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Strange Magic (2015) review

Posted : 9 years, 8 months ago on 16 June 2015 10:17 (A review of Strange Magic (2015))

Initial Thought: I remember seeing the trailer and noticing how simply awful it looked. It looked like it was made for like three year olds. Anyways I am going to watch this for your sake.

Characters/Acting: It does have a fairly decent cast with the likes of Alan Cumming, Evan Rachel Wood, and Alfred Molina. It does also have Maya Rudolph and Tony Cox though. I thought the character and creature designs were quite good. The characters themselves were just kind of forgettable. I do say though I have never seen a southern fairy other than I guess the ones from True Blood. I'm talking about the cartoon winged type of fairies though. Everyone has pretty nice singing voices besides the usual singers. Maya Rudolph was annoying as usual to me. I did like most of the characters especially the Bog King.

Story: It's a fairy tale musical reimagining of A Midsummer Night's Dream. The way the musical numbers are set up is very odd. It feels as if they wanted to pile on as many different songs as they could without putting in real substance in them. Some of the song choices were kind of lame. This has elements from a lot of different stories, but it mostly feels like a bargain bin copycat of Epic. There are a few giggle worthy scenes. There are a few things here that don't feel like they belong since it is a kid movie. The story here is fairly decent, but I just really couldn't get into most of the music here. There are a few twists I thought were different for movies like this. I didn't like the way the ending looked. There is a scene midway into the credits if you didn't lose interest in the whole thing.

Directing/Writing: Oh that's not good it took three people one of which is the director to write this story by George Lucas. David Berenbaum doesn't have good credit with writing films such as Elf, Zoom, and Haunted Mansion. His only good work was Spiderwick Chronicles of which is based off his book of the same name. Gary Rydstrom is mostly known very writing and directing Pixar short films. There seems to be a reason for that. Irene Mecchi is the best writer here with Lion King, Hercules, and Brave under her belt. George Lucas is the one that is known by face and name though. You either love or hate his work. Either way Star Wars is such a popular franchise that it doesn't even matter. The problem is that he really shouldn't try to do things like this. I suggest he stay in the comforts of a far far away rather than creating new stories.

Final Thought: This was not as bad as I was expecting it to be. In fact the story saves it. If the music was the power here with a poor story it would have been atrocious. I probably won't watch it again. I may even forget most of the story. As it stands now though I say it was watchable. It would have been better with different music or none at all. It could have been much worse though.

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Unfinished Business review

Posted : 9 years, 8 months ago on 15 June 2015 10:09 (A review of Unfinished Business)

Initial Thought: I saw the trailer and thought it looked alright. I haven't heard much of anything good about it though. I'm still going to give it a shot for myself.

Characters/Acting: The cast is fairly good here. Vince Vaughn is a bit up and down for me, but I approve of pretty much everyone. Tom Wilkinson has quite a plethora of experience so I expect goodness from here. Dave Franco looks like he will be quite hilarious. His character reminds me of Brick Tamland from Anchorman if he was in business not in news. Nick Frost is always awesome to see as well. Mike Pancake is by far the most interesting character in this.

Story: It's about a business trip to Germany that pretty much goes way off the walls. Some of the situations were more awkward rather than funny. The bathroom scene reminded me of the scene from Get Hard. It was however slightly more tastefully done than that film although still pretty graphic. The whole German hotel parts are original and kind of funny. It seems the message this movie tries to convey is involved with the subject of bullying. I mean there are several subplots dealing with this matter as well as the overall story arch.

Directing/Writing: Ken Scott is the guy who wrote and directed Delivery Man which was a remake of his earlier film called Starbuck. He makes a few cameos throughout the movie. Steve Conrad is the excellent writer who brought us The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and The Pursuit of Happyness. It's a shame to see this fact if the movie turns out to be as horrible as I hear.

