I had no problem with the idea of female Ghostbusters. My gripe is that there are tons of comedy actresses who are way better. Melissa McCarthy is the best here, but most of the time I just find her average. A few I find funnier are Aisha Tyler, Tina Fey, and Iliza Sheslinger. I'm just glad that many of the originals had roles here. Of the movies I have seen from Paul Feig I thought Spy was surprisingly funny and Heat was pretty good too. Kate Dippold wrote for The Heat. So it can't be all that bad I hope.
Well it wasn't a complete waste of time. It had some fairly funny moments. It even paid some good homage to the originals. There were some new ideas here and there that I liked. There is some stuff during the credits that were kind of amusing. At times it came off as a bit too silly. It also has some noticeable raunchy humor.
As for the characters I actually liked Holtzmann, Patty, and Kevin. Nobody else was really all that or their roles were too small to really care. I did like the various cameos from the original stars spread throughout. The acting was alright, but I do think there were much better choices.
It's a basic attempt at a reboot. It's not terrible, but it's certainly not the original. Most of the characters are forgettable with few saving graces. They paid decent homage to the originals which was nice. Overall it was about as I expected. It could have and should have been better. So I wouldn't go out of my way to suggest it for anyone.
Ghostbusters review

Honey 3: Dare to Dance review

Bille Woodruff once again returns as the director of this entry. Nobody returns from the previous films and from what I hear is the first one is only really referenced. Catherine Cyran isn't known for making good films either from writing or directing. Other than Cassie there isn't anybody that would draw much attention. Anyways let's see if this is even remotely interesting.
Okay a hip hop Romeo and Juliet actually sounds like a pretty interesting idea. There is a moment where Erik had a Footloose break down moment. The dances are really great. The last like twenty minutes is the play which is really what makes this sequel stand out. Sure it's a little corny at times, but it didn't bother me too much.
Oh wow I just realized that's the guy from the Footloose remake! There are a lot of interesting looking people dancing here. I like that they brought kids back into the mix like the first one. For some one who I haven't seen do anything in awhile I think Cassie holds her own as the lead. The acting really isn't too bad from these pretty unknown actors. The characters are all pretty likable. They even managed to make things have an original route.
I can honestly say this is my favorite of the series simply due to Romeo and Juliet play. The characters are likable and are decently portrayed. It's not too cliche for a genre that has done so many stories. The dancing was fresh as well. All in all it was a nice surprise.
Okay a hip hop Romeo and Juliet actually sounds like a pretty interesting idea. There is a moment where Erik had a Footloose break down moment. The dances are really great. The last like twenty minutes is the play which is really what makes this sequel stand out. Sure it's a little corny at times, but it didn't bother me too much.
Oh wow I just realized that's the guy from the Footloose remake! There are a lot of interesting looking people dancing here. I like that they brought kids back into the mix like the first one. For some one who I haven't seen do anything in awhile I think Cassie holds her own as the lead. The acting really isn't too bad from these pretty unknown actors. The characters are all pretty likable. They even managed to make things have an original route.
I can honestly say this is my favorite of the series simply due to Romeo and Juliet play. The characters are likable and are decently portrayed. It's not too cliche for a genre that has done so many stories. The dancing was fresh as well. All in all it was a nice surprise.

