it because Netflix originals usually are quite exciting. It had a few interesting cast members I knew of as well as some I've never heard of. It's only the second film from Sydney Freeland, but it's the first I have heard of. For the writer Shelby Farrell this is her only credit so far. So from the look of things it seems like a comedy. Time to see rather than assume.
Well that was an interesting style of comedy. It was sort of family friendly, but also a little dark in a sense. I like that it heavily deals with how we make assumptions about people and their lives. The acting was pretty good from the lesser known actors. I feel Missi Pyle is becoming typecast though and Tim Blake Nelson was a bit of an oddball. Those are minor feelings though. I thought the stuff with the mother was excellently done. The fact that the family was mixed was an interesting detail that adds some interesting effects to the overall story. The storyline itself was unique and different. It wasn't what I had expected, but the idea was intriguing enough.
It wasn't entirely what I was expecting from it. Though I have to admit that is a good thing. It's not typical and it has it's own agenda. There were bits that get to a deeper meaning for the story. The characters aren't all as you expect. I advise to give this one a chance as you may find yourself surprised.
Well that was an interesting style of comedy. It was sort of family friendly, but also a little dark in a sense. I like that it heavily deals with how we make assumptions about people and their lives. The acting was pretty good from the lesser known actors. I feel Missi Pyle is becoming typecast though and Tim Blake Nelson was a bit of an oddball. Those are minor feelings though. I thought the stuff with the mother was excellently done. The fact that the family was mixed was an interesting detail that adds some interesting effects to the overall story. The storyline itself was unique and different. It wasn't what I had expected, but the idea was intriguing enough.
It wasn't entirely what I was expecting from it. Though I have to admit that is a good thing. It's not typical and it has it's own agenda. There were bits that get to a deeper meaning for the story. The characters aren't all as you expect. I advise to give this one a chance as you may find yourself surprised.

Imperial Dreams review

So I was originally going to watch this in February, but I just never got around to it. John Boyega has proven himself with Star Wars and Attack the Block movies. So I figured this would be another mark on his excellent resume. This is the only film made by Malik Vitthal so far. The same goes for writer Ismet Prcic. Anyways I finally got around to watching this after my wife told me to check it out. She had been curious on my thoughts for it. So let's see if this is any good or not.
John Boyega has done it once again here. It was nice to see him in a reality based story rather than something of the sci-fi nature. I recently saw Rotimi in Burning Sands so it was nice to see him playing a different kind of character. I wasn't expecting Keke Palmer at all and even her character wasn't the typical sort she plays. With that said I really thought everyone did an excellent job with their characters and acting. The storyline though reminded me in slight ways of Moonlight. Bambi and Chiron both have drug addicted mothers and have some similar traits. Anyways it was interesting to see how everything would play out. I was surprised with some of the scenarios they dealt with throughout. The ending didn't play out as I thought which gave this a unique flair.
So it was well worth the watch. John Boyega is rising constantly and I hope he keeps that stride. Looking forward to seeing him in The Last Jedi and seeing what else he has coming. I'm curious to see more from the writer and director as well. It was a bit shorter than I expected and felt even shorter. Usually these kinds of movies tend to lean to the longer side. It really gives you an emotional look at the lives of these people. I have to say it's definitely worth a watch.
John Boyega has done it once again here. It was nice to see him in a reality based story rather than something of the sci-fi nature. I recently saw Rotimi in Burning Sands so it was nice to see him playing a different kind of character. I wasn't expecting Keke Palmer at all and even her character wasn't the typical sort she plays. With that said I really thought everyone did an excellent job with their characters and acting. The storyline though reminded me in slight ways of Moonlight. Bambi and Chiron both have drug addicted mothers and have some similar traits. Anyways it was interesting to see how everything would play out. I was surprised with some of the scenarios they dealt with throughout. The ending didn't play out as I thought which gave this a unique flair.
So it was well worth the watch. John Boyega is rising constantly and I hope he keeps that stride. Looking forward to seeing him in The Last Jedi and seeing what else he has coming. I'm curious to see more from the writer and director as well. It was a bit shorter than I expected and felt even shorter. Usually these kinds of movies tend to lean to the longer side. It really gives you an emotional look at the lives of these people. I have to say it's definitely worth a watch.

