I'm in the mood for an old school vampire flick with some great actors. Oh did you say check out Near Dark? Sure don't mind if I do. I can't believe this is the directorial debut of Kathryn Bigelow. This is what boosted her into a career that produced Zero Dark Thirty and The Hurt Locker. It should be quite interesting to see what she started with. Eric Red who writes here is also known for a few other well known horror movies. Although they aren't considered all that great. Anyways let's see how this goes.
So that was pretty corny. It does feel slightly like The Lost Boys scenario though obviously that was better than this. Still it had three really great moments in my opinion. The bar massacre was pretty wicked. I have to say I don't think you see someone use a spur like that very often. The shootout scene was pretty cool too. It was fairly intense. Then the finale was good as well especially with Severen. A lot of feels a bit too much like a romance. It's kind of like something you see in a Nicholas Sparks movie with how fast they fall for each other. I did think it was interesting that they never flat out say they are vampires. Anyways it's still likable, but I could understand if people didn't enjoy it.
Adrian Pasdar was kind of annoying here. His character was such a wuss at times and his acting didn't seem all that great. I just really couldn't stand him. Jenny Wright was cute but not smoking. She was a bit lackluster as well. I couldn't tell if her acting was off or if her character just wasn't all that interesting. Homer was an amusing little character. I liked the idea that he was old in a kids body. So whenever he was smoking or they made a comment about his age I thought it was cool. Jenette Goldstein as Diamondback is just awesome. I think the actress is a badass especially after watching Aliens of course. Here she isn't quite as cool, but she still has some great moments. Plus I have to admit she does come off as attractive. Maybe it's the hair. Lance Henriksen is always great when he plays a villain. He doesn't do a whole lot here, but when he does he makes his presence known. The gun over the arm shooting thing seems to be a slight trademark of his as I remember seeing that in Hard Target as well. Lastly there is Bill Paxton as Severen. He is absolutely wicked and definitely the coolest here. He is funny, crazy, and extremely brutal. He also makes for the most gruesome bits here.
It can be quite corny and sappy for a lot of the runtime. The brutal moments do make up for it to some extent. There are bits that were pretty original. Then there is familiarity which I was fine with as well. The mains were a little disappointing, but the other vampires were great. Bill Paxton was my favorite here. I just don't see how he couldn't be a favorite for most. Anyways it's an interesting vampire movie. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but you should give a try.
Near Dark (1987) review