Honey review

So I have never actually seen this. I have only ever watched the second one. I figured since the third one just came out and they are on Netflix I should just check it out already. I mean it's Jessica Alba and Mekhi Phifer! Bille Woodruff has directed every entry in this series so that's respectable. This is the only film by the writers although they have both written for TV. I usually get a kick out of hip hop dance films so I'm hoping this is one of the good ones.
Does anyone ever say something like someone's flavor is hot? I swear this is so by the book. Way too many times I knew where everything would end up going. Besides the dancing I have pretty much seen it all before. The undercover cop scene was pretty terrible though. I think the idea of having their names on their shirts was kind of cute. It's basically a handful of music videos spread throughout a plotline. That honestly didn't bother me. The choreography was actually a little disappointing considering all the hip hop routines I have seen through the years. I think It's still a decent and entertaining watch. There was nice little music video during the credits.
This is so old Romeo is still credited as Lil' Romeo. Jessica Alba is absolutely delightful with an accent that escalates my adoration. Joy Bryant is pretty good as the friend too. Mekhi Phifer is always awesome. Zachary Williams and Romeo added some heart to the whole thing. I liked the hip hop cameos. The characters albeit likable are pretty typical.
The choreography could have been better. They could have strayed from the cliches. The writing could have used some improvement. The characters were likable, but they were a tad too familiar. It wasn't a bad watch though. I wouldn't watch it again, but it was decent.
Does anyone ever say something like someone's flavor is hot? I swear this is so by the book. Way too many times I knew where everything would end up going. Besides the dancing I have pretty much seen it all before. The undercover cop scene was pretty terrible though. I think the idea of having their names on their shirts was kind of cute. It's basically a handful of music videos spread throughout a plotline. That honestly didn't bother me. The choreography was actually a little disappointing considering all the hip hop routines I have seen through the years. I think It's still a decent and entertaining watch. There was nice little music video during the credits.
This is so old Romeo is still credited as Lil' Romeo. Jessica Alba is absolutely delightful with an accent that escalates my adoration. Joy Bryant is pretty good as the friend too. Mekhi Phifer is always awesome. Zachary Williams and Romeo added some heart to the whole thing. I liked the hip hop cameos. The characters albeit likable are pretty typical.
The choreography could have been better. They could have strayed from the cliches. The writing could have used some improvement. The characters were likable, but they were a tad too familiar. It wasn't a bad watch though. I wouldn't watch it again, but it was decent.

The Standoff (2016) review

As silly as the idea is I'm actually surprised this hasn't been made into a film until now. Sure it's been on episodes of TV shows, but making it a feature length story is an interesting idea. Ilyssa Goodman is a newcomer to directing films. Leigh Dunlap on the other hand has written for the Cinderella Story series. It has a slightly recognizable young cast with some whom I've never heard of. Let's see if they can pull this type of story off. I'm expecting major cheese.
Okay I saw a comparison to Willy Wonka which I can understand after the introduction scene. Oh wow they even referenced it in this! So it was as I thought pretty corny. That being said it's actually a cute and entertaining movie. I found myself laughing at some of the jokes and gags. There were a couple of dumb moments though. The story is pretty simple of course. I tend to find these competition style movies to be somewhat of a guilty pleasure.
The characters are all pretty interesting and fun. Alex Wolff's character seemed like a pothead which is a strange choice for a family friendly film. Of course they never say anything or show anything, but his characteristics suggest it. I think Klyde was definitely my favorite of the characters. Amy and Farrell were pretty typical, but they were still likable enough. The twin sisters were pretty and fairly amusing. Jerome was funny and entertaining. I would have liked for there to be more of Emerson. In fact it would have been interesting to see how far Emerson and Zane would have gotten. The rest were the typical stereotypes that still had things about them which made them decent. I thought everyone did well with their roles.
The writing was a little hammy. The story was at times cheesy, but that's understandable given the target audience. It has a likable cast that play interesting enough characters. It's a fairly simple and familiar concept. That being said I liked it. It's a pretty decent one time watch.
Okay I saw a comparison to Willy Wonka which I can understand after the introduction scene. Oh wow they even referenced it in this! So it was as I thought pretty corny. That being said it's actually a cute and entertaining movie. I found myself laughing at some of the jokes and gags. There were a couple of dumb moments though. The story is pretty simple of course. I tend to find these competition style movies to be somewhat of a guilty pleasure.
The characters are all pretty interesting and fun. Alex Wolff's character seemed like a pothead which is a strange choice for a family friendly film. Of course they never say anything or show anything, but his characteristics suggest it. I think Klyde was definitely my favorite of the characters. Amy and Farrell were pretty typical, but they were still likable enough. The twin sisters were pretty and fairly amusing. Jerome was funny and entertaining. I would have liked for there to be more of Emerson. In fact it would have been interesting to see how far Emerson and Zane would have gotten. The rest were the typical stereotypes that still had things about them which made them decent. I thought everyone did well with their roles.
The writing was a little hammy. The story was at times cheesy, but that's understandable given the target audience. It has a likable cast that play interesting enough characters. It's a fairly simple and familiar concept. That being said I liked it. It's a pretty decent one time watch.

