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Punk's Dead: SLC Punk 2 review

Posted : 8 years, 7 months ago on 9 August 2016 06:24 (A review of Punk's Dead: SLC Punk 2)

Man I swear I have been waiting for this since I've heard of it coming out. It doesn't look quite as good as the original. It does have a decent cast with some returnees. I love that James Merendino returned to write and direct this sequel instead of some random person. I am hopeful there will be some sort of Matthew Lillard cameo. The start is interesting gets your attention. The opening credits were fun. It's actually cool and fun that they decided to tell the story this way. Wow Machine Gun Kelly is playing a punk. That's definitely against type which is cool. The characters seem fairly interesting so far. That's such a strange outfit. Haha this dude has no chill. The way he talks reminds me of Shakespearean times. I'm sure that's the point of course. Damn that's a cold move. Well Machine Gun Kelly does work as a punk. This goth looking girl is a bit annoying. I find it cool that they made him sort of a narrator here. Damn dude maybe chill. It's interesting to see how everyone is now. Oh wow haha! That's a lot of different and interesting kinds of punks. The stuff with Bob is pretty amusing. The dynamic between the main trio is interesting to see develop. Whoa that's not acceptable. I would have messed him up. Oh lord those lyrics. I wonder if this is a real punk group or not. That dude is crazy as hell lol. Oh it's more than one group. I mean I'm not surprised that happened. That wasn't very smart at all. Devon Sawa is still a pretty decent actor as proven with that little moment. I feel you on that to a certain extent anyways. The ending was alright. I felt this was much too short to convey relationships between some characters. It wasn't a bad sequel though. It's fairly interesting. The new characters were decent enough and it was cool to see the old ones. I wish there was much more to the story. It was pretty simple and straightforward. It's a coming of age story that deals with a new generation as well as the first. Anyways I was a little disappointed that there was no Matthew Lillard. Other than that it wasn't a bad time waster.

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Jack the Reaper review

Posted : 8 years, 7 months ago on 8 August 2016 04:33 (A review of Jack the Reaper)

Yeah so I'm bored on Netflix. I want to watch a horror slasher that I haven't seen. There isn't much that I haven't seen. So I decided on this one to get it over with. From what I've seen I'm sure it won't be rated too high. I'll give it a shot though. This is the only work from Kimberly Seilhamer. At least it has Tony Todd I suppose. That opening dialogue was a bit cheesy. The first scene though was actually decent and creepy. The acting could definitely use some work. That teen looks like a grown man. This teacher is like a bit of a prick, but he can also be cool. It's an intriguing bunch of students I suppose. Poor kid probably had a better bet with those bullies. It kind of has a feeling of Final Destination. Tony Todd is talking in riddles and rhymes kind of like the mortician he played there. Now I'm having some deja vu of Jeepers Creepers 2. Lol the actors definitely have varying levels of skill. That is pretty creepy. Oh man I hope it isn't all going to be like that! Wait this is already half way through. Dang that's cold dude. Aww man that's not fair. Well finally things are starting to happen. Haha thank god that one is gone. Oh no I liked him. He reminded me of a friend of mind. Well that has got to suck! Wait what just happened?! Aw man come on! That answers that. Yep this is constantly giving me Final Destination vibes. The reaper make up is intriguing. I hate that the kills don't really show anything. It's not as fun when you see nothing. Finally they sort of show something. I didn't see that coming though. I think it's interesting how the ferris wheel becomes red when someone gets killed. Of course! Well it's about time we see some blood here. That is messed up and yet it's pretty interesting. Ah I should have known. That Lost style twist was actually done well enough that I didn't expect it like I should have. Also it makes it a tad better of a watch. That ending was actually kind of decent. The last shot though lost me. It's a bit silly with some corny acting. To be honest despite the negatives it wasn't plain awful. Oh and I'm surprised that the brothers aren't actual brothers in real life. It wasn't the worst way to waste time.