Final Thought: It was kind of a sweet movie. I guess that's one of the weird things about this movie. It's a movie for adults that has messages for people who are a bit young for this. It isn't the best in the genre, but I thought it was an enjoyable way to pass time. I feel it's a bit underrated. It seems a little like they didn't know their target demographic. It should be enjoyable for Vince Vaughn or Dave Franco fans though.

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Spring review

Posted : 9 years, 8 months ago on 15 June 2015 07:30 (A review of Spring)

Initial Thought: I have been really wanting to see this since I saw the trailer. They really pulled you in without ruining anything about the story. The cinematography looks to be quite exquisite. The storyline itself is very mysterious.

Characters/Acting: Lou Taylor Pucci is really a great actor. He has been fun in everything from Story of Luke to Evil Dead. He seems to be more of an Indie star, but that doesn't drive the cinefiles away. Nadia Hilker in her first movie role that might be one to get her onto the big screen eventually. I like Augie Duke who was in both Lure and Bad Kids Go to Hell (which was an awesome movie!). The characters are great as well as the actors behind them. I just adored Evan and Louise together.

Story: I'm not entirely sure about the story. All I am sure of is that it's a romance with horror elements. I have to say that is intriguing of its own self. This is quite visually stunning as I expected. I thought it was funny when the guys he meets in Italy ask him to join them. He kind of looked like he was about to be part of a Hostel type situation. I think the message this gives is really well done and sweet. The horror aspect is quite different than I'm used to. The gore doesn't happen much here. It's more about the atmosphere of the whole thing. The ending was quite good.

Directing/Writing: Justin Benson takes on the role of the writer and co-director. Aaron Moorhead only directs. They both previous did work on VHS: Viral. The writing is quite good. They give you a few little things throughout the film that make you contemplate about things.

Final Thought: I really enjoyed this like I knew I would. It was very different than I was expecting though. This is quite a good choice if you want to watch a horror but your significant other wants romance. It's not your typical horror and that's really what makes it stand out. What really works here though is the chemistry of the main actors and the execution of the whole storyline. I highly recommend checking this one out.

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Omen IV: The Awakening review

Posted : 9 years, 8 months ago on 14 June 2015 10:54 (A review of Omen IV: The Awakening)

Initial Thought: I have been wanting to check this off my list for awhile now. I finally found a copy to do just that. From what I know it's not even any good. Anyways you know me. I just can't let a series go once I start it. I just wish that this was a movie that wasn't made for television.

Characters/Acting: It has a few pretty recognizable faces as well as a few who are prominent in horror. It's interesting to see the antichrist as a little girl this time around though. It puts things in a different perspective. I thought the acting was pretty decent. A lot better than I was anticipating it to be at least. Gene was my favorite character followed by the doctor.

Story: The antichrist is reborn as an adorable little girl. Of course it is. Who would expect a little girl to be the end of the world? This feels almost like a gender bent remake of The Omen. Many things kind of replicate the original storyline. I guess though that it makes sense given what the antichrist is meant to do. The psychic fair scene was pretty creative. These movies always remind me a little bit of Final Destination with how accidents happen. The music from these movies is always quite enjoyable. I thought the twists were executed quite well and a even a little unexpectedly. The ending was pretty good. They could easily have made a sequel to which would have been great (well the idea I have in my head at least).

Directing/Writing: Oh my it took two directors and three writers to create this story. Dominique Othenin-Girard helmed Halloween 5 which was not such a good movie unfortunately. The only work I have seen by Jorge Montesi was Mutant X which was fun in my opinion. I am once again joined with Brian Taggert's work here. Harvey Bernhard wrote the second one as well. He also starred in the first and third films. The characters and such are based on David Seltzer's original Omen movie. He is also the man who wrote Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (that was the excellent original one by the way).

Final Thought: I don't see why this is so hated. It really kept my interest from start to finish. It may have been pretty much The Omen with a girl as the main issue, but it was still pretty good. If you like the series I'm sure you will still enjoy this new perspective.