Rabies review

The first ever Israel horror movie. It sounds interesting enough so I thought I would go ahead and check it out. The ratings are not the worst either. The director/writer duo have done one other film I plan to see as well as having done a segment of ABC's of Death 2. Their segment had been a fairly good one. So let us see what they do with a feature length.
I wonder why they chose to open this like that. It kind of gave the feeling of a movie within a movie. Okay I think I understand why they chose that title for the movie. It makes sense and I think it's actually pretty creative. The whole thing is pretty insane and wild. It's quite brutal at times. Once scene in particular had me messed up. There are some pretty unpredictable moments too which kept making my jaw drop. The only thing that I was disappointed with was the ending. It sort of just ended. It has many subplots some of which are dismissed or just not really put in depth. It also doesn't really explain what's going on with some things. There is a little scene in the midcredits too that is kind of amusing. Anyways it was still a rather enjoyable watch. With some tweaks this could have been even more superb.
The characters were all great and the actors played them well. I was kind of disappointed with how some of them were used and such. The only characters I would say I really didn't like were Yuval and the killer. I thought everyone else was pretty likable except maybe some of the actions that they do here and there. I felt really bad for some of the characters as some pretty messed up stuff happens.
It's an excellent first attempt at horror in Israel. I wouldn't say it's a typical sort of horror. It's actually pretty original if you ask me. I didn't know what to expect from this before or even during watching it. The characters were quite interesting and I would have to say not too cliche either. The actors were remarkable in their roles as well. It's not extreme, but it is fairly brutal. I swear foreign horror just seems to know whats up. It could use some work on completing subplots, but overall it was a quite enjoyable thrill ride. I highly recommend giving this one a shot especially if you are looking for something different in horror.
I wonder why they chose to open this like that. It kind of gave the feeling of a movie within a movie. Okay I think I understand why they chose that title for the movie. It makes sense and I think it's actually pretty creative. The whole thing is pretty insane and wild. It's quite brutal at times. Once scene in particular had me messed up. There are some pretty unpredictable moments too which kept making my jaw drop. The only thing that I was disappointed with was the ending. It sort of just ended. It has many subplots some of which are dismissed or just not really put in depth. It also doesn't really explain what's going on with some things. There is a little scene in the midcredits too that is kind of amusing. Anyways it was still a rather enjoyable watch. With some tweaks this could have been even more superb.
The characters were all great and the actors played them well. I was kind of disappointed with how some of them were used and such. The only characters I would say I really didn't like were Yuval and the killer. I thought everyone else was pretty likable except maybe some of the actions that they do here and there. I felt really bad for some of the characters as some pretty messed up stuff happens.
It's an excellent first attempt at horror in Israel. I wouldn't say it's a typical sort of horror. It's actually pretty original if you ask me. I didn't know what to expect from this before or even during watching it. The characters were quite interesting and I would have to say not too cliche either. The actors were remarkable in their roles as well. It's not extreme, but it is fairly brutal. I swear foreign horror just seems to know whats up. It could use some work on completing subplots, but overall it was a quite enjoyable thrill ride. I highly recommend giving this one a shot especially if you are looking for something different in horror.

Offspring review

I watched The Woman years ago and thought it was really good. Of course it was very disturbing, but it was still so well done. I knew of this one as well. I just never got around to watching it until now. I've been curious where The Woman actually started from. I haven't seen or heard of anything else from the director, but the writer also worked on The Woman. It's interesting that they were both starring another disturbing film called The Girl Next Door (definitely not the sex comedy) also written by the writer. I'm sure this is going to be interesting.
The Woman was way better than this. One of the things this had going for it was the gore and shock factor. It started off quite boring with a sudden change of pace with just about no build up. That's not a bad way to go about it, but in this case it just felt rushed into the story. The deaths here were quite brutal and disturbing. There were a few scenes that really felt out of place here. The hitchhiker scene in particular didn't mix well. The ending was pretty great though. I was kind of surprised by it which is good. At least this was a short film.
Wow the acting here was pretty bad. It's the kind of stuff you would see in some terrible budget films. The only saving graces were Art Hindle and Pollyanna McIntosh. Without them this would have been so much worse. At least the main woman was interesting to look at. I thought most of the cannibals looked a bit silly.
It wasn't what I was hoping it would be. The crazy deaths and the cannibals themselves were really the only thing that kept me interested. I mean most of the acting is pretty bad and the characters are a bit of a drag. It felt a bit jumbled in parts with useless scenes and awkward pacing. It was interesting to see where the Woman came from. The ending was also pretty nice. I was just hoping for something better considering the sequel being so excellent.
The Woman was way better than this. One of the things this had going for it was the gore and shock factor. It started off quite boring with a sudden change of pace with just about no build up. That's not a bad way to go about it, but in this case it just felt rushed into the story. The deaths here were quite brutal and disturbing. There were a few scenes that really felt out of place here. The hitchhiker scene in particular didn't mix well. The ending was pretty great though. I was kind of surprised by it which is good. At least this was a short film.
Wow the acting here was pretty bad. It's the kind of stuff you would see in some terrible budget films. The only saving graces were Art Hindle and Pollyanna McIntosh. Without them this would have been so much worse. At least the main woman was interesting to look at. I thought most of the cannibals looked a bit silly.
It wasn't what I was hoping it would be. The crazy deaths and the cannibals themselves were really the only thing that kept me interested. I mean most of the acting is pretty bad and the characters are a bit of a drag. It felt a bit jumbled in parts with useless scenes and awkward pacing. It was interesting to see where the Woman came from. The ending was also pretty nice. I was just hoping for something better considering the sequel being so excellent.