Tell Me How I Die review

I thought the trailer looked pretty interesting. It's kind of like a different take on the Final Destination story or it could be a slasher. The cast has some interesting choices like Ryan Higa from the comedy section of Youtube, Nathan Kress from ICarly fame, and Mark Rolston. It's directed by D.J. Viola who has one other movie that probably no one has ever heard of. The same goes for the writers here. So let us see what these unknown storytellers got under their sleeves.
I was wondering where that beginning was going. That was a very interesting way to open. Now that's something I can get behind. I would definitely like to be able to remember some things exactly as they were. See I always want to do stuff like this, but who knows what their real intentions are. Those are some really cool pool balls lol. Ah yes it's already getting interesting! It was basically a PG-13 slasher version of Final Destination. The writing is ridiculous at times. The concept is fairly interesting though. It's a bit too long with a lackluster ending.
The characters were all pretty decent. I could compare them sort of to the Final Destination characters. Anna is the Alex Browning type. Den would be the Clear Rivers. Kristen would be Terry Chaney. Scratch is Billy Hitchcock. Marcus would definitely be Carter Horton. Dr. Jerrems would be kind of a Bludworth. I would say they are pretty damn close to identical in personalities. With that being said I generally liked all the characters. I thought they had their own interesting quirks about them.
It has wacky writing at times and it gets a little corny. The acting isn't all that bad. Even Ryan Higa does a decent job here. The characters were familiar, but likable. It's a fun enough concept to keep you interested. If it was shorter, had better writing, and an R rating I think it could have been much more entertaining. If you watch Final Destination first you probably won't like this too much. If you watch this first you may like it more. I thought it was a decent watch. It's not great though.
I was wondering where that beginning was going. That was a very interesting way to open. Now that's something I can get behind. I would definitely like to be able to remember some things exactly as they were. See I always want to do stuff like this, but who knows what their real intentions are. Those are some really cool pool balls lol. Ah yes it's already getting interesting! It was basically a PG-13 slasher version of Final Destination. The writing is ridiculous at times. The concept is fairly interesting though. It's a bit too long with a lackluster ending.
The characters were all pretty decent. I could compare them sort of to the Final Destination characters. Anna is the Alex Browning type. Den would be the Clear Rivers. Kristen would be Terry Chaney. Scratch is Billy Hitchcock. Marcus would definitely be Carter Horton. Dr. Jerrems would be kind of a Bludworth. I would say they are pretty damn close to identical in personalities. With that being said I generally liked all the characters. I thought they had their own interesting quirks about them.
It has wacky writing at times and it gets a little corny. The acting isn't all that bad. Even Ryan Higa does a decent job here. The characters were familiar, but likable. It's a fun enough concept to keep you interested. If it was shorter, had better writing, and an R rating I think it could have been much more entertaining. If you watch Final Destination first you probably won't like this too much. If you watch this first you may like it more. I thought it was a decent watch. It's not great though.

The Good Neighbor (2016) review

Thoughts Before Watching This:
1. After seeing the trailer I knew I wanted to see this.
2. It does sound similar to both Don't Breathe and I'm Not a Serial Killer (partially to do with that all three deal with older men [played each by excellent older actors] who may have dark secrets).
3. This one has James Caan as the senior citizen which is pretty cool.
4. It also has a pretty decent cast besides him.
5. This is the only credit for both the writers and the director.
6. It could still be good despite the unknowns behind the camera.
7. Oh and it's got found footage elements which for me is a plus if done right.
8. It's time to see if this was worth the wait.
Thoughts While Watching This:
1. The study of human behavior seems to be the base of the story.
2. This experiment makes me nervous to think that people would do such a thing whether they suspect wrong doings or not.
3. I like that they try a different route of storytelling with this found footage story.
4. People can be horrible to those they don't understand.
5. One can only hope that they aren't just tormenting an innocent old man.
6. I think I might react like it's normal myself.
7. Hmm it gets curiouser and curiouser.
8. This dude has some serious issues or something.
9. So I am curious where it's going with that.
10. Why did he react like that?
11. This mystery is killing me!
12. Ah so that explains one thing.
13. That was interesting!
14. Man that is quite the ending.
Thoughts After Watching This:
1. It was very different than I had initially expected.
2. The whole thing was pretty great and well done.
3. I never could figure out what was going on until the reveal.
4. The acting was really well done.
5. From a bunch of newbie filmmakers you would think they had more work under their belts.
6. I would definitely recommend checking this one out.
1. After seeing the trailer I knew I wanted to see this.
2. It does sound similar to both Don't Breathe and I'm Not a Serial Killer (partially to do with that all three deal with older men [played each by excellent older actors] who may have dark secrets).
3. This one has James Caan as the senior citizen which is pretty cool.
4. It also has a pretty decent cast besides him.
5. This is the only credit for both the writers and the director.
6. It could still be good despite the unknowns behind the camera.
7. Oh and it's got found footage elements which for me is a plus if done right.
8. It's time to see if this was worth the wait.
Thoughts While Watching This:
1. The study of human behavior seems to be the base of the story.
2. This experiment makes me nervous to think that people would do such a thing whether they suspect wrong doings or not.
3. I like that they try a different route of storytelling with this found footage story.
4. People can be horrible to those they don't understand.
5. One can only hope that they aren't just tormenting an innocent old man.
6. I think I might react like it's normal myself.
7. Hmm it gets curiouser and curiouser.
8. This dude has some serious issues or something.
9. So I am curious where it's going with that.
10. Why did he react like that?
11. This mystery is killing me!
12. Ah so that explains one thing.
13. That was interesting!
14. Man that is quite the ending.
Thoughts After Watching This:
1. It was very different than I had initially expected.
2. The whole thing was pretty great and well done.
3. I never could figure out what was going on until the reveal.
4. The acting was really well done.
5. From a bunch of newbie filmmakers you would think they had more work under their belts.
6. I would definitely recommend checking this one out.

