Initial Thought: I have seen very brief scenes of this since it came out. It's been on my watch list for quite some time. It's about to time to tick this off the list. I hear it's quite twisted which is always a plus for me.
Characters/Acting: Well we have an interesting cast here. One of my favorites who doesn't get much credit is William Sadler. Then we have Sophie Monk who is here for mostly for good looks. Tad Hilgenbrink is a weird choice though given his mark in the comedy genre. This isn't his first run in with horror movies though. I have to say none of these characters are really all that likeable. The only one who is close is Tyler.
Story: Well the story here is quite interesting. It has to do with finding out the killer in a lost horror movie is actually real. I'd say that is a pretty unique concept. The beginning credits get a little creative with the color red. There is also quite a disturbing scene that accompanies them. The beginning really reminds me of Tusk. You'll know why I say that if you've have seen it. This does have a few pretty unexpected moments. I think only really one death scene stood here. There is a scene a little bit into the credits.
Directing/Writing: I haven't seen any of Dave Parker's directed films, but I have seen House of the Dead which he wrote for Uwe Boll. That right that is not really a good sign for me. David J. Schow wrote the original The Crow movie as well as the prequel to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre reboot. John Dombrow hasn't written anything else I've heard of. John Carchietta is one of the minds behind one of the worst anthologies I've ever seen. He co-wrote and directed it.
Final Thought: I have to say this film doesn't have too much in the way of gore, but the way everything goes is pretty disturbing. So in all actuality this guy is in search of a controversial film and it turns out it was really a snuff film where all the kills were real. I thought it was a decent watch mostly because of the ending. If you want to check out something that will mess with you then hey go for it.
The Hills Run Red review

What If review

Initial Thought: Well I remember seeing the trailer and thinking it looked decent. The cast also caught some interest from me. I figured I would go ahead and see what it has to offer.
Characters/Acting: It has a mixture of British, Canadian, and American actors. I have to say that is a broad horizon. Whenever a film incorporates different cultural backgrounds I'm always more intrigued. Besides that we got Daniel Radcliffe, Adam Driver, and Rafe Spall. Interesting note is that Rafe Spall's father Timothy Spall was in the Harry Potter series. It's good to see Jonathan Cherry still acting. He was probably one of the best things about Final Destination 2. I have been aware of Zoe Kazan for awhile, but this is the first time seeing her skills. There are quite a few actors related to other actors in this besides Rafe Spall. Oona Chaplin is Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter. Lucius Hoyos is related to Canadian Degrassi teen star Ricardo Hoyos. I kind of adored the characters here. Allan kind of reminded me of myself if I was more of an asshole. I think Zoe and Daniel were awkwardly adorable together.
Story: The age old question of can men and women be just friends is revisited here. It doesn't really bring anything new to the table. I was honestly pretty bored. I mean everything happens quite predictably. The beach scene and the ending were pretty cute though.
Directing/Writing: Michael Dowse also directed Goon which I've seen. That one was pretty entertaining. He also did a few others only Take Me Home Tonight being the familiar one. Apparently this is based off of a play by T.J. Dawe and Michael Rinaldi called Toothpaste and Cigars. Rinaldi has written episodes of Fringe and Once Upon a Time. Dawe is only noted for this movie. Elan Mastai isn't renown for good movies with Alone in the Dark and The Samaritan under his belt.
Final Thought: I was pretty disappointed with this. I was hoping it would have something fresh. Instead it's full of romance cliches and crude jokes. I mean I thought the main characters were cute together, but that really is it. It was also pretty boring. Don't waste your time here unless you're an avid follower of Daniel Radcliffe or something.
Characters/Acting: It has a mixture of British, Canadian, and American actors. I have to say that is a broad horizon. Whenever a film incorporates different cultural backgrounds I'm always more intrigued. Besides that we got Daniel Radcliffe, Adam Driver, and Rafe Spall. Interesting note is that Rafe Spall's father Timothy Spall was in the Harry Potter series. It's good to see Jonathan Cherry still acting. He was probably one of the best things about Final Destination 2. I have been aware of Zoe Kazan for awhile, but this is the first time seeing her skills. There are quite a few actors related to other actors in this besides Rafe Spall. Oona Chaplin is Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter. Lucius Hoyos is related to Canadian Degrassi teen star Ricardo Hoyos. I kind of adored the characters here. Allan kind of reminded me of myself if I was more of an asshole. I think Zoe and Daniel were awkwardly adorable together.
Story: The age old question of can men and women be just friends is revisited here. It doesn't really bring anything new to the table. I was honestly pretty bored. I mean everything happens quite predictably. The beach scene and the ending were pretty cute though.
Directing/Writing: Michael Dowse also directed Goon which I've seen. That one was pretty entertaining. He also did a few others only Take Me Home Tonight being the familiar one. Apparently this is based off of a play by T.J. Dawe and Michael Rinaldi called Toothpaste and Cigars. Rinaldi has written episodes of Fringe and Once Upon a Time. Dawe is only noted for this movie. Elan Mastai isn't renown for good movies with Alone in the Dark and The Samaritan under his belt.
Final Thought: I was pretty disappointed with this. I was hoping it would have something fresh. Instead it's full of romance cliches and crude jokes. I mean I thought the main characters were cute together, but that really is it. It was also pretty boring. Don't waste your time here unless you're an avid follower of Daniel Radcliffe or something.