From Beyond review

Alright time for another gross out film for my Horrorthon! It's based off an H.P. Lovecraft short which is pretty cool. Despite Stuart Gordon being a horror master this only the second of his I've seen with the other being Re-Animator. I have also seen Honey I Shrunk the Kids. Brian Yuzna also co-wrote that. He isn't the best, but he has his moments. Dennis Paoli also wrote in Re-Animator. It has a decent small cast which is good. Anyways let's see if this is worth the watch or simply an oddball that is nothing but gross.
Okay that was another hell of a weird body horror kind of movie. I mean that was to be expected though. I just didn't realize to what extent it would go. I have to say that I don't think there are many people who could eat while watching this movie haha. I can't tell if they intentionally made this funny or the acting is what makes it happen. I found myself amused throughout many scenes. There were some disturbing elements here and there if you catch the underlying messages within some dialogue and actions. I thought the gore and death scenes were interesting enough thank goodness. I wanted this to be a great watch, but I was pretty disappointed. It just wasn't all that. It had many bits I thought were just done poorly or way too awkward. I mean I was entertained, but I wanted something. Not sure what it is though. I thought the ending was exceptional though with a bit of bittersweetness to it.
Besides the main trio and the director's wife I have to say everyone else was pretty dreadful. Not that Jeffrey Combs is a particularly great actor. Personally Barbara Crampton and Ken Foree were the best here. Barbara Crampton was definitely some great eye candy back then. The dominatrix stuff added to the sex appeal. She is probably the main saving grace for this though. The characters make a lot of dumb decisions, but I think it has to do with them being influenced by Pretorius. I really didn't like the him all that much to be honest. He was just annoying and gross. At least he looked interesting at first.
So it was an alright movie. It has it's ups and many downs. It's pretty gross and disturbing. I found it at times to be funny which I'm not sure if it was intentional. The acting is kind of bad except for maybe Ken Foree and Barbara Crampton. The latter being the main reason I added this to my list. It's a huge cornfest for the most part. The ending was excellent though.
Okay that was another hell of a weird body horror kind of movie. I mean that was to be expected though. I just didn't realize to what extent it would go. I have to say that I don't think there are many people who could eat while watching this movie haha. I can't tell if they intentionally made this funny or the acting is what makes it happen. I found myself amused throughout many scenes. There were some disturbing elements here and there if you catch the underlying messages within some dialogue and actions. I thought the gore and death scenes were interesting enough thank goodness. I wanted this to be a great watch, but I was pretty disappointed. It just wasn't all that. It had many bits I thought were just done poorly or way too awkward. I mean I was entertained, but I wanted something. Not sure what it is though. I thought the ending was exceptional though with a bit of bittersweetness to it.
Besides the main trio and the director's wife I have to say everyone else was pretty dreadful. Not that Jeffrey Combs is a particularly great actor. Personally Barbara Crampton and Ken Foree were the best here. Barbara Crampton was definitely some great eye candy back then. The dominatrix stuff added to the sex appeal. She is probably the main saving grace for this though. The characters make a lot of dumb decisions, but I think it has to do with them being influenced by Pretorius. I really didn't like the him all that much to be honest. He was just annoying and gross. At least he looked interesting at first.
So it was an alright movie. It has it's ups and many downs. It's pretty gross and disturbing. I found it at times to be funny which I'm not sure if it was intentional. The acting is kind of bad except for maybe Ken Foree and Barbara Crampton. The latter being the main reason I added this to my list. It's a huge cornfest for the most part. The ending was excellent though.