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Batman: The Killing Joke review

Posted : 8 years, 7 months ago on 7 August 2016 11:24 (A review of Batman: The Killing Joke)

I hear a lot of mixed emotions about this one. Some people loved it. Some people hated it. While others are on the fence about it. I read the book, but it's been awhile. Seeing it in motion and how they do things here kind of makes me nervous. I'm not entirely sure if I'm ready for this. Especially seeing as the characters are played by the ones who I grew up with in the animation. Brian Azzarello has only written one other Batman film that was pretty damn good. Sam Liu has done a lot of the animated films. I have only seen his Hulk Vs film besides this though. Anyways this is a fairly short one compared to most. Actually wasn't sure how it would start, but I am glad it's on a fairly peaceful note. Ah well I get what's going on here. It's always kind of sad when people don't take someone seriously because of looks or something. Yeah this guy makes me uncomfortable. Damn I didn't see that coming! Well okay then! That was quick and unexpected. I mean it kind of makes sense, but it's also pretty awkward. Wow chill haha. Damn this is some intense action. Uh oh something is amiss. That is some good dialogue there! Oh man that is not good. Huh never thought I would see that story. Wait what exactly just happened. That's a cool shot and homage! You will know when you see it! I was wondering if we would only see Batman or get some Bruce Wayne in there. Oh no! That's just messed up. I kept thinking of the Shame scene from Game of Thrones when that happened. Ah and I was expecting some genuine compassion there. That was cruel! These flashbacks are actually pretty interesting. Yes finally I was waiting for that! I'm sorry but if it was me I could not do it that way. They are really hitting this acting on money! That ending was absolutely incredible and well done! This is not your childhood Batman. I mean do not watch this with your kids. I mean some people don't pay attention to ratings, but they really should. It's even a rough watch for adults. At times I did feel a little uncomfortable, but I got over that. It's really well done with the story it's telling. It does start off a bit slow and different, but the last half more than makes up for it. I do recommend it as long as you know that there is some strong themes involved.

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GoodFellas review

Posted : 8 years, 7 months ago on 7 August 2016 09:11 (A review of GoodFellas)

So yeah I have never seen this. I know that's a damn shame considering how much of a movie fanatic I say I am. I just never really had the chance before. Mostly because I found stuff I really wanted to watch. Anyways of course I have heard nothing but good things. I mean it is a Martin Scorsese film. The guy lives and breathes excellent filmmaking. The cast itself makes it even more intriguing. Now it's time to finally watch this classic and see what all the fuss is about. Well that's definitely a way to start a movie. Poor mailman just doing his job and what not. I guess the only way I can make the kind of money I need is to just join the mob haha. Some of those nicknames made no sense. Only Two-Times made complete sense. Ah the scene! It definitely escalated quickly. Oh this guy is just asking for trouble here. Well damn lol. They kind of remind me of Richard Gere and Debra Winger in Officer and a Gentleman. I wish I could just role into a place like that. I feel like something bad is going to happen to that guy. Of course you wouldn't think much of it because it's too amazing. Damn that was actually realistically brutal! I swear this kind of makes me wish my family was Italian haha. Oh gosh chill lady! I would appreciate something like that as well. Yeah that guy is asking for trouble.It's crazy how the violence can be so intense and feel fairly realistic back in the 90s! I don't know why I like Italian women's accents so much. At first I thought Lorrain Bracco was just meh, but now I'm digging her. I kind of figured that's what would happen. Lol omg these cube toy things in the prison scene keep changing lol! Some people just don't listen do they. At first I was surprised to see Samuel L. Jackson and then I wasn't lol. This one guy is just asking for trouble. Oh damn! I didn't see that coming. Of course! Well that's disturbing and yet done so beautifully. You just can't trust anybody here. I change my mind I don't want to be in an Italian family anymore lol. Holy hell wow! Man that sounds like some good food except the pork part. Everything is feeling very different now near the end. Even the characters are much different than how they started. Those looks are dangerous! Oh interesting I didn't think breaking the fourth wall would happen. The ending was pretty good and not what I had expected. The acting is great from everyone. It's crazy to think of the crap Ray Liotta does now when you compare it to this. It's a little dated with some things, but then again it does take place from like the 60s to the 80s. It was definitely worth finally seeing. I feel accomplished for watching this now haha. Anyways I probably can't tell you anything else that you haven't already seen from others. If you still haven't seen it get moving!

