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The Perfect Weapon review

Posted : 7 years, 11 months ago on 17 March 2017 08:57 (A review of The Perfect Weapon)

So I wanted to watch something quick and easy on Netflix. This one was new and so I figured I would give it a shot even with it being a Steven Seagal movie. Titus Paar has only done one other film before this that nobody has heard of most likely with another one coming next year. As for the writers this is their only credit so far. Let's see how bad this is. I'm hoping for a so bad it's enjoyable, but who knows in this day and age.

Good lord that was pretty awful. Why did they get a bunch of weird looking actors for villains here? Johnny Messner is usually decent, but here he felt so out of place. This whole thing felt like Hitman meets Total Recall with a very small budget and a terrible script. There were some super lame ideas and introduction of characters that made no sense. They brought characters out of nowhere that had history with the main character yet without knowing them it held no impact. The script had no substance to it at all. The action here wasn't even that good. There were a few kills that I thought were interesting though surprisingly. The ending was incredibly stupid and out of nowhere. It's probably one of the WORST twists I've ever seen.

This was a pitiful excuse of a movie. I gave it a generous 1.5 for a few interesting kills and because of my new found crush in the form of Sasha Jackson lol. Johnny Messner also proves that he may have made for an interesting Hitman. It makes me wonder if he could do so in a actual movie if they tried. I don't think the writers should be allowed to do anything else after this unless they somehow learn skills. Anyways skip this trash guys it's definitely not worth the time or energy.

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Get Out (2017) review

Posted : 7 years, 11 months ago on 17 March 2017 08:49 (A review of Get Out (2017))

I think Jordan Peele is awesome! I loved the show Key & Peele and the Keanu (which he also wrote) movie. The guy is too funny. So when I heard he wanted to take a new route and direct a horror film I was excitedly on board. A funny guy taking on the genre I love should be interesting. I was hooked even before I saw the trailer. Then the trailer came and I was in awe. It looked excellent and fun. Then all I heard were good reviews and praise about it. People just loved it and that really got me excited. So as soon as I could get the chance I went to the theater and saw it.

Boy oh boy that was incredible. This is definitely going to be one of my favorite horror films. It's for sure going to be a top for 2017 films. It was so smartly done. The visuals were great and striking. The acting was excellent. I didn't even realize the girl who played Georgina was the main from The Purge: Election Year until after. Allison Williams was excellent in her role. The best friend though was the best though and the stuff with him really showed the humor Jordan Peele is known for. In fact there are bits throughout where there are funny moments or dialogue which was a nice touch. The way it deals with societal commentary and such was excellent and memorable. I won't say much else other than it really was intelligent and well done.

This was well worth the wait. Who knew that Jordan Peele had the touch of a horror icon to him! I liked the acting and characters. I like how it dealt with society and current issues. It's a smart movie and very well made. I would definitely suggest getting out there and supporting Jordan Peele by watching this. He has four more social commentary horror movie ideas and at this rate I am excited to see them all.

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Wildflower review

Posted : 7 years, 11 months ago on 17 March 2017 08:46 (A review of Wildflower)

Really the only reason I wanted to watch this is because Alex Steele is in it and I remember her when she was a kid on Degrassi. I also watched it for Nathalia Ramos who is just plain hot. Other than that I had no idea of what the story is or anything. I have heard of nothing that Nicholas DiBella did before this so I don't know what to expect. I wonder if this will be any good or not.

Well that was an interesting idea I'll give it that, but as a whole it didn't work for me. It's a Christian murder mystery film with an emphasis on fantasy elements. I like Christian movies when done right, but good lord this was just a mess. The writing was odd. The look of it made me feel like I was watching a horror movie where they took all the scary out. The acting was actually not too bad. Although the main guy could have used some work. At the end I was kind of disappointed. The execution of the whole thing is just boring as well as predictable.

This was some weird Christian/Murder Mystery/Fantasy mash up that could have been an interesting idea. Yet the Nicholas DiBella really fumbled with the whole thing. The acting was the best part besides the main guy. It's a snorefest which leaves no real impression. I would definitely suggest passing this one buy so as to avoid disappointment.

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Burning Sands review

Posted : 7 years, 11 months ago on 17 March 2017 08:44 (A review of Burning Sands)

I watched the trailer for this a bit before it finally popping up on Netflix. It looked like an intensely interesting film and well made. This is the only film from Gerard McMurray and Christine Berg so far. So let's see what they have to offer.