31 review

Thoughts Before Watching This:
1. It's about freaking time!
2. Rob Zombie is insane when it comes to his original ideas although I actually liked his Halloween movies for reasons.
3. I had to go back and see why I rated House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects so low.
4. I guess it was probably because of how insane they were.
5. Despite their insanity I actually did enjoy them so I changed the ratings.
6. This is said to be his most insane work yet.
7. If it took 3 times before they brought down the NC-17 to an R I can only imagine what was left in and what was cut out.
8. It's got a pretty awesome cast.
9. The story though sounds like my kind of thing.
10. Anyways it's finally time to see if this is worth the wait.
Thoughts While Watching This:
1. That's an interesting shot.
2. Richard Brake plays creepy just a little too well.
3. He is making my skin crawl.
4. I'm getting sadistic Joker vibes from him.
5. That first kill was kind of tame for Rob Zombie.
6. These opening credits are pretty interesting.
7. I guess they aren't as happy with each other as the credits showed.
8. The one guy seems like a Larry the Cable Guy type.
9. Meg Foster has pretty eyes.
10. Well this is a pretty interesting set of people.
11. Oh that was a really dirty joke.
12. So this time the blonde girl isn't the dumb one.
13. Lucky Leo eh?
14. I swear these people are some really close friends.
15. I don't know about anyone else but I think Elizabeth Daily is still pretty hot for being in her mid 50s.
16. It's also crazy that she is mostly known for being in kids media, but she was even in Devil's Rejects.
17. Wasn't this considered to be one of his most violent films to date.
18. I have yet to see anything particularly gruesome.
19. Some people are offed too easily.
20. Rich people and their games.
21. I have to say a racist, Swastika covered, Spanish speaking, Hitler wanna-be little person is definitely new and silly.
22. Now it looks like it may actually escalate.
23. Somebody needs to take a chill pill.
24. That was a little cliche.
25. You know now that I think of it this kind of reminds me of Running Man in some ways.
26. Rob Zombie is really toying with my emotions right now.
27. Well that was a little intense and brutal.
28. Aww no I was beginning to like that one.
29. I kind of had a feeling that's where that was going.
30. These killers are actually so disturbing they are kind of awesome.
31. One of those situations where it sucks to have morals.
32. Dang that was messed up.
33. Okay so I get it now most brutal doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be all gory.
34. Well except for that which was kind of gory.
35. Such an odd duo.
36. I'm getting some Harley Quinn vibes from Sex-Head.
37. It's getting more and more brutal.
38. Well that was interesting.
39. Yeah that dude has zero chill.
40. The ending was different.
Thoughts After Watching This:
1. It's wasn't entirely what I was expecting.
2. That being said despite not a whole lot of gore this was quite a thrill ride.
3. All the characters were interesting and messed up.
4. Doom-Head, Sex-Head, and the brothers were my favorite of the killers.
5. Of the main characters I liked Charly and Levon while the rest kind of grew on me with time.
6. I wish Malcolm McDowell had done more than just simply be there.
7. It's actually quite brutal in it's violence.
8. There are a few cliches that I kind of rolled my eyes at.
9. It kind of felt like a mix of Running Man, Hunger Games, and The Purge.
10. It's definitely one of my favorites of Rob Zombie although I would have probably been more impressed had they went with not changing anything.
11. Anyways if you dig the Zombie's movies you will probably enjoy this one as well.
1. It's about freaking time!
2. Rob Zombie is insane when it comes to his original ideas although I actually liked his Halloween movies for reasons.
3. I had to go back and see why I rated House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects so low.
4. I guess it was probably because of how insane they were.
5. Despite their insanity I actually did enjoy them so I changed the ratings.
6. This is said to be his most insane work yet.
7. If it took 3 times before they brought down the NC-17 to an R I can only imagine what was left in and what was cut out.
8. It's got a pretty awesome cast.
9. The story though sounds like my kind of thing.
10. Anyways it's finally time to see if this is worth the wait.
Thoughts While Watching This:
1. That's an interesting shot.
2. Richard Brake plays creepy just a little too well.
3. He is making my skin crawl.
4. I'm getting sadistic Joker vibes from him.
5. That first kill was kind of tame for Rob Zombie.
6. These opening credits are pretty interesting.
7. I guess they aren't as happy with each other as the credits showed.
8. The one guy seems like a Larry the Cable Guy type.
9. Meg Foster has pretty eyes.
10. Well this is a pretty interesting set of people.
11. Oh that was a really dirty joke.
12. So this time the blonde girl isn't the dumb one.
13. Lucky Leo eh?
14. I swear these people are some really close friends.
15. I don't know about anyone else but I think Elizabeth Daily is still pretty hot for being in her mid 50s.
16. It's also crazy that she is mostly known for being in kids media, but she was even in Devil's Rejects.
17. Wasn't this considered to be one of his most violent films to date.
18. I have yet to see anything particularly gruesome.
19. Some people are offed too easily.
20. Rich people and their games.
21. I have to say a racist, Swastika covered, Spanish speaking, Hitler wanna-be little person is definitely new and silly.
22. Now it looks like it may actually escalate.
23. Somebody needs to take a chill pill.
24. That was a little cliche.
25. You know now that I think of it this kind of reminds me of Running Man in some ways.
26. Rob Zombie is really toying with my emotions right now.
27. Well that was a little intense and brutal.
28. Aww no I was beginning to like that one.
29. I kind of had a feeling that's where that was going.
30. These killers are actually so disturbing they are kind of awesome.
31. One of those situations where it sucks to have morals.
32. Dang that was messed up.
33. Okay so I get it now most brutal doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be all gory.
34. Well except for that which was kind of gory.
35. Such an odd duo.
36. I'm getting some Harley Quinn vibes from Sex-Head.
37. It's getting more and more brutal.
38. Well that was interesting.
39. Yeah that dude has zero chill.
40. The ending was different.
Thoughts After Watching This:
1. It's wasn't entirely what I was expecting.
2. That being said despite not a whole lot of gore this was quite a thrill ride.
3. All the characters were interesting and messed up.
4. Doom-Head, Sex-Head, and the brothers were my favorite of the killers.
5. Of the main characters I liked Charly and Levon while the rest kind of grew on me with time.
6. I wish Malcolm McDowell had done more than just simply be there.
7. It's actually quite brutal in it's violence.
8. There are a few cliches that I kind of rolled my eyes at.
9. It kind of felt like a mix of Running Man, Hunger Games, and The Purge.
10. It's definitely one of my favorites of Rob Zombie although I would have probably been more impressed had they went with not changing anything.
11. Anyways if you dig the Zombie's movies you will probably enjoy this one as well.