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Suicide Squad review

Posted : 8 years, 7 months ago on 7 August 2016 06:01 (A review of Suicide Squad)

So there was a lot of speculation about how this would end up being considering the track record of the DC cinematic universe as well as the look of The Joker. I for one wasn't expecting much. Then I saw the trailer and I was still on the fence about it. Sure the actors are pretty good, but it looked odd. Now that it's out the critics haven't been too nice and the casual viewers haven't been too impressed. I still wanted to see it for myself. So me and my brother went to go see it. In my humble opinion I declare that the negativity is wrong. It's so much better than I had expected it to be. Sure it has a few issues like how they dealt with a few characters as well as a few other small gripes. David Ayer still continues to prove he has the skills to entertain us. I have never seen a movie from him that I didn't like. There were a few badass and unexpected little things that I won't even say here. I actually enjoyed pretty much all of the characters. There were so many complaints about Harley Quinn, but you could actually hear the accent. It may not be perfect, but I do respect their effort. I was okay with this Joker. He wasn't as ridiculous as he looked. Captain Boomerang was a great comic relief. If this doesn't boost people's respect for Jai Courtney then I don't know what will. Will Smith played a badass Deadshot. He was actually the star of the show instead of Harley and Joker. One scene of his in particular was truly amazing. Also it's cool his daughter is from that Netflix show Between. Just glad it was someone he isn't related to haha. Cara Delevingne was interesting here. I'm not quite sure what the deal was with her moving around like that. I found her to be a fairly intriguing character though. Her and Rick Flag seemed a bit silly though. I found it funny whenever they made him the damsel in distress! He added an unusual dynamic to the story that actually seemed to work. It was kind of silly to have Batman here though to basically do nothing but be seen. Killer Croc was visually intriguing. He had a few lines of dialogue, but when he spoke it was usually amusing or pretty cool. I always enjoy Jay Hernandez. I have to admit when I first saw Diablo in the trailer I swore it was Rick Genest. Then I realized it wasn't. The tattoos are pretty fantastic and look realistic. He has one of the coolest moments which is ironic huh? Really though he was actually pretty cool. Katana was a fairly interesting character. I kind of wish she was more than was given. Hell I was pretty damn disappointed when she didn't use her sword to get Enchantress! I was surprised by the addition of Adam Beach. He is a pretty good actor and he plays an interesting character. Well he would have been interesting had he not died so quick. Then again his power was way more useless than anyone on the team. Viola Davis' Amanda Waller was absolutely incredible and fierce. She is cast perfectly and has some great moments throughout. There were a few interesting bit parts including Ike Barinholtz as a douchy prison guard who needs to learn his place. Common who ends up having an interesting role here. David Harbour who I wish had more to do here. Scott Eastwood doesn't do much here playing pretty much another soldier working for/with Flag. Anyways besides a few issues I had with the way some characters were handled I ended up enjoying just about all of them. Oh lastly the after credits scene is an epic moment! It's definitely how that should happen.The action is excellent. I thought the pacing was well done. The script could have used some tweaks, but that is only a minor concern. Anyways I highly recommend that you check this one out. It's so much better than I had expected going in. It's a whole heck of a lot of fun!