Videodrome review

All right so it's time to check out a wild Cronenberg classic. I actually know very little about this one besides a handful of things that I only barely remember. I didn't even know Debbie Harry was in this! I have seen a few Cronenberg movies which were definitely unique. Now I can add this to that slowly growing list. Let's see why this is considered so memorable and defining.
That was pretty insane! It does seem to mirror the idea of stuff like Youtube in the scenario. Although the videos are obviously not what you would go searching for or typically see there considering that they are snuff films. It also felt like a way more bearable influence on A Serbian Film. Of course it probably isn't, but it does feel that way. This is a psychological body horror story. I don't know that I would consider it an excellent film, but it is certainly innovative. The special FX were quite good for it's time. Practical effects are usually quite good and end up feeling sort of realistic if done well. I mean a lot of it looked pretty grotesque if you like that kind of stuff like I do. The sexual aspect of this film is quite disturbing and is actually something different. The ending was messed up. It's a very interesting concept and leaves much to be up for interpretation.
The characters were alright. They kind of reminded me of the weirdo characters from May. It was interesting seeing Debbie Harry with red hair as well as in a movie. I thought she did pretty well considering she is a singer. Back in that time I don't think too many singers were all that great at acting with of course exception. Now you see it all the time. James Woods is a little silly at times, but he is still quite the cool cat. Max Renn and O'Blivion are some pretty cool names. I kind of liked the character of Harlan. I thought everyone did a decent job.
You can always depend on Cronenberg to make a film full of crazy imagery or characters where it makes you wonder about the whole thing. It's pretty gross out. It's very familiar with a few ideas, but mostly the concept is pretty fresh even after all this time. It's one heck of an oddball which is to be expected. The special FX is the gold of the movie though. The characters weren't all that amazing. The acting however was fairly good even from Debbie Harry. All in all it certainly messes with your mind, but it keeps you interested and entertained.
That was pretty insane! It does seem to mirror the idea of stuff like Youtube in the scenario. Although the videos are obviously not what you would go searching for or typically see there considering that they are snuff films. It also felt like a way more bearable influence on A Serbian Film. Of course it probably isn't, but it does feel that way. This is a psychological body horror story. I don't know that I would consider it an excellent film, but it is certainly innovative. The special FX were quite good for it's time. Practical effects are usually quite good and end up feeling sort of realistic if done well. I mean a lot of it looked pretty grotesque if you like that kind of stuff like I do. The sexual aspect of this film is quite disturbing and is actually something different. The ending was messed up. It's a very interesting concept and leaves much to be up for interpretation.
The characters were alright. They kind of reminded me of the weirdo characters from May. It was interesting seeing Debbie Harry with red hair as well as in a movie. I thought she did pretty well considering she is a singer. Back in that time I don't think too many singers were all that great at acting with of course exception. Now you see it all the time. James Woods is a little silly at times, but he is still quite the cool cat. Max Renn and O'Blivion are some pretty cool names. I kind of liked the character of Harlan. I thought everyone did a decent job.
You can always depend on Cronenberg to make a film full of crazy imagery or characters where it makes you wonder about the whole thing. It's pretty gross out. It's very familiar with a few ideas, but mostly the concept is pretty fresh even after all this time. It's one heck of an oddball which is to be expected. The special FX is the gold of the movie though. The characters weren't all that amazing. The acting however was fairly good even from Debbie Harry. All in all it certainly messes with your mind, but it keeps you interested and entertained.