Most Likely to Die review

Thoughts Before Watching This:
1. I was a little skeptical about it.
2. I mean Jake Busey and Perez Hilton are odd choices.
3. It does have Heather Morris though which is good.
4. Anthony DiBlasi has done some interesting films with Last Shift and Dread.
5. There is nothing else from the writer.
6. I mean it's on Netflix so I figured I would give it a shot.
Thoughts While Watching This:
1. The beginning is kind of off to a bland start.
2. Alright now we are getting somewhere.
3. We didn't have most likely things for our yearbook.
4. Why does the one guy not have a most likely to?
5. What was that?
6. Some of the extra most likelys are pretty funny.
7. This better have some on screen stuff.
8. I can't believe they actually got that into a yearbook.
9. I swear Perez Hilton is way older than everyone else.
10. Well hello there Tatum Miranda.
11. It kind of reminds me of a story I thought of which I can hopefully make to not seem cliche or the same.
12. Well he is creeping extra hard.
13. Alrighty then.
14. Way to make poker not fun.
15. Oh wow that discovery happened way sooner than I expected.
16. Lol god Perez Hilton is so awful.
17. I mean that seems like a dream come true for many.
18. Way to make graduation music creepy.
19. Okay that was pretty creative.
20. I kind of dig the costume.
21. Ah that makes sense and I'm surprised I didn't think of that sooner.
22. Dang it my story was going to have a line like that and now I can't.
23. That looked painful.
24. Okay that was insanely brutal!!!
25. That was actually pretty creepy.
26. Well that sucks.
27. I gotta say I didn't expect that!
28. Dang the brutality is real with this one.
29. They almost got me with that.
30. Oh man what an ending.
Thoughts After Watching This:
1. The twist was actually pretty good.
2. Other than Perez Hilton everyone did an okay job.
3. I find it cool that the guy who played the graduate is credited as John Doe.
4. There were some pretty brutal kills which I hadn't initially expected.
5. Anyways despite Perez Hilton who needs to stop acting I actually thought this was interesting.
6. It could have been better and I do wish it wasn't as close to my idea though.
7. I say give it a shot you may be surprised.
1. I was a little skeptical about it.
2. I mean Jake Busey and Perez Hilton are odd choices.
3. It does have Heather Morris though which is good.
4. Anthony DiBlasi has done some interesting films with Last Shift and Dread.
5. There is nothing else from the writer.
6. I mean it's on Netflix so I figured I would give it a shot.
Thoughts While Watching This:
1. The beginning is kind of off to a bland start.
2. Alright now we are getting somewhere.
3. We didn't have most likely things for our yearbook.
4. Why does the one guy not have a most likely to?
5. What was that?
6. Some of the extra most likelys are pretty funny.
7. This better have some on screen stuff.
8. I can't believe they actually got that into a yearbook.
9. I swear Perez Hilton is way older than everyone else.
10. Well hello there Tatum Miranda.
11. It kind of reminds me of a story I thought of which I can hopefully make to not seem cliche or the same.
12. Well he is creeping extra hard.
13. Alrighty then.
14. Way to make poker not fun.
15. Oh wow that discovery happened way sooner than I expected.
16. Lol god Perez Hilton is so awful.
17. I mean that seems like a dream come true for many.
18. Way to make graduation music creepy.
19. Okay that was pretty creative.
20. I kind of dig the costume.
21. Ah that makes sense and I'm surprised I didn't think of that sooner.
22. Dang it my story was going to have a line like that and now I can't.
23. That looked painful.
24. Okay that was insanely brutal!!!
25. That was actually pretty creepy.
26. Well that sucks.
27. I gotta say I didn't expect that!
28. Dang the brutality is real with this one.
29. They almost got me with that.
30. Oh man what an ending.
Thoughts After Watching This:
1. The twist was actually pretty good.
2. Other than Perez Hilton everyone did an okay job.
3. I find it cool that the guy who played the graduate is credited as John Doe.
4. There were some pretty brutal kills which I hadn't initially expected.
5. Anyways despite Perez Hilton who needs to stop acting I actually thought this was interesting.
6. It could have been better and I do wish it wasn't as close to my idea though.
7. I say give it a shot you may be surprised.