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Poltergeist III review

Posted : 9 years, 8 months ago on 14 June 2015 08:29 (A review of Poltergeist III)

Initial Thought: I don't know why I had this on my watched and rated list seeing as I've never seen it. I decided to actually change that since the new one is out now. It can't be too awful. May Heather O'Rourke rest in peace.

Characters/Acting: Heather O'Rourke and Zelda Rubinstein continue in the series without anyone else returning. We have the addition of Tom Skerritt, Nancy Allen, and Lara Flynn Boyle who are all pretty decent B level actors. The acting really isn't all bad. The uncle played by Tom Skerritt is my favorite character. He is one of the nicest people I have seen in horror movies. I did think all the characters were pretty good.

Story: Carol's poltergeist forces follow her to her aunt's highrise apartment building in the third and final installment to the original series. It's pretty much like usual where Carol Anne is taken to the other side and the family has to get her out. There are some pretty freaky moments and other ones that I just could not take seriously. One part where a guy comes out of the ice looked so ridiculous. The ending seemed a bit odd and almost like they wanted to do a sequel.

Directing/Writing: This is the only work I have seen from Gary Sherman. Steve Feke is an uncredited writer here who also wrote the original When a Stranger Calls from 1979. I have only seen this from Brian Taggert who also wrote the Original V series (to which I haven't seen yet unfortunately).

Final Thought: I really didn't think it was all that bad. I think everyone missed the original characters besides our two returnees. That could be why many people didn't like this so much. It does have some pretty goofball moments though. I think it had some pretty creepy ones as well. Anyways it's worth checking out to see where Carol Anne's story goes to.

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Unfreedom (2014) review

Posted : 9 years, 8 months ago on 14 June 2015 02:46 (A review of Unfreedom (2014))

Initial Thought: Well this is apparently pretty controversial for India. Their own country banned it due to its content. For that reason alone I had to see what all the fuss was about. I'm sure India is just overreacting due to conservative attitudes. I have never been too interested in Bollywood except for a select handful like the zombie comedy Go Goa Gone. Anyways without further ado on with the show.

Characters/Acting: No one here that I really recognize other than Adil Hussain from Life of Pi. These actors usually stick to the Bollywood scene. The acting is a bit wishy washy between actors. Some you could tell have real talent while others need more work. It was hard to find many characters to like. Most of the people here are pretty messed up. I guess out of everyone I would say Sakhi and Chandra were the best.

Story: It apparently deals heavily with religion and politics. On one end we have terrorism and on the other we have homosexuality. Both are heavy subjects for everyone. America is much more lenient on homosexuality, but there are still many here with issues on it. For India though it is highly against the cultural norm. Terrorism is ugly for everyone. The only people who approve of such things are the horrible people who do it for "peace" and "religion". I think the content here will be surely interesting to see unfold. Well it starts off with seeing the nude bodies a woman and then a man. It's not graphic of course, but it's an interesting way to start an Indian film that's for sure. The terrorist storyline is pretty upsetting and intense. I thought this part was well executed though. The lesbian story however was unbelievable and kind of ridiculous. I mean Leela shoots Sakhi's boyfriend and still begs for her love. That just doesn't seem plausible to me. Their story is an interesting one though with every turn it takes. I'm assuming the island with all the stuff buried under it is supposed to be a place they have been to before. I mean it is unexplained and otherwise it would be complete nonsense. Another thing I thought was kind of weird was the terrorist haircut scene. It just didn't seem possible in the given time with no shaving cream or liquid to make it so that he was Mr. Clean bald. The violence near the end gets pretty brutal which I didn't see coming.

Directing/Writing: Raj Amit Kumar writes and directs his only film to date. Damon J. Taylor co-writes this as well with no other noted work. Adam Davis and Kamran Iqbal both contribute to the script, but other than that have no further writing experience. The writing was a little off in some areas like how things happened or why. I think the director pulled the picture together quite well with what he had.