Mum & Dad review

I wanted to check out something crazy and gory, but not quite so glum like say Cannibal Holocaust. It might still not be a particularly joyful story though. Steven Sheil has only one other film of which I've never heard of. Other than that I really don't know much else. Let's see if it was worth the choice.
Yeah that definitely wasn't very joyful. It's also much different than I was expecting. The gore wasn't insane as you would expect. Although when things happened was particularly brutal. The way it is shot kind of gives it a more realistic feel as well. I found some shots and scenes were done very uniquely. Some things were pretty gross like one particular thing with the meat. I thought the concept was brilliantly disturbing. There were some great little turn of events. The ending was insane but well done.
The family here was quite messed up and just sick. The acting is great though. Our lead doesn't do much talking, but her emotion acting was excellent. Honestly besides her the only other character I liked was Elbie. I felt bad for him because he was so brainwashed and broken that he was too scared to defy the family. Dad was one of the most disturbing characters with some really gross habits. Mum was a little softer, but don't take that for granted. Birdie was just so messed up that she could pass as normal until she was out of the open. I felt bad for the other sister though. Anyways the characters are definitely interesting.
This was quite disturbing and totally not what I had expected. The style of the story is unique. The concept itself is actually something different and creepy. The characters were all very interesting albeit complete sickos. I thought the ending was quite good and insane. It's not a great film, but it definitely keeps you from being bored.
Yeah that definitely wasn't very joyful. It's also much different than I was expecting. The gore wasn't insane as you would expect. Although when things happened was particularly brutal. The way it is shot kind of gives it a more realistic feel as well. I found some shots and scenes were done very uniquely. Some things were pretty gross like one particular thing with the meat. I thought the concept was brilliantly disturbing. There were some great little turn of events. The ending was insane but well done.
The family here was quite messed up and just sick. The acting is great though. Our lead doesn't do much talking, but her emotion acting was excellent. Honestly besides her the only other character I liked was Elbie. I felt bad for him because he was so brainwashed and broken that he was too scared to defy the family. Dad was one of the most disturbing characters with some really gross habits. Mum was a little softer, but don't take that for granted. Birdie was just so messed up that she could pass as normal until she was out of the open. I felt bad for the other sister though. Anyways the characters are definitely interesting.
This was quite disturbing and totally not what I had expected. The style of the story is unique. The concept itself is actually something different and creepy. The characters were all very interesting albeit complete sickos. I thought the ending was quite good and insane. It's not a great film, but it definitely keeps you from being bored.

Freaks review

It's time for another classic Tod Browning film. This one is actually considered to be quite good. Although it is another one that is considered a little controversial. It's mostly due to the fact that it's a story ahead of its time. I recently watched American Horror Story that shares many ideas from this. I figured I should definitely go ahead and finally watch it for my Horrorthon of 2016. I have only heard of some films from most of the writers. Edgar Allan Woolf is the only one I have seen a movie from with The Wizard of Oz. This is going to be a very short watch at barely a few minutes over an hour. Anyways it's time to see the legend. Hopefully this goes better than my Dracula experience.
This was actually pretty darn good. Unlike Dracula this actually captivated me. I do think the missing footage slightly dampens the experience, but not by much. I am definitely curious as to what happened in those twenty plus minutes they had to dispose of. I mean it could have been pretty tame by today's standards. Anyways it's nice to see where horror came from. I also think there were bits of subplot that were kind of spoiled by that. Some things were never remarked on again. I like the little bits of comedy that were here. I have seen a lot of homage of this in AHS Freakshow. The crawling in the mud scene was actually pretty disturbing and well done. That scene and the dinner scene have to be some of the most iconic moments of the whole thing. The reveal at the end was quite insane. I wonder how they made that possible! I like that this is another of the type of stories where you learn that "normal" people are the ones who are the problem.
I really enjoyed the characters here. Even the acting is fairly good from everyone. I do wish some people had bigger roles. They probably did in the disposed of footage. I like that they tend to make these people as very sympathetic and likable. If they had made them unlikable then I could see why this had so much hate. I personally thought they were well respected besides of course what they end up doing.
I'm glad this actually proved to still be a good movie. I wish it was in it's entirety though. I think the disposed of film possibly took away from some subplots. I'm also just genuinely curious about what they had to give up. I liked the characters and I thought the acting was pretty decent given the time period. The message it gives it clear that the "Freaks" are the people who bash others for being different. It has some great iconic moments with a fantastic ending. It was definitely worth finally watching. I would recommend others to do the same.
This was actually pretty darn good. Unlike Dracula this actually captivated me. I do think the missing footage slightly dampens the experience, but not by much. I am definitely curious as to what happened in those twenty plus minutes they had to dispose of. I mean it could have been pretty tame by today's standards. Anyways it's nice to see where horror came from. I also think there were bits of subplot that were kind of spoiled by that. Some things were never remarked on again. I like the little bits of comedy that were here. I have seen a lot of homage of this in AHS Freakshow. The crawling in the mud scene was actually pretty disturbing and well done. That scene and the dinner scene have to be some of the most iconic moments of the whole thing. The reveal at the end was quite insane. I wonder how they made that possible! I like that this is another of the type of stories where you learn that "normal" people are the ones who are the problem.
I really enjoyed the characters here. Even the acting is fairly good from everyone. I do wish some people had bigger roles. They probably did in the disposed of footage. I like that they tend to make these people as very sympathetic and likable. If they had made them unlikable then I could see why this had so much hate. I personally thought they were well respected besides of course what they end up doing.
I'm glad this actually proved to still be a good movie. I wish it was in it's entirety though. I think the disposed of film possibly took away from some subplots. I'm also just genuinely curious about what they had to give up. I liked the characters and I thought the acting was pretty decent given the time period. The message it gives it clear that the "Freaks" are the people who bash others for being different. It has some great iconic moments with a fantastic ending. It was definitely worth finally watching. I would recommend others to do the same.