Cafรฉ Society review

Thoughts Before Watching This:
1. This will be my first encounter with a Woody Allen film.
2. Not sure why I just never got around to his other stuff yet.
3. It has a decent enough cast.
4. Honestly I don't know much about it, but the plot seems interesting.
5. I swear Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart seem to do well together given they do so many films together.
6. Anyways time to get this show on the road.
Thoughts While Watching This:
1. The way it starts does remind me of films in the 30s.
2. Steve Carell is definitely a much better choice for the role than Bruce Willis would have been.
3. Their family is actually pretty interesting.
4. Mmm Potato Pancakes!
5. Okay that is just too funny.
6. I wonder if those were the real houses or just replicas.
7. Of course!
8. Dang there was no chill with that.
9. The acting is a bit corny sometimes.
10. Because of course it did.
11. If there isn't trouble because of this later then I'll be shocked.
12. Well it happened even quicker than expected.
13. I was wondering when the slip would happen.
14. About time that happened.
15. Fickle-mindedness is so unattractive.
16. At least he got a better deal.
17. Yeah you don't mess with a mobster's family.
18. That's trouble definitely.
19. Kind of bittersweet if you ask me.
20. Oh dang that sucks.
21. Well that was such a simple ending.
Thoughts After Watching This:
1. Honestly I was pretty bored with almost all of it.
2. The only really interesting part of it was the subplot stuff with Ben.
3. The acting was wishy washy.
4. I expected more from Jesse Eisenberg, but it's what I expected from Kristen Stewart.
5. Everything was just so simple.
6. Are all of Woody Allen's films like this?
7. Anyways I just didn't think it was my kind of movie.
1. This will be my first encounter with a Woody Allen film.
2. Not sure why I just never got around to his other stuff yet.
3. It has a decent enough cast.
4. Honestly I don't know much about it, but the plot seems interesting.
5. I swear Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart seem to do well together given they do so many films together.
6. Anyways time to get this show on the road.
Thoughts While Watching This:
1. The way it starts does remind me of films in the 30s.
2. Steve Carell is definitely a much better choice for the role than Bruce Willis would have been.
3. Their family is actually pretty interesting.
4. Mmm Potato Pancakes!
5. Okay that is just too funny.
6. I wonder if those were the real houses or just replicas.
7. Of course!
8. Dang there was no chill with that.
9. The acting is a bit corny sometimes.
10. Because of course it did.
11. If there isn't trouble because of this later then I'll be shocked.
12. Well it happened even quicker than expected.
13. I was wondering when the slip would happen.
14. About time that happened.
15. Fickle-mindedness is so unattractive.
16. At least he got a better deal.
17. Yeah you don't mess with a mobster's family.
18. That's trouble definitely.
19. Kind of bittersweet if you ask me.
20. Oh dang that sucks.
21. Well that was such a simple ending.
Thoughts After Watching This:
1. Honestly I was pretty bored with almost all of it.
2. The only really interesting part of it was the subplot stuff with Ben.
3. The acting was wishy washy.
4. I expected more from Jesse Eisenberg, but it's what I expected from Kristen Stewart.
5. Everything was just so simple.
6. Are all of Woody Allen's films like this?
7. Anyways I just didn't think it was my kind of movie.