Kung Fury review

Initial Thought: I just now heard of it. It sounds ridiculous and fun. So I figured why the hell not. Given the cast it isn't meant to be taken anything other than a cheesy fun time.
Characters/Acting: It has Jorma Taccone from Lonely Island and the king of cheese David Hasselhoff. The acting is very 80s with how truly goofy everyone behaves. The characters are pretty hilarious and yet kind of cool.
Story: Well Adolf Hitler is apparently a master of kung fu and everything just sort of gets crazier from there. Some of the stunts they pull here are just so hilarious. The plot is all over the place, but that is what gives this some of it's charm. I also noticed they really worked in a lot of good 80s references. They even add some awesomely terrible jokes and puns. The CGI and make up effects here are actually quite good. The fight scenes were pretty fun to watch especially the one in Nazi Germany. That ending was too great.
Directing/Writing: David Sandberg hasn't done anything else, but he is also the main star of this short thrill ride. The dialogue was really well thought out given the intention behind it. He really knew what he was doing and it looks like he had a lot of fun doing it.
Final Thought: That was just the right amount of cheese. It was made so well at being bad that it was just so entertaining. This is definitely something that should be noticed. If you haven't seen this get on it. I really wouldn't mind a sequel or even a feature length film.
Characters/Acting: It has Jorma Taccone from Lonely Island and the king of cheese David Hasselhoff. The acting is very 80s with how truly goofy everyone behaves. The characters are pretty hilarious and yet kind of cool.
Story: Well Adolf Hitler is apparently a master of kung fu and everything just sort of gets crazier from there. Some of the stunts they pull here are just so hilarious. The plot is all over the place, but that is what gives this some of it's charm. I also noticed they really worked in a lot of good 80s references. They even add some awesomely terrible jokes and puns. The CGI and make up effects here are actually quite good. The fight scenes were pretty fun to watch especially the one in Nazi Germany. That ending was too great.
Directing/Writing: David Sandberg hasn't done anything else, but he is also the main star of this short thrill ride. The dialogue was really well thought out given the intention behind it. He really knew what he was doing and it looks like he had a lot of fun doing it.
Final Thought: That was just the right amount of cheese. It was made so well at being bad that it was just so entertaining. This is definitely something that should be noticed. If you haven't seen this get on it. I really wouldn't mind a sequel or even a feature length film.