May review

I have been wondering about this film for awhile. I wasn't sure if I would ever watch it or not. I mean it does have a decent cast, but I wasn't sure it would have my attention. I decided though during my 2016 Horrorthon I would give it a shot. Lucky McKee also wrote and directed All Cheerleaders Die and The Woman. Both of which are quite different styles of storytelling, but they are both pretty damn good. Hopefully he is consistent with this as well. Time to check it out.
Okay that was one hell of an interesting opening. It kind of feels like a horror version of something similar to say Never Been Kissed. It's definitely a very different approach the horror genre. It's on a very psychological level through the meat of the story. This causes it to be somewhat of a slow burner. That's actually quite effective here as things continuously escalate. Adam's movie was hella weird but strangely entertaining. The dark humor was amusing like the story about the dog. That daycare scene was pretty crazy. I feel the ending was really well done. It's highly disturbing and I think it leaves things up for debate.
I can kind of relate to May as I have a lazy eye and I also come off a bit socially awkward I think. Although I do have some pretty good friends. I kind of connect with Adam too with a bit of a horror obsession. I like that there are very few characters who aren't weird. Nearly everyone has something about them, but May certainly outweirds them all. I have to admit I do kind of feel sorry for her. If people had just treated her normal maybe things would have been different.
It's a very unique horror movie with a nice psychological spin to it. Of course it still has a few death scenes, but it's more about the lead up than anything else. The characters all seem to have something odd about them, but May takes the cake. I really thought Angela Bettis really had the best performance here. It was interesting to see Anna Faris play a character like this. The ending really wrapped the whole thing up into a nice creepy little bow. It's definitely worth watching if you are into the psychological horror stuff.
Okay that was one hell of an interesting opening. It kind of feels like a horror version of something similar to say Never Been Kissed. It's definitely a very different approach the horror genre. It's on a very psychological level through the meat of the story. This causes it to be somewhat of a slow burner. That's actually quite effective here as things continuously escalate. Adam's movie was hella weird but strangely entertaining. The dark humor was amusing like the story about the dog. That daycare scene was pretty crazy. I feel the ending was really well done. It's highly disturbing and I think it leaves things up for debate.
I can kind of relate to May as I have a lazy eye and I also come off a bit socially awkward I think. Although I do have some pretty good friends. I kind of connect with Adam too with a bit of a horror obsession. I like that there are very few characters who aren't weird. Nearly everyone has something about them, but May certainly outweirds them all. I have to admit I do kind of feel sorry for her. If people had just treated her normal maybe things would have been different.
It's a very unique horror movie with a nice psychological spin to it. Of course it still has a few death scenes, but it's more about the lead up than anything else. The characters all seem to have something odd about them, but May takes the cake. I really thought Angela Bettis really had the best performance here. It was interesting to see Anna Faris play a character like this. The ending really wrapped the whole thing up into a nice creepy little bow. It's definitely worth watching if you are into the psychological horror stuff.