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The Jungle Book review

Posted : 8 years, 7 months ago on 6 August 2016 08:42 (A review of The Jungle Book)

Ah The Jungle Book another new take on a classic. Well I figured I would check this out this month as well since I already watched the new Tarzan. Jon Favreau is quite the director. I also hear nothing but positive things about this one. Oddly enough this is written by Justin Marks who also wrote the terrible Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li film. So I guess he has redeemed himself after all this time. I knew that's where that was going to go. It was still a fun opening. Aww aren't they all so adorable. That has to be a rather amazing thing to see up close. I can already tell you Idris Elba's Shere Khan is one awesome villain! Aww those bittersweet moments. I almost crapped myself lol. Holy crap this is intense! This scene kind of reminds me of The Lion King. Well that's interesting. Oh my lord! This kid just can't catch a break. You know what that means! There she is. That's definitely a soothing voice. Is she the evil version or good version though? Okay that was a pretty cool transition. Well that was interesting. Nice way to use that line too! Lol the animal extras are kind of hilarious. That's too funny. Now it got dark again. That look is putting the fear in me. Oh nice a classic moment there! Ah that was beautiful. Go away monkey! That is a hell of a lot of monkeys. Yay another one of the fun classics! Lord he is scarier than a gorilla! Haha that backfired. Geez that was intense. That was neat and different. He is probably the most brutal and terrifying Shere Khan ever. I love him! Good lord this has me on the edge of my freaking seat. Okay that was a pretty cool turn of events. That was a cute ending. Ah now we get a few of the full songs during the credits. Oh my Scarlett Johansson singing yes! I do wonder if Kaa and King Louie are dead or just injured. I mean they weren't afraid to kill off a few other characters. I think this kid held his own with the powerhouse cast he was with. I honestly think this is the best adaptation of the story only being better than the original animated version. It's just so well done. Sure it has a few tweaks to be different, but they are actually pretty tolerable. The CGI was amazing. I wasn't at all surprised that I liked this. I am surprised by the fact that it was so much better than I was expecting. I definitely recommend seeing this one asap.

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Zoolander 2 review

Posted : 8 years, 7 months ago on 6 August 2016 02:36 (A review of Zoolander 2)

I honestly hated the first Zoolander. It just wasn't my kind of funny. It had moments, but overall it was just lame. I'm watching this though because I'm curious and also for the opening scene. Maybe this will surprise me and actually be fairly enjoyable. It has a lot of great actors in it which is a plus. Ben Stiller returns as the director/co-writer for this. Of his films I have liked Tropic Thunder, Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and The Cable Guy. Justin Theroux also returns to the writers table here. He worked on Tropic Thunder. He even wrote Iron Man 2. Nicholas Stoller also wrote Yes Man, Get Him to the Greek, and The Muppets. John Hamburg is another writer (he also co-directed the first one) who returns for the sequel. He does a lot of work with Ben Stiller including the Fockers series and Along Came Polly. The only way to find out how this is will be to just watch it already. As much as I hate him I actually respect him for this. The action element in this is pretty amusing. Man that is some serious overkill and I love it! It's insane how many stars they got to make jokes of themselves here. Ah a recap of everything we didn't see happening through the years. Yeah man you go be a hermit crab lol. Haha that's definitely a Star Wars reference. Yep it looks like this is another Kristen Wiig role to annoy me with. She rarely does stuff I like. Billy Zane is still pretty cool if you ask me. That's definitely one dedicated Uber driver. That looks painful as shit. Oh wow lol! Okay that's hilarious and brilliant. Yeah that's just plain weird. The joke is funny though. I knew that was the case. Haha this Don Atari is hilariously stupid. All is all haha! Really is she a parody of Lady Gaga or something? Oh well that's definitely different lol. Well that is highly inappropriate looking. That headmaster is definitely one odd looking cookie. Oh my god wow! Man Hansel is one lucky dude when it comes to the women in those groups lol. Nice pulling out references from Rocky Horror lol. Well that escalated quickly. "...And Steve" haha oh gosh. I wasn't expecting that. This is pretty amusing. So far I like it. I swear I sometimes am the opposite of popular opinion. They seriously didn't suspect that? Oh wow smh. Okay this is pretty hilarious right here. I despise Will Ferrell, but he looks kind of cool here. Are they really serious haha? Never mind he is back to looking lame again. Great now the ridiculousness that I don't like is happening. As soon as Mugatu came back into the picture it's been like a roller coaster of stupid and funny. Penelope Cruz though! Okay that was too perfect ahaha! Yeah like why would there need to be a reason? Yay now that's what I'm talking about! Each of their reactions are just gold. Another Star Wars reference lol okay. It's so ridiculous that it's actually amusing. Lol Kiefer is such a trooper for this. Lol oh wow that ending! I did like this a lot more than the original. It's pretty silly, but not quite the stupid "humor" of the first. Sure it had some things that were pretty ridiculous though. The cameos did help it a lot though for sure. I say give it a shot you may like it.