Total Recall review

Initial Thought: I don't know why I've taken so long to see this one. It's very much a classic and one of Arnie's best. I have seen the remake already. Well I better get a move on and catch up with everyone.
Characters/Acting: Arnold Schwarzenegger at the top of his game. Michael Ironside at his finest playing the villain which he is always good at. Also Sharon Stone when she was still quite relevant and gorgeous. I didn't know the three breasted chick had so much screen time here. Her part here was much better than the remake. I didn't realize it with all the makeup, but Dean Norris is the mutant who works with George. I really enjoyed all the characters here. The mutants were especially interesting.
Story: Well if you've seen the remake then you should know this one too. If not then well it's all about memory altercation and maybe everything not being as it seems. Well we are off to an interesting and strange start. It's so interesting trying to figure out what is the fake and what is real. Could his life before be what is fake? Could everything after Recall be fake? It keeps you guessing from start to finish. The plots between the remake and this are pretty different besides the main story point and a few of the main characters. The ending was much better here than the remake. This really makes you think back and forth. Do you really know what you think you know? Anyways as a whole the story was quite entertaining. There are some great twists and turns throughout. Of course there is some over the top violence, but it wouldn't be a 90s Arnie movie if it was any less.
Directing/Writing: Paul Verhoeven is quite a prominent director. He has made some major sci-fi classics like Robocop and Starship Troopers. He has also done some movies he didn't get much praise for such as Hollow Man and Showgirls, but we can't always be winners. Philip K. Dick has written many books that have been made into films. The surprising thing is most of the bigger ones were short stories. He has caused the creation of Blade Runner, The Adjustment Bureau, and Minory Report. I find it weird that there are four people involved in the screenwriting process here. Ronald Shusett has been involved in everything related to the Alien Saga (which also include Prometheus) as well as the two versus Predator films. The same goes for Dan O'Bannon who also has Heavy Metal and The Return of the Living Dead under his belt. Jon Povill's only other writing credit is with the remake of this. Gary Goldman also has the remake of this on his repertoire as well as Next (which was another adaptation of one of Philip K. Dick's stories).
Final Thought: That was much better than the remake. Yeah it's pretty cheesy, but hey that's the 90s for you. I can't believe I waited so long to see this. If you haven't seen this either you should definitely jump on the bandwagon asap. It's fun and even though it's older you will still be guessing what's going on.
Characters/Acting: Arnold Schwarzenegger at the top of his game. Michael Ironside at his finest playing the villain which he is always good at. Also Sharon Stone when she was still quite relevant and gorgeous. I didn't know the three breasted chick had so much screen time here. Her part here was much better than the remake. I didn't realize it with all the makeup, but Dean Norris is the mutant who works with George. I really enjoyed all the characters here. The mutants were especially interesting.
Story: Well if you've seen the remake then you should know this one too. If not then well it's all about memory altercation and maybe everything not being as it seems. Well we are off to an interesting and strange start. It's so interesting trying to figure out what is the fake and what is real. Could his life before be what is fake? Could everything after Recall be fake? It keeps you guessing from start to finish. The plots between the remake and this are pretty different besides the main story point and a few of the main characters. The ending was much better here than the remake. This really makes you think back and forth. Do you really know what you think you know? Anyways as a whole the story was quite entertaining. There are some great twists and turns throughout. Of course there is some over the top violence, but it wouldn't be a 90s Arnie movie if it was any less.
Directing/Writing: Paul Verhoeven is quite a prominent director. He has made some major sci-fi classics like Robocop and Starship Troopers. He has also done some movies he didn't get much praise for such as Hollow Man and Showgirls, but we can't always be winners. Philip K. Dick has written many books that have been made into films. The surprising thing is most of the bigger ones were short stories. He has caused the creation of Blade Runner, The Adjustment Bureau, and Minory Report. I find it weird that there are four people involved in the screenwriting process here. Ronald Shusett has been involved in everything related to the Alien Saga (which also include Prometheus) as well as the two versus Predator films. The same goes for Dan O'Bannon who also has Heavy Metal and The Return of the Living Dead under his belt. Jon Povill's only other writing credit is with the remake of this. Gary Goldman also has the remake of this on his repertoire as well as Next (which was another adaptation of one of Philip K. Dick's stories).
Final Thought: That was much better than the remake. Yeah it's pretty cheesy, but hey that's the 90s for you. I can't believe I waited so long to see this. If you haven't seen this either you should definitely jump on the bandwagon asap. It's fun and even though it's older you will still be guessing what's going on.