Mr. Nobody review

I have known of this film for some time. I have seen moments from it and I've seen it floating around on Netflix and such. I finally decided to check it out to see what it was all about. I mean the plot sounded really interesting and Jared Leto is a really good actor despite Suicide Squad's "Joker". I've never heard of or seen anything from Jaco van Dormael. I'm really curious as to how this will be.
That was insanely good and very different. I loved the genre bending here. It's a mixture of science fiction, romance, and drama. The idea of string theory is one that I find absolutely fascinating. The little bits where we get scientific explanations of things was different and yet I welcomed it. I had no idea Juno Temple was here and I absolutely adore her. I thought everyone did excellent jobs with their roles and all the characters were quite interesting. The idea of the whole movie is one that really makes you think even long after watching. Suddenly as I'm writing the review for this I have revelations of why they chose to do things with certain characters and moments. Anyways it's just a really captivating tale that really makes you think about things.
This is not just a movie but an experience. To fully become invested you must not take any distractions. This is a thinking person's film and if you aren't paying attention you will assuredly be lost. So I will only suggest this to those willing to set aside a couple hours to focus on what they are watching. It has a great cast that play their characters well. The story is quite fascinating with detail and how it deals with itself. I'm so very glad I have watched this and I wonder what I will catch once I watch this again someday. I only regret I haven't seen it sooner.
That was insanely good and very different. I loved the genre bending here. It's a mixture of science fiction, romance, and drama. The idea of string theory is one that I find absolutely fascinating. The little bits where we get scientific explanations of things was different and yet I welcomed it. I had no idea Juno Temple was here and I absolutely adore her. I thought everyone did excellent jobs with their roles and all the characters were quite interesting. The idea of the whole movie is one that really makes you think even long after watching. Suddenly as I'm writing the review for this I have revelations of why they chose to do things with certain characters and moments. Anyways it's just a really captivating tale that really makes you think about things.
This is not just a movie but an experience. To fully become invested you must not take any distractions. This is a thinking person's film and if you aren't paying attention you will assuredly be lost. So I will only suggest this to those willing to set aside a couple hours to focus on what they are watching. It has a great cast that play their characters well. The story is quite fascinating with detail and how it deals with itself. I'm so very glad I have watched this and I wonder what I will catch once I watch this again someday. I only regret I haven't seen it sooner.

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter review

I've enjoyed the Resident Evil movies. Who cares that it's not that much like the games. That's what the games are for. Besides that I love Milla Jovovich so I'm kind of biased. Sure the movies aren't perfect, but they are a whole lot of fun. The first one of course being the best one. Anyways it says Final Chapter as they assume this will be the last one, but really you can never be too sure even when it's confirmed. If they do make another one though there will almost surely be an entirely new cast. Anyways I have been really wanting to see this one despite many saying it's trash and what not. I just appreciate that it's still Paul W.S. Anderson and it wraps the whole story. It's interesting that he only skipped out on Apocalypse and Extinction which are my least favorites honestly. So let's see if it's still entertaining or as crappy as they say.
Well I have to admit that it could have been better. Of course I still thought it was fun anyways. The opening recap was a little silly, but hey it got us a few glimpses of the previous characters I've liked. I thought that a lot of the deaths were a little weak and quick compared to others. I also wish they had brought all the characters who were still alive back for this to really make it a worthy sequel. I did like the new characters like Abigail, Razor, and Christian. The story was alright, but I found it at times a little predictable. I was kind of disappointed with how the movie ended as well. If you are going to call it the Final Chapter is it necessary to have an open ending!? I did like the stuff when they were in the HIVE, but it could have had something besides one scene relating it to the first movie. Anyways it's a decent sequel despite the flaws.
So to wrap it up. I liked the new characters. I liked catching up with the few old characters we knew, but I wish they also brought us the rest of the surviving characters for a more full experience. The story was a little predictable and the deaths could have been more entertaining as well. It could have been much better, but it's not my least favorite of the series. I thought the second one was a bit too silly in some aspects. Although I will be honest I get a kick out of these even the ones that weren't as good. If you are a big fan of the movies you will be satisfied. As for the casual viewer this will be just another boring action infection film.
Well I have to admit that it could have been better. Of course I still thought it was fun anyways. The opening recap was a little silly, but hey it got us a few glimpses of the previous characters I've liked. I thought that a lot of the deaths were a little weak and quick compared to others. I also wish they had brought all the characters who were still alive back for this to really make it a worthy sequel. I did like the new characters like Abigail, Razor, and Christian. The story was alright, but I found it at times a little predictable. I was kind of disappointed with how the movie ended as well. If you are going to call it the Final Chapter is it necessary to have an open ending!? I did like the stuff when they were in the HIVE, but it could have had something besides one scene relating it to the first movie. Anyways it's a decent sequel despite the flaws.
So to wrap it up. I liked the new characters. I liked catching up with the few old characters we knew, but I wish they also brought us the rest of the surviving characters for a more full experience. The story was a little predictable and the deaths could have been more entertaining as well. It could have been much better, but it's not my least favorite of the series. I thought the second one was a bit too silly in some aspects. Although I will be honest I get a kick out of these even the ones that weren't as good. If you are a big fan of the movies you will be satisfied. As for the casual viewer this will be just another boring action infection film.