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Tallulah review

Posted : 8 years, 7 months ago on 5 August 2016 05:57 (A review of Tallulah)

I only heard this was coming like a few days before it came on Netflix. I haven't watched it yet, but I have heard it's pretty great. Plus it does have decent actors. It also comes from one of the writers of Orange is the New Black. For me that is a plus of it's own. Well hello Ellen Page! Yeah this doesn't seem like a fun way to live. I mean sure at first it may feel like something enjoyable until you realize you need more to live. Ah okay I was wondering. Oh damn that's messed up. I wonder why she chose to live like this. Ah so this is where it all happens. She seems way more irresponsible than her. That's the best way to find out how to raise a kid I suppose. Well that is a no-no even given the circumstances. The smaller things seem so much bigger when you are already broken. Oh man that's just not a cool thing to do. What a predicament they are putting themselves in. Hey that was one of the background inmates from Orange! Man it's going to be crazy when everything gets revealed. I was wondering what was happening. That transition was so well done. Well damn that got intense. Oh nice another Orange cameo! What a spiral of chaos and destruction! Okay that ending was so meaningful. This was so intriguing. The characters were all just so messed up. It was interesting to see how it would all play out. The acting was incredible. It's just a really well done story that you have to see for yourself. Netflix never fails to amaze with it's adult oriented shows/films. It's a must see.

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ABCs of Death 2.5 review

Posted : 8 years, 7 months ago on 5 August 2016 02:20 (A review of ABCs of Death 2.5)

I hated the first ABCs film. Most of the segments were just dreadful to sit through. Then part 2 came out and I was pleasantly surprised. Now this one is chockfull of the rejects who didn't make it into part 2! It's all the segments for the letter M. So we are going to see if they should have been kept away from us or not. I have heard of a few of the movies from some of the writer/directors. I have only seen the work of Wolfgang Matzl and Gigi Saul Guerrero. Of which I know I enjoyed Gigi's segment in Barbarous Mexico. Anyways let's see what they have to offer in this installment. I find it interesting that they started it like a V/H/S tape, but also it feels kind of like a rip-off.

"M is for Magnetic Tape" Directed/Written by Tim Rutherford & Cody Kennedy and Co-Written by Kevin Martin

Well the opening makes sense when you think about this first segment. It kind of feels like something you would have watched late night in like the 80s. Haha that kind of reminded me of Power Rangers. Well that is certainly creative. I have to admit I was pleasantly amused by this first segment. It's over the top, cheesy, and just plain fun.

"M is for Maieusiophobia" Directed/Written by Christopher Younes

I'm not sure if I will like this one I usually don't like the claymation stories all that much. These just make me so uncomfortable. It just looks so disgusting. It's not scary just awkward. What in the hell? What was that ending?! This entry sucked so bad. Nothing at all enjoyable about it for me.

"M is for Mailbox" Directed/Written by Dante Vescio & Rodrigo Gasparini and Co-Written by Rafael Baliu

Ah it's an Italian short. It kind of feels a little like a good old Giallo. Oh damn that was brutal. That was amazing. This will most likely be my favorite of this entire anthology. It was so clever and had a great twist.