Would You Rather review

Initial Thought: I had this on my to watch list for awhile. I'm just now watching this because I finally found time for it. I had nothing else on my mind. The plot kind of reminds me of 13 Sins and Cheap Thrills.
Characters/Acting: This has a nice selection of talent ranging from comedy to romance to horror. Hell it even has Sasha Grey who could say no to her. I know I couldn't at least. All the characters who are forced to play the game are really interesting. I wish we got to know some back story for more of the characters.
Story: Well this is a more sadistic version of Would You Rather that I'm pretty sure no one would ever want to play. Just as always everything starts of in a seemingly normal way and just escalates from there. There are some pretty good twists and turns. That ending was just great.
Directing/Writing: This is director David Guy Levy's second outing. His first I'm sure no one has ever noticed. Steffen Schlachtenhaufen is in the same situation. He has been in a few movies only Van Wilder being the prominent one.
Final Thought: This was pretty entertaining. You never really know what's about to happen. I like a movie where you don't see everything coming from a mile away. I definitely say to check this one out. I think it's highly underrated.
Characters/Acting: This has a nice selection of talent ranging from comedy to romance to horror. Hell it even has Sasha Grey who could say no to her. I know I couldn't at least. All the characters who are forced to play the game are really interesting. I wish we got to know some back story for more of the characters.
Story: Well this is a more sadistic version of Would You Rather that I'm pretty sure no one would ever want to play. Just as always everything starts of in a seemingly normal way and just escalates from there. There are some pretty good twists and turns. That ending was just great.
Directing/Writing: This is director David Guy Levy's second outing. His first I'm sure no one has ever noticed. Steffen Schlachtenhaufen is in the same situation. He has been in a few movies only Van Wilder being the prominent one.
Final Thought: This was pretty entertaining. You never really know what's about to happen. I like a movie where you don't see everything coming from a mile away. I definitely say to check this one out. I think it's highly underrated.

2Survive review

Initial Thought: I don't expect this to be an amazing or all that good of a movie. I just think the concept sounds interesting and kind of fun.
Characters/Acting: Well nobody here is known for great movies and only one of which is recognizable. The characters are alright I suppose. They are quite an unusual mixture.
Story: The concept here is a survival elimination show that goes awry. Do the show creators really think people would work together for just a dollar? I mean especially if they don't know or really like each other. The last ten minutes are when things finally happen. I found that when they did I was already so bored I didn't care. The twist could be spotted a mile away and it's a pretty dumb one too. The very end was the best part. In fact it was probably the only interesting scene.
Directing/Writing: Well Tom Seidman hasn't made anything familiar, but it looks as if most of his work is within the realm of children. So it seems this is his first bout into adult movies.
Final Thought: Well that was even worse than I was expecting. The only thing fun about this movie was wondering who would be the two survivors. Survivor is much more entertaining than this and they aren't actors. Give this one a pass.
Characters/Acting: Well nobody here is known for great movies and only one of which is recognizable. The characters are alright I suppose. They are quite an unusual mixture.
Story: The concept here is a survival elimination show that goes awry. Do the show creators really think people would work together for just a dollar? I mean especially if they don't know or really like each other. The last ten minutes are when things finally happen. I found that when they did I was already so bored I didn't care. The twist could be spotted a mile away and it's a pretty dumb one too. The very end was the best part. In fact it was probably the only interesting scene.
Directing/Writing: Well Tom Seidman hasn't made anything familiar, but it looks as if most of his work is within the realm of children. So it seems this is his first bout into adult movies.
Final Thought: Well that was even worse than I was expecting. The only thing fun about this movie was wondering who would be the two survivors. Survivor is much more entertaining than this and they aren't actors. Give this one a pass.