Wow that is not at all what I was expecting from this. That really was an intense story. The whole idea of it really keeps you hooked. I wasn't even sure which way things would go in the situations they were in. When everything was said and done I was left speechless. The acting is excellent even from the unknowns. I also spotted the guy who played the oldest version of the main character from Moonlight. His role is very limited though which I was disappointed with. For a movie about fraternities they did this one right and different.

This was a remarkable film from beginning to end. These newcomers really knew how to give their all to their characters and the story. The direction and writing was excellent and well thought out. It's not a booze and sex filled frat movie which gives it an edge. I hope to see future work from the director and writer here. If you haven't yet checked this new addition to the Netflix entertainment I highly recommend you do.

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Good Kids review

Posted : 7 years, 11 months ago on 17 March 2017 08:40 (A review of Good Kids)

Honestly before watching this I knew absolutely nothing about it. I just picked it on Netflix because the plot looked interesting. It has a pretty cool cast of young and older faces which is good. This is the only film to date from writer/director Chris McCoy. So I am curious if this will be any good or if this director should have stayed unknown.

It's a pretty typical story filled with cliches from beginning to end. Mateo Arias reminded me of Alex Wolff from the teen movie Standoff. They had the same characteristics and their voices were similar. I don't quite see Zoey Deutch as beautiful or hot, but more so cute. So it's always odd when characters try to pass her off that way. It was interesting to see Nicholas Braun as the star of the show rather than just a friend of the main character. I liked the whole scenario with the tennis stuff though haha. A lot of the jokes were very bland and unmemorable. There was one thing that set it apart which gave it a little boost. The fact that they were never outcasts and made themselves reclusive was an interesting idea. Overall it was simple and didn't really want to expand itself to anything more interesting.

This could have been better given that the main cast are actually decent enough actors. The story line is not all that fresh, although it does have a few slight ideas to separate it from being too generic. I did like the characters here. Was this really a theater movie? I don't recall it ever being anywhere. Though it's understandable why as it's just average. There is much worse out there. It felt more like a direct to DVD or VOD type movie. Anyways I don't think I would recommend it, but there are far worse things out there.

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Sundown review

Posted : 7 years, 11 months ago on 10 March 2017 03:18 (A review of Sundown)

So I really knew nothing at all about this movie until I saw it on Netflix. The main reason I even checked it out was because the main character's name is Logan aka my name. Besides that the cast was fairly interesting with a couple people I don't see too often anymore. I've never heard of Fernando Lebrija before and he only has one other film anyways. As for Miguel Tejada-Flores he also wrote Lion King, Revenge of the Nerds films, and some horror movie sequels. So let's see if this was just a waste of time or not.

This was basically a hybrid of We're Not Your Friends and The Hangover series. It even shares some aspects of the latter. I didn't even recognize Camilla Belle at first when I saw her here. Her & Sara Paxton are still beautiful and I always find it a pleasure to see them on-screen. Devon Werkheiser puts good use to my name as a likable main character. He feels like the Zac Efron of Nickolodeon by choosing to do a teen sex comedy now that he is older. Although he isn't nearly as famous I think he is a decent actor too. There are a few great jokes, but it's still pretty cliche. I didn't expect much from this which is good. I think if I had high hopes I would have been disappointed. It's enjoyable and hearing Sara Paxton and Camilla Belle say my name puts a smile on my face. It also gives it a little extra credit lol. Though this movie could have been better had it cut the cliches and got a less weirdo villain. I liked how it all ended though.

So while this is recognizable and a bit cliche I did find myself enjoying it. I liked the characters and it was amusing to hear my name constantly. Thank goodness they didn't make Logans look bad lol. It could have been a bit better, but as it was I'm not complaining. If you like these type of movies you may get a kick out of it. If your name is Logan you may even find it more amusing.

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Coin Heist review

Posted : 7 years, 11 months ago on 10 March 2017 03:02 (A review of Coin Heist)

I don't know why, but I had thought this was about bitcoin at some point. Maybe somebody had put a false plot or something down. Anyways when I watched the trailer I thought it looked fairly interesting. It has only a few faces that are somewhat known. Apparently this is based on a book too. I swear I never expect something to be based on a book especially in certain ideas. Okay I would never have expected that this was written and directed by a 24 year old who has a few other films under her belt as well. Anyways let's see what Emily Hagins has to offer.