"M is for Make Believe" Directed/Written by Summer Johnson

That looks painful. Oh lord it's always disturbing when kids are involved. Well that's unfortunate. Wait what? Aw man no explanation. Well this was weak. It's definitely messed up though.

"M is for Malnutrition" Directed/Written by Peter Czikrai

Oh we get to start off with a shot of goriness. Ah they manage to put some zombies into the mix. Well damn. That was pretty good. It's straight to the point. The ending was good as well.

"M is for Manure" Directed/Written by Michael Schwartz and Co-Written by Jay Clarke

With a title like this I can imagine this will be pretty gross. Well he is an oddball. That guy is a grade A prick. He got excited?! This kid is one sick dude. I kind of figured that something strange like that might happen. It's definitely different and creative. The looks are their faces pretty much sums it up.

"M is for Marauder" Directed/Written by Steve Daniels

Lol okay that's pretty freaking hilarious. I can't take this seriously at all. That was not a smart move at all. It kind of reminds me of Turbo Kid. All the bloody goodness. Oh I didn't see that coming. That was fairly amusing.

"M is for Mariachi" Directed/Written by Eric Pennycoff

That doesn't seem like a Mariachi set up. Yeah it's definitely not. Okay all these weird face shots of people. Uh oh something just happened. Oh damn that's hardcore. That ending was interesting. I wondered what would happen.

"M is for Marriage" Directed/Written by Todd E. Freeman

What an odd psychiatrist. Whatever he is doing is working though. I don't know what is going on, but it is definitely different. I think I get what happened with the end. The acting here is the best thing about it.

"M is for Martyr" Directed/Written by Jeff Stewart

Uh okay then. I hope this makes some kind of sense. Okay I think I get it. It's definitely an interesting idea. There isn't much to it, but I liked it.

"M is for Matador" Directed by Gigi Saul Guerrero and Written by Shane McKenzie

Ah now we come across someone I am familiar with. Hopefully her story here is as fun as her story in Barbarous Mexico. Oh I can already tell where this is going. It's so messed up! Oh damn that is brutal. Once again I highly enjoy Gigi's work!

"M is for Meat" Directed by Wolfgang Matzl and "Written" by Moana Rom

So now Wolfgang who only did the opening credits for ABC's of Death 2 has his own real segment. Let's see how he does. Oh great it's another claymation. At least it's not disgusting looking. It is however hard to really see given the dark red tint to it. Oh wow that's not what I was expecting at all. It's not bad considering how I feel about claymation.

"M is for Mermaid" Directed by Ama Lea and Written by Robert G. Phelps

A mermaid in a lake. Well that's definitely unexpected. Oh wow he is just going to kill it wow. Ah the best kind of mermaid. Holy crap that went an entirely different direction than I could have anticipated. Well damn okay. That was an interesting segment for sure.

"M is for Merry Christmas" Directed/Written by Joe & Lloyd Stas

Ah it's another take on Krampus. Yeah I don't get exactly what is going on with the meaning of this one. It's pretty lame. The ending was just awful. It was just boring.

"M is for Mess" Directed/Written by Carlos Faria

Whoa we start off this one with some naughty business. Oh gosh that's just nasty. She was hot too! Eww no! NO NO NO! That ending was just not right!

"M is for Messiah" Directed by Nicholas Humphries and Written by Bob Woolsey

Those are some strange masks. Oh gosh some of them are naked. Well damn okay then. Okay that would be kind of terrifying to witness. Not sure what happened here though.

"M is for Mind Meld" Directed/Written by BC Glassberg

Yeah that doesn't look like a good sign to me either. Uh what in the hell? Okay well I guess. Okay that reveal made sense a little. It's just really messed up and disturbing.

"M is for Miracle" Directed/Written by Álvaro Núñez

Interesting it doesn't need to say anything for you to get a gist of what is going on there in the beginning. Okay that's weird. Well damn! That was twisted as hell.

"M is for Mobile" Directed/Written by Barış Erdoğan

It's weird that they aren't asking for pictures of proof. Oh wow whoever is orchestrating this is one crazy son of a gun. Oh my god! Such a simple story that is done quite well.