Train to Busan review

Thoughts Before Watching This:
1. From the name I thought this was just some plain boring movie.
2. Then I watched the trailer and was taken aback.
3. Not only is this more than that, but it's a freaking zombie movie.
4. I love zombie movies.
5. I also enjoy foreign films.
6. South Korea has done some pretty good stuff from what I've seen so far.
7. Let's see how they do with zombies.
8. Also from the trailer I noticed some resemblance to World War Z with the style of zombies which is interesting.
9. This is the first live action film for director Sang-Ho Yeon and also the first I've seen of his.
10. I have never seen any of these actors before so that will be interesting.
11. I'm ready!
Thoughts While Watching This:
1. That's a creepy traffic dummy thing.
2. Man that made me really nervous.
3. Okay that's different.
4. Wow that sucks.
5. It has to be rough to be stuck in a situation like that.
6. Interesting that we get to meet more of the characters as the shit is soon to hit the fan.
7. Did he not see her or did he just not care?
8. Uh oh that doesn't seem like something good.
9. Dude is crazy for good reason.
10. Is seriously nobody going to react to her!?
11. Hmm that's suspicious.
12. Okay finally that was going to drive me nuts.
13. These transformations are insane!
14. Oh man the music is escalating and you know what that means.
15. Good lord this is one hell of a ride!
16. Dang dude that was cold.
17. Thinking outside the box nice.
18. Aww no that's not fair.
19. You still sure you wanted to stop there?
20. It always sucks to have to just sit and watch that happen.
21. I really like the couple here.
22. Too quiet is never a good thing.
23. See that's exactly what I'm talking about.
24. That definitely escalated quickly.
25. Okay Sang Hwa is easily my favorite so far!
26. Good lord they are really coming from everywhere.
27. Ugh rich people are the worst in these situations!
28. That was just badass.
29. Young seems to be quite bright.
30. Man that's messed up to have to witness.
31. Well that's interesting and unusual.
32. This is really stressing me out.
33. Oh my gosh you have to be kidding me!
34. Golly that's just messed up!
35. They are really wrecking my emotions.
36. Those people really suck.
37. Something beautiful and yet brutal about that.
38. These tender moments are playing with my emotions.
39. I think I knew that would happen, but it's definitely more screwed up when it does.
40. I did not see that reveal coming!
41. That guy has no chill.
42. I swear this movie is just ruthless.
43. I've never seen a shot like that and it's pretty creepy.
44. That's just not fair.
45. What they do with these characters is really interesting.
46. Okay that's is insane!
47. Yeah right on!
48. Oh my God!
49. That was something else for real.
50. Man that ending was tense.
Thoughts After Watching This:
1. I have never been so emotionally unstable when it comes to horror movies.
2. I think that's definitely the hardest I cried in a movie in awhile and I'm sure not many horror films do that for me.
3. I swear Sang-ho Yeon wants to squeeze and twist your heart whenever he can.
4. I was really invested in the main characters.
5. Seok Woo and Sang Hwa were my favorites of course.
6. The little girl was actually a decent actress.
7. They did things with characters that I had not expected which was cool.
8. The CGI was a little weird sometimes, but it didn't bother me.
9. It was so intense throughout the whole thing.
10. I never knew who would make it through to the next problem they encountered.
11. There were a few amusing moments, but only seldom as it is a pretty serious film
12. The music was great and fit well with the scenes it was used in.
13. It's easily one of the best zombie movies in awhile.
14. South Korea really knows how to keep it's audience.
15. If you don't mind your zombies fast paced and are ready for a tearjerker I recommend checking this out.