Cannibal Holocaust review

I'm not about the watch the film that many thought was snuff. The director was even accused of murder and almost sent to jail because of this film seeming so realistic. That is the the stuff of shock entertainment legend. I have seen bits of this here and there. It's banned in several places and considered to be a movie that should be avoided. They have several edited versions now that cut some gruesomeness out. It has many disturbing things about it. I know there will be stuff that really makes me uneasy, but I'm going to watch it anyways to finally get it over with. Afterwards I can finally say I've seen it and never want to again. This will be my first encounter with a Ruggero Deodato film as well as the writers. Now let's get this over with.
One of the creepiest elements of this is the score. It's so melodic and peaceful even as some of the more grotesque pieces of the story happen. There were a few moments that the noise was a bit annoying. The first half has a handful of brutal things happen, but the second half is where it proves to be one of the most disturbing films. The stuff with the animals was pretty sad, but they did give the natives the animals as food. It's still pretty disturbing how it happens though. My main concern were the four fairly graphic rape scenes. The first one while quite disturbing was the only one that really pertained to the story. The rest of them were just to add shock value. I do wonder though if the girl on the spike was the one the guys of the film crew raped. Did they put her on the spike themselves or did the tribe do it after the incident. I can see why in some spots people thought this was real. The make-up and special effects team did a superb job at realism. Whereas Green Inferno from last year that pays homage to this is quite unrealistic. The ending kind of reminds me of zombie films where you have to wonder. It was different than I had expected though. Kind of like the reverse Full Metal Jacket where the first half and second are completely different tales. Whereas the first half of Full Metal Jacket is the awesome bit, the second half of Cannibal Holocaust is where the really gritty stuff happens.
The Professor is my favorite character. He seems to genuinely care about the well being of people. Chaco and Miguel are also fairly good characters. The film crew though are absolutely despicable. None of them are likable whatsoever. Even Faye doesn't care that another girl is being raped. The only thing she cares about is a waste of film and that her lover doesn't join in. They rape, commit mass murder, brutalize animals for fun (not just for food). Alan even admires a dead girl on a stake whom I think is the girl they raped. They got an eye for an eye. Honestly I would say they deserved what they got.
The story was good albeit quite disturbing. Most of the characters are not really all that likable.The question it asks still pertains to the way society is. You constantly wonder about that to this day. It does feel kind of realistic more so than the way they do gore and such these days. I can see why they say this should be avoided or watched only once. I don't see how anyone could watch all of this more than once. Now I can say I've watched this and never have to go through it again.
One of the creepiest elements of this is the score. It's so melodic and peaceful even as some of the more grotesque pieces of the story happen. There were a few moments that the noise was a bit annoying. The first half has a handful of brutal things happen, but the second half is where it proves to be one of the most disturbing films. The stuff with the animals was pretty sad, but they did give the natives the animals as food. It's still pretty disturbing how it happens though. My main concern were the four fairly graphic rape scenes. The first one while quite disturbing was the only one that really pertained to the story. The rest of them were just to add shock value. I do wonder though if the girl on the spike was the one the guys of the film crew raped. Did they put her on the spike themselves or did the tribe do it after the incident. I can see why in some spots people thought this was real. The make-up and special effects team did a superb job at realism. Whereas Green Inferno from last year that pays homage to this is quite unrealistic. The ending kind of reminds me of zombie films where you have to wonder. It was different than I had expected though. Kind of like the reverse Full Metal Jacket where the first half and second are completely different tales. Whereas the first half of Full Metal Jacket is the awesome bit, the second half of Cannibal Holocaust is where the really gritty stuff happens.
The Professor is my favorite character. He seems to genuinely care about the well being of people. Chaco and Miguel are also fairly good characters. The film crew though are absolutely despicable. None of them are likable whatsoever. Even Faye doesn't care that another girl is being raped. The only thing she cares about is a waste of film and that her lover doesn't join in. They rape, commit mass murder, brutalize animals for fun (not just for food). Alan even admires a dead girl on a stake whom I think is the girl they raped. They got an eye for an eye. Honestly I would say they deserved what they got.
The story was good albeit quite disturbing. Most of the characters are not really all that likable.The question it asks still pertains to the way society is. You constantly wonder about that to this day. It does feel kind of realistic more so than the way they do gore and such these days. I can see why they say this should be avoided or watched only once. I don't see how anyone could watch all of this more than once. Now I can say I've watched this and never have to go through it again.