Pitch Perfect 2 review

Initial Thought: I really enjoyed the first one. I also find that Anna Kendrick is one of the major reasons why. When I saw this was coming out I knew I would see it. I like musicals and Anna Kendrick so sue me.
Characters/Acting: Anna Kendrick is enough to get my attention. Add in the talented young Hailee Steinfeld in for even more kudos. The only one here I really could care less about is Rebel Wilson. She never really gives me the kind of funny I like. I like that they got a lot of real acapella teams to give it a sense of authenticity. Also the joke groups like the Green Bay Packers were a funny touch. Flo is a new character who must have joined sometime in between this and the first one. She actually has some of the most disturbingly funny lines besides Lilly. Anna Camp is basically being Sarah Newlin from her first season on True Blood in this. Well with the added characteristics of Aubrey and the situation of this movie. The characters were all still great especially the weirdo Lilly.
Story: There is more acapella and more of the ladies I enjoy. Not really all too sure what the whole plot of this one is. I guess it's just a continuation of the group as they get closer to completing college. I liked how they did the opening as it fits right in. It looks like three literal years have passed since the previous film and they are close to becoming graduates. It also seems that an accident causes the plot of this to unfold. The musical numbers are pretty good some of my favorites include the Uprising/Tsunami, the Riff Off scene, the Cup Song revisit, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark/All I Do Is Win, and the Bellas final song. Oh that was a nice subtle The Warriors reference right there. The party scene battle was pretty much a rehash of the pool battle from the first one. Who doesn't like a good riff off though. The scene with Snoop Dogg was pretty dope haha. I liked Hailee Steinfeld's original song Flashlight, but it didn't compare to the Cup Song that the first one is famous for. I've noticed in a lot of recent comedies that the younger characters never get some references to pop culture before the 2000s. Why is this a trend these days? It's kind of disappointing whenever I see this because it makes me feel dated when it should just common knowledge. I mean I don't even listen to George Michael and I know who he is. I like the mid credits scene quite a bit. The music was still pretty good.
Directing/Writing: This is Elizabeth Banks' directorial debut. I always adored her on-screen so it shall be interesting to see what she has behind it as well. Kay Cannon also wrote the first of these films with Mickey Rapkin. I'm sure they still got it.
Final Thought: This wasn't quite as good as the first one. I think they had a few too many sub plots going on. Anyways I still found this quite fun and entertaining. The characters were still great. I think it did good as a sequel for sure. If you liked the first one you will probably like this too.
Characters/Acting: Anna Kendrick is enough to get my attention. Add in the talented young Hailee Steinfeld in for even more kudos. The only one here I really could care less about is Rebel Wilson. She never really gives me the kind of funny I like. I like that they got a lot of real acapella teams to give it a sense of authenticity. Also the joke groups like the Green Bay Packers were a funny touch. Flo is a new character who must have joined sometime in between this and the first one. She actually has some of the most disturbingly funny lines besides Lilly. Anna Camp is basically being Sarah Newlin from her first season on True Blood in this. Well with the added characteristics of Aubrey and the situation of this movie. The characters were all still great especially the weirdo Lilly.
Story: There is more acapella and more of the ladies I enjoy. Not really all too sure what the whole plot of this one is. I guess it's just a continuation of the group as they get closer to completing college. I liked how they did the opening as it fits right in. It looks like three literal years have passed since the previous film and they are close to becoming graduates. It also seems that an accident causes the plot of this to unfold. The musical numbers are pretty good some of my favorites include the Uprising/Tsunami, the Riff Off scene, the Cup Song revisit, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark/All I Do Is Win, and the Bellas final song. Oh that was a nice subtle The Warriors reference right there. The party scene battle was pretty much a rehash of the pool battle from the first one. Who doesn't like a good riff off though. The scene with Snoop Dogg was pretty dope haha. I liked Hailee Steinfeld's original song Flashlight, but it didn't compare to the Cup Song that the first one is famous for. I've noticed in a lot of recent comedies that the younger characters never get some references to pop culture before the 2000s. Why is this a trend these days? It's kind of disappointing whenever I see this because it makes me feel dated when it should just common knowledge. I mean I don't even listen to George Michael and I know who he is. I like the mid credits scene quite a bit. The music was still pretty good.
Directing/Writing: This is Elizabeth Banks' directorial debut. I always adored her on-screen so it shall be interesting to see what she has behind it as well. Kay Cannon also wrote the first of these films with Mickey Rapkin. I'm sure they still got it.
Final Thought: This wasn't quite as good as the first one. I think they had a few too many sub plots going on. Anyways I still found this quite fun and entertaining. The characters were still great. I think it did good as a sequel for sure. If you liked the first one you will probably like this too.