Okay so that wasn't a bad movie. Not great, but not too bad either. The story line was decent and kind of reminded me of The Perfect Score meets The Breakfast Club in a sense. I liked the characters although the lead guy had no charisma. It's not very helpful to a movie when the lead has a bland personality. This isn't Twilight or Fifty Shades where the character is emotionless because it is meant to be you. It seemed however all the other mains tried. Anyways I don't really know that it could have been much better. It's a pretty generic idea.

So this was a so-so movie. There were some decent characters. The acting was fine except the stale male lead. The story wasn't bad, but felt like a lesser version of The Perfect Score and Breakfast Club. Emily Hagins is still young so for what it's worth I believe she will improve. It's definitely a weak Netflix original compared to most. It could have been worse though.

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The Great Gilly Hopkins review

Posted : 7 years, 11 months ago on 10 March 2017 12:12 (A review of The Great Gilly Hopkins)

I didn't recognize this movie until I actually began to watch it on Netflix. I actually recalled watching the trailer and thinking it looked like it would be an amusing watch. It has a great cast including the girl from The Book Thief. Stephen Herek is a mixed bag director with stinkers like Critters, Into the Blue 2, and The Chaperone, but he also has some good ones like The Mighty Ducks, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, and 101 Dalmatians. It's written by David Paterson based on a book by Katherine Paterson who both also worked on Bridge to Terabithia. Now let's see if this is one of the stinkers or not.

Wow that wasn't nearly as funny as I was hoping for. In fact I would pretty much only consider it a drama with a few funny moments. It definitely makes sense given that it was written by those who brought Bridge to Terabithia. With a title like that and the look of the poster you would hope for a comedy though. I mean the acting is great and it's excellent to see Sophie Nelisse play a completely different type than she did in The Book Thief. The story itself is really good and the characters are interesting. The ending was a nice touch too.

So all in all it wasn't what I was expecting at all, but it was still a pretty good movie. The acting was great. The characters were memorable. The story was well done. Don't go in expecting a comedy though or you will be sorely disappointed. Still I would recommend checking this out for sure.

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I Am Not a Serial Killer review

Posted : 7 years, 11 months ago on 9 March 2017 11:42 (A review of I Am Not a Serial Killer)

I recall thinking this, Don't Breathe, and The Good Neighbor all felt so similar in their vibes and trailers. This was amusing to me considering they all were released within the same year as well. I liked the other two which weren't quite as similar as I thought they would be. So since this was on Netflix I decided to check it out. I've never heard of Billy O'Brien before, but he has a few other films under his belt. This is the only credit for Christopher Hyde. It's also based on a book from someone I've never heard of. Now let's see if this is good or not.

Well that was quite an interesting watch. Once again not even nearly as similar as I thought with the other films. Also not what I was expecting for the story either. It's good to see Max Records still around since Where the Wild Things Are. Also Christopher Lloyd is still a fun actor to watch. This wasn't as particularly gruesome as I was expected, but it does have it's moments. The way it deals with situations was creative and different. Also I am still not entirely sure about what all was going on. It's still a pretty great watch with an unusual but original storyline.

It's nothing typical and that's a plus for it. The characters and acting was solid. The way it dealt with moments was fresh and keeps your attention. This was surely a hidden gem. It was definitely worth watching to see something new done in the genre.

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Reclaim review

Posted : 7 years, 11 months ago on 9 March 2017 11:27 (A review of Reclaim)

I remember a big amount of Ryan Phillipe direct to DVD and VOD on demand films came out around this time including this one. I also remember wanting to see them all. The cast here is small, but recognizable. It's directed by Alan White who has a few films under his belt of which I never heard of besides this one. Luke Davies also wrote the Academy Award nominated Lion which I wasn't expecting. This however is the only credit for Carmine Gaeta. Anyways let's see if this is actually any good.

Well to be honest it was pretty boring and felt too long. I also didn't really care for John Cusack here. He just came off as rather annoying. I think everyone else did a decent job with what they had. The story is really predictable and I'm not sure if they meant it to be so obvious or not. It's not the worst thing I have seen, but it could have been better. I did like how they ended it. You wouldn't think this was written by an Academy Award nominee though.

So this was a pretty average and kind of boring thriller. It wasn't too original either sadly. The acting was fine except John Cusack felt odd here. Not much really happened for it to be as long as it was. I'd say give this one a skip.

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