Final Thought: I can see why this was banned in India. It is very taboo. It's not cartoonish with its violence like most Bollywood movies. There is no goofy musical number either. This is a serious movie. That being said it does have a feel holes here and there. A love that sprouts from violence. This got pretty disturbing and upsetting. I don't know if I would recommend it due to some of the content. it does however bring to light some serious topics to think about.

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Pressure review

Posted : 9 years, 8 months ago on 13 June 2015 11:40 (A review of Pressure)

Initial Thought: I was curious about this one. It looked like a mix of Black Sea and Sanctum. These kinds of movies always interest me due to the fact they can actually happen. Who wouldn't be terrified of things like this actually happening? My brother always wanted to be an underwater welder and this is something they actually have to deal with. I hope it's as interesting as it sounds.

Characters/Acting: The cast is small with some pretty well known faces. Matthew Goode is one that definitely gets a lot of attention. He is great for action and thrillers. Danny Huston is a great choice here too due to being on the scene for decades. The characters are all interesting and really get you to care about them.

Story: Basically a small group of men get trapped in a pod in deep waters. They begin to struggle due to the pressure of the depths. I would be interested in seeing what happened above surface in the storm that caused everything to go downhill. I thought it had a steady pace. It had a few moments I really didn't see coming. I thought the ending was rather beautiful.

Directing/Writing: Ron Scalpello also directed which also starred Alan McKenna and Joe Cole. Louis Baxter is only credited with this story. This is Alan McKenna's writing debut while also being one of the main stars. This is Paul Staheli's only writing credit.

Final Thought: I thought this was a beautiful and touching story. I don't see why people thought this was slow. If it was any faster it would have been quite short. It kind of pulls at your heart strings a bit. I thought it was pretty interesting even if it's been done before. If you like these kind of claustrophobic style stories then you will enjoy this one like I did.

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Vendetta review

Posted : 9 years, 8 months ago on 13 June 2015 08:05 (A review of Vendetta)

Initial Thought: I saw the trailer for this and was shocked by how interesting it looked. It's a WWE production that actually looks intense and fun. I had to see this one asap. I just have this feeling it will be enjoyable. Besides I just finished the new season of Orange is the New Black. So I still felt like watching something with prison in it.

Characters/Acting: Dean Cain is in the lead here. He hasn't done much recently that took any notice. It seems though his acting style is quite different here than usual. Of course given that this is WWE there are a handful of wrestlers here. The main is of course Big Show who plays the villain. I also really enjoy Michael Eklund. The acting is for the most part pretty good. The only one who isn't so good is Big Show. He just isn't one of the wrestlers who is cut out for filmmaking. The character he plays would have been much cooler if they were played by someone better. I really thought all the characters here were interesting. I hope Dean Cain does more stuff like this one.

Story: A rough cop gets locked up in the same prison as the main who killed his family. He intends to get revenge in the way he sees fit. There are some pretty brutal fight scenes and shootouts. Of course there is some gores given who directed this. There are some pretty nice twists and turns throughout. One moment felt was a little cartoonish, but for the most part I thought it was fairly realistic. The ending was pretty good.

Directing/Writing: This is directed by the Soska sisters. They were part of the reason ABCs of Death 2 was way better than the first one. They also wrote and directed See No Evil 2 which I thought was pretty entertaining. It will be interesting to see them take on action rather than horror. This is the first writing gig for Justin Shady though.

Final Thought: It's a little cliche and has some cheesy moments, but overall this was quite enjoyable. Dean Cain proved he can actually be a badass. This was bloody and intense throughout the entire thing. If you like your movies with tons of fighting and blood then you will really enjoy this one. Give it a shot.

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Road Wars review

Posted : 9 years, 9 months ago on 12 June 2015 02:01 (A review of Road Wars)

Initial Thought: It's quite obvious that this is the Asylum's ripoff of Mad Max. It doesn't really bother me though. I always enjoy these kind of dystopian futuristic stories. The trailer looked like fun to me. Hell when you throw zombies into the mix my attention is usually grabbed.