Versus review

What could be better than watching a Japanese zombie movie where they have sword and gun fights in the woods. It's directed by Ryuhei Kitamura who also directed Midnight Meat Train and No One Lives. The guy is crazy with what he comes up with. The co-writer Yรปdai Yamaguchi also did a film in ABC's of Death which I didn't like. Anyways let's see how this goes.
These feels slightly inspired by The Matrix and Highlander with the addition of zombies/demons. It's wheels of crazy and silly as you would of course expect from a Japanese film. Some of the jokes are pretty funny too. It is more of an action sci-fi film with horror elements thrown in. The action is of course badass with some crazy bloody death scenes. The score is excellent. The writing is a little bit inconsistent in places with lines like "I never lose" after losing at least twice. The ending was pretty awesome and possibly makes you wish that a sequel had been made.
The acting is really silly of course. The characters are very oddball. The main villain is the best actor out of everyone here. He isn't goofy except maybe one moment and he is a badass. The main guy is a badass too and kind of feels like the Japanese answer to Highlander and Neo. The main girl is attractive, but the way she acts feels strange. The supporting villains are quite unique with all their own unique quirks and looks about them. I couldn't spot Hideo Kojima since he was just an extra. It looked like the cast at least a lot of fun with the whole thing.
Well it's certainly different while still feeling like it has some ideas from The Matrix and Highlander. The deaths are crazy and the action is badass. The characters and acting is very silly. The main villain is probably the most serious out of everyone and besides the "hero" is the best character. The design of the characters is cool though. It's wild and crazy, but I would say it's pretty fun. You have to be in to the kind of films that Japanese horror means to appreciate it though.
These feels slightly inspired by The Matrix and Highlander with the addition of zombies/demons. It's wheels of crazy and silly as you would of course expect from a Japanese film. Some of the jokes are pretty funny too. It is more of an action sci-fi film with horror elements thrown in. The action is of course badass with some crazy bloody death scenes. The score is excellent. The writing is a little bit inconsistent in places with lines like "I never lose" after losing at least twice. The ending was pretty awesome and possibly makes you wish that a sequel had been made.
The acting is really silly of course. The characters are very oddball. The main villain is the best actor out of everyone here. He isn't goofy except maybe one moment and he is a badass. The main guy is a badass too and kind of feels like the Japanese answer to Highlander and Neo. The main girl is attractive, but the way she acts feels strange. The supporting villains are quite unique with all their own unique quirks and looks about them. I couldn't spot Hideo Kojima since he was just an extra. It looked like the cast at least a lot of fun with the whole thing.
Well it's certainly different while still feeling like it has some ideas from The Matrix and Highlander. The deaths are crazy and the action is badass. The characters and acting is very silly. The main villain is probably the most serious out of everyone and besides the "hero" is the best character. The design of the characters is cool though. It's wild and crazy, but I would say it's pretty fun. You have to be in to the kind of films that Japanese horror means to appreciate it though.