Project Almanac review

Initial Thought: I have been wanting to see this since it was called Welcome To Yesterday. I always like a good twist to the found footage sub-genre. I also love time travel movies. I didn't have the chance until now.
Characters/Acting: Jonny Weston is a pretty great young actor and probably the only person I really recognize here with a quick glance. The characters are all pretty likeable. I swear Sam Lerner looks just like his dad. I think Ken Lerner must have discovered time travel and passes himself off as his son. It's funny the things people choose to do with time travel here. The things they do seem like things teenagers would actually try to do.
Story: A found footage film about time travel. What more could I ask for with a plot that only escalates from there? This is one of those situations were found footage really makes sense. Who wouldn't want to videotape the discovery of time travel? It had a few fresh ideas and interesting spins on old ones. I like how it ended. It didn't go exactly as I had expected it to.
Directing/Writing: The director is also helming the upcoming Power Rangers in 2017. Other than that these he hasn't done anything. The writers haven't done anything besides this and the upcoming Ghost Dimensions entry in the Paranormal Activity saga. This will determine how I feel about each of the upcoming films. With that I'm sure they will be watchable.
Final Thought: I thought it was pretty entertaining. It wasn't the best time travel movie I've seen, but it was worth checking out. Give it a shot there are way worse things out there.
Characters/Acting: Jonny Weston is a pretty great young actor and probably the only person I really recognize here with a quick glance. The characters are all pretty likeable. I swear Sam Lerner looks just like his dad. I think Ken Lerner must have discovered time travel and passes himself off as his son. It's funny the things people choose to do with time travel here. The things they do seem like things teenagers would actually try to do.
Story: A found footage film about time travel. What more could I ask for with a plot that only escalates from there? This is one of those situations were found footage really makes sense. Who wouldn't want to videotape the discovery of time travel? It had a few fresh ideas and interesting spins on old ones. I like how it ended. It didn't go exactly as I had expected it to.
Directing/Writing: The director is also helming the upcoming Power Rangers in 2017. Other than that these he hasn't done anything. The writers haven't done anything besides this and the upcoming Ghost Dimensions entry in the Paranormal Activity saga. This will determine how I feel about each of the upcoming films. With that I'm sure they will be watchable.
Final Thought: I thought it was pretty entertaining. It wasn't the best time travel movie I've seen, but it was worth checking out. Give it a shot there are way worse things out there.

Predator Dark Ages (2015) review

Initial Thought: I can't believe I haven't heard of this until today. It looks awesome. I love Predator. I am waiting impatiently for him to be playable in the new Mortal Kombat game. I will be watching this right now. This will satisfy me for the wait.
Characters/Acting: All that matters here is the Predator. The acting was pretty good. In fact Adrian Bouchet was already in Alien VS Predator. The characters here were pretty badass, but I mean you wouldn't want to watch Predator going against a bunch of pansies anyways.
Story: It's a Predator in the medieval era. I am ready for some awesome sword fights. I like how they made him like a monster of the lore. Glad to see them use most of his gadgets here. You don't get to see all the deaths, but that doesn't much matter. The ones you do see are pretty good. The ones you don't see you can just use your imagination. The ending was different, but I liked it.
Directing/Writing: This guy is a fan director so I wasn't expecting a grade A film. That's exactly what I got though. This guy doesn't feel like an amateur. He knew how to make a full complete story within the short runtime. With a bigger budget and a more well known cast this guy could be big. I hope he does continue making movies if he keeps this level of skill going.
Final Thought: I was really impressed with this. It was a good homage to the Predator films. I'm honestly surprised that nobody has thought of this idea before. I'm hoping for more maybe during the Civil War or in a Western setting. If you love Predator then you should definitely check this one out.
Characters/Acting: All that matters here is the Predator. The acting was pretty good. In fact Adrian Bouchet was already in Alien VS Predator. The characters here were pretty badass, but I mean you wouldn't want to watch Predator going against a bunch of pansies anyways.
Story: It's a Predator in the medieval era. I am ready for some awesome sword fights. I like how they made him like a monster of the lore. Glad to see them use most of his gadgets here. You don't get to see all the deaths, but that doesn't much matter. The ones you do see are pretty good. The ones you don't see you can just use your imagination. The ending was different, but I liked it.
Directing/Writing: This guy is a fan director so I wasn't expecting a grade A film. That's exactly what I got though. This guy doesn't feel like an amateur. He knew how to make a full complete story within the short runtime. With a bigger budget and a more well known cast this guy could be big. I hope he does continue making movies if he keeps this level of skill going.
Final Thought: I was really impressed with this. It was a good homage to the Predator films. I'm honestly surprised that nobody has thought of this idea before. I'm hoping for more maybe during the Civil War or in a Western setting. If you love Predator then you should definitely check this one out.