Characters/Acting: Nobody that is all too recognizable by name. There are a few here who have probably been in a few things you've seen though. The couple in the beginning are adorable. The Max Rockatansky copy looks like the love child of Jason Statham and Tom Hardy. The acting for the most part isn't bad except for the female "leader" of the group. She does some pretty cool things, but her acting skills are visibly lower than the rest of the cast. The characters are all interesting here.

Story: Think Mad Max with zombies on a smaller budget with no big names involved. I thought the beginning was cute. It kind of has a little bit of The Walking Dead mixed in involving the main character. So I guess these are kind of like the things from I Am Legend that you are never too positive on what monster they are. There isn't too much action unfortunately. When it does happen it's not really all that spectacular. There are a few decent twists here and there though. The cars could have been more awesome. That was a different ending than what I was expecting.

Directing/Writing: This is from Mark Atkins who usually writes and directs his Asylum movies. He worked on Android Cop and Battle of Los Angeles both of which were not too good. They both had actors I enjoyed though. It seems that Mark did a better job directing his script than he did writing it. It seemed that it was fully thought out and had a few moments where you just thought "what the hell was that?".

Final Thought: It's actually not too bad. It's a silly little time killer. It does have it's good little twists which make up for most of the boring parts. It had a few minor issues with the plot though. Anyways it was a decent watch from the Asylum production company.

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Get Hard review

Posted : 9 years, 9 months ago on 11 June 2015 10:34 (A review of Get Hard)

Initial Thought: I have been avoiding this one for quite some time. I had conflicted feelings on it for awhile. On one hand I absolutely abhor Will Ferrell acting. On the other hand I find Kevin Hart absolutely hysterical. Anyways I finally decided to go ahead and give it a try.

Characters/Acting: Well Will Ferrell pretty much starts my patience level extremely low. Kevin Hart steadies it out a bit though. With the likes of Craig T. Nelson, Alison Brie, and one of my favorite rappers T.I. here I'm sure I can be humored as long as there aren't too many scenes that only include Will Ferrell with no one to counter act his ludicrous acting abilities or lack thereof. Kevin Hart is quite hilarious as expected. I hate to admit it, but there were a few moments that Will Ferrell had me laughing as well. The acting was good and I enjoyed nearly all the characters.

Story: A white slightly racist (albeit unaware) millionaire gets a regular hard working American (whom he assumes to be a gangster due to his color) to train him how to act in prison. I'm sure the whole prison scenario will be hilarious though. So it starts off already giving me a headache with Will Ferrell's dreadfully fake crying. Well at least I got the Iggy Azalea Fancy song for a reward after dealing with that blandness. How the hell is Will Ferrell always set up with such beautiful women in these movies? Dear God please help me to understand this insanity. This just got worse with the addition of the constant inclusion of his booty. It has a bit of predictability to it including the "twist". The scenarios are somewhat funny, but I couldn't help thinking they would be funnier with anyone besides Will. That one scene was really uncomfortable and unnecessary. I didn't find it funny, but rather distasteful. Nudity is acceptable and perfectly normal, but I just couldn't get by the way they executed it here. The end was alright.

Directing/Writing: It took three guys to write a story created by another man. One of the writers also directs this. It just so happens to be said man's directorial debut. He has written several really good movies of which include Tropic Thunder, Idiocracy, and Men In Black 3. Adam McKay is pretty much behind anything Will Ferrell is in. So he is pretty much on my shit list. This is the only work from Ian Roberts that I have seen. This is Jay Martel's movie writing debut.

Final Thought: It wasn't a great movie, but it was watchable. I laughed a few good times. I'm just not really a fan of the kind of humor Will Ferrell does most of the time. I'm sure his fans would enjoy the movie. It did do justice for Kevin Hart in my opinion. If you like either or both of them then this movie would probably be something for you to check out.

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