1. From the name I thought this was just some plain boring movie.
2. Then I watched the trailer and was taken aback.
3. Not only is this more than that, but it's a freaking zombie movie.
4. I love zombie movies.
5. I also enjoy foreign films.
6. South Korea has done some pretty good stuff from what I've seen so far.
7. Let's see how they do with zombies.
8. Also from the trailer I noticed some resemblance to World War Z with the style of zombies which is interesting.
9. This is the first live action film for director Sang-Ho Yeon and also the first I've seen of his.
10. I have never seen any of these actors before so that will be interesting.
11. I'm ready!
Thoughts While Watching This:
1. That's a creepy traffic dummy thing.
2. Man that made me really nervous.
3. Okay that's different.
4. Wow that sucks.
5. It has to be rough to be stuck in a situation like that.
6. Interesting that we get to meet more of the characters as the shit is soon to hit the fan.
7. Did he not see her or did he just not care?
8. Uh oh that doesn't seem like something good.
9. Dude is crazy for good reason.
10. Is seriously nobody going to react to her!?
11. Hmm that's suspicious.
12. Okay finally that was going to drive me nuts.
13. These transformations are insane!
14. Oh man the music is escalating and you know what that means.
15. Good lord this is one hell of a ride!
16. Dang dude that was cold.
17. Thinking outside the box nice.
18. Aww no that's not fair.
19. You still sure you wanted to stop there?
20. It always sucks to have to just sit and watch that happen.
21. I really like the couple here.
22. Too quiet is never a good thing.
23. See that's exactly what I'm talking about.
24. That definitely escalated quickly.
25. Okay Sang Hwa is easily my favorite so far!
26. Good lord they are really coming from everywhere.
27. Ugh rich people are the worst in these situations!
28. That was just badass.
29. Young seems to be quite bright.
30. Man that's messed up to have to witness.
31. Well that's interesting and unusual.
32. This is really stressing me out.
33. Oh my gosh you have to be kidding me!
34. Golly that's just messed up!
35. They are really wrecking my emotions.
36. Those people really suck.
37. Something beautiful and yet brutal about that.
38. These tender moments are playing with my emotions.
39. I think I knew that would happen, but it's definitely more screwed up when it does.
40. I did not see that reveal coming!
41. That guy has no chill.
42. I swear this movie is just ruthless.
43. I've never seen a shot like that and it's pretty creepy.
44. That's just not fair.
45. What they do with these characters is really interesting.
46. Okay that's is insane!
47. Yeah right on!
48. Oh my God!
49. That was something else for real.
50. Man that ending was tense.
Thoughts After Watching This:
1. I have never been so emotionally unstable when it comes to horror movies.
2. I think that's definitely the hardest I cried in a movie in awhile and I'm sure not many horror films do that for me.
3. I swear Sang-ho Yeon wants to squeeze and twist your heart whenever he can.
4. I was really invested in the main characters.
5. Seok Woo and Sang Hwa were my favorites of course.
6. The little girl was actually a decent actress.
7. They did things with characters that I had not expected which was cool.
8. The CGI was a little weird sometimes, but it didn't bother me.
9. It was so intense throughout the whole thing.
10. I never knew who would make it through to the next problem they encountered.
11. There were a few amusing moments, but only seldom as it is a pretty serious film
12. The music was great and fit well with the scenes it was used in.
13. It's easily one of the best zombie movies in awhile.
14. South Korea really knows how to keep it's audience.
15. If you don't mind your zombies fast paced and are ready for a tearjerker I recommend checking this out.