The Age of Adaline review

Initital Thought: Blake Lively hasn't been doing much lately so it's nice to see something new with her. Also the plot involves immortality which is always interesting if it's done in a well constructed way.
Characters/Acting: I've been seeing a few Game of Thrones actors in my recent movies. It will be interesting to see Daario Naharis being romantic instead a fighter. We also have some well rounded actors with the inclusion of both Ellen Burstyn and Harrison Ford. All the characters were great and well portrayed. Even the younger versions of the well known actors had very close resemblance.
Story: A romance that involves immortality. I have to say though it shall be interesting to see how everything happened and how it all plays out. I love how realistic the approach is to immortality. Well obviously as realistic as fiction can get. It's a very emotional ride. It truly makes you feel what it would be like to live an unending life. It could start out as a blessing, but eventually it would feel like a curse. I loved the ending and thought it added a nice touch to the realism.
Directing/Writing: I have only seen Celeste & Jesse Forever which was pretty good. It was interesting having seen Andy Samberg take on a serious romantic role instead of a goofy spaz. I can't say I've seen anything from Salvador Paskowitz. J. Mills Goodloe has done two movies I have seen. One of which was The Best of Me which wasn't amazing, but it was watchable. The other was Pride (the one with Terrence Howard) which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Final Thought: Wow that was emotionally intense. I felt happiness and a lot of the time pretty sad. It was really a beautiful and well done story. I always find these kind of sci-fi related romances to be so engaging. I suggest checking this out if you want something a little different in your romance. Also the main cast here make it even better.
Characters/Acting: I've been seeing a few Game of Thrones actors in my recent movies. It will be interesting to see Daario Naharis being romantic instead a fighter. We also have some well rounded actors with the inclusion of both Ellen Burstyn and Harrison Ford. All the characters were great and well portrayed. Even the younger versions of the well known actors had very close resemblance.
Story: A romance that involves immortality. I have to say though it shall be interesting to see how everything happened and how it all plays out. I love how realistic the approach is to immortality. Well obviously as realistic as fiction can get. It's a very emotional ride. It truly makes you feel what it would be like to live an unending life. It could start out as a blessing, but eventually it would feel like a curse. I loved the ending and thought it added a nice touch to the realism.
Directing/Writing: I have only seen Celeste & Jesse Forever which was pretty good. It was interesting having seen Andy Samberg take on a serious romantic role instead of a goofy spaz. I can't say I've seen anything from Salvador Paskowitz. J. Mills Goodloe has done two movies I have seen. One of which was The Best of Me which wasn't amazing, but it was watchable. The other was Pride (the one with Terrence Howard) which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Final Thought: Wow that was emotionally intense. I felt happiness and a lot of the time pretty sad. It was really a beautiful and well done story. I always find these kind of sci-fi related romances to be so engaging. I suggest checking this out if you want something a little different in your romance. Also the main cast here make it even better.