"M is for Mom" Directed/Written by Carles Torrens

Hmm what is that he is carrying with him? Okay that's odd. It's crazy to see someone from a current kids show in a gory horror film. Well shit! I had no idea which way that was going to go. It definitely messes with your emotions.

"M is for Moonstruck" Directed/Written by Travis Betz

This is made in a style reminiscent of a pop-up book. That's an odd but unique choice. I am not sure I like this style very much. I also never thought I would see pop-up book style sex or nudity. Well that was all kinds of strange. Not really sure what to think about it.

"M is for Mormon Missionaries" Directed/Written by Peter Podgursky

Oh man Mormons. Nobody likes them, but when you make them a horror element that's even scarier. Wow that was definitely one of the better segments in this batch. The ending was intense.

"M is for Mother" Directed/Written by Ryan Bosworth and Co-Written by Jennifer Bosworth

Well looks like we have another mother story in this batch. Oh that's a creative way to put your title in the film. Damn that was really damn short. I would have liked more. It was a fun one! Also the CGI here is actually really decent.

"M is for Muff" Directed/Written by Mia'Kate Russell

Ah one of those kind of motels that's probably known for it's crazy antics. Uh yeah no I would close the door. That is definitely not what I would want. This is so awkward. It's amusing though. Damn lol! This segment is just funny.

"M is for Munging" Directed/Written by Jason Koch & Clint Kelly

What is going on? Oh wait a minute now I remember something. People are just sick. Why would anyone want to do something like that. The fact that this is a thing is disturbing.

"M is for Mutant" Directed/Written by Stuart Simpson

Well that's an interesting way to start a segment. Oh lord that's disturbing. WTF?! It's kind of like Bonnie and Clyde mixed with a demonic Birdemic type situation. Well that segment was a waste of time. It got really stupid as it went.

One thing I really despised about this movie is the VHS style. I thought that was a cheap move considering that series is way better. "M is for Mailbox" is the best of the bunch with "M is for Mormon Missionaries" as a close second. Half of this is shit, but I recommend at least checking those two out. It's definitely a step down from the previous installment. It's not nearly as bad as the first one though. It's fairly tolerable. It averages out to about a 6.3/10 for the content in my opinion, but I am deducting a little for the VHS style it used. I mean let's be reasonable here right?

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The Legend of Tarzan review

Posted : 8 years, 7 months ago on 4 August 2016 08:08 (A review of The Legend of Tarzan)

I have heard good things about this one from work so I decided to go ahead and give it a shot. The cast is pretty great so why not. It's directed by the same guy who did the final four films of Harry Potter! Adam Cozad wrote the average Jack Ryan movie. Craig Brewer was the creator of Hustle & Flow as well as Black Snake Moan. Both of which were awesome if you ask me. I don't even remember why they were going to Tarzan's area in the other adaptations. So it's good to get a little background for in the beginning. Now that is one eerie shot. Oh man this opening is just terrifyingly cool! How does he know English so well though? Maybe it's because this is a while after Tarzan was initially Tarzan. Oh you fancy huh? That's actually kind of messed up! Okay that's pretty cool! That would have been terrifying. What a beautiful moment wow! He is just walking a freaking crocodile!? That evil mother trucker! Christoph Waltz is always such an excellent villain. I always find a calm and collect villain more terrifying than the fierce ones. She is a feisty one. Haha poor George. Okay this train fight is awesome. There is always one that has to be bigger than the rest lol. Ouch that has to be unpleasant. Oh jeez! The moments where the animals have sort of interaction are always so incredible and beautiful. Okay that's just downright scary. Why are humans so cruel!? Oh there it is! I was hoping something like that would happen. That is one insane stampede! What a badass! The ending was pretty decent. I liked it. It was a lot better than I expected, but it was also very different. The acting was quite good. The action was intense. I was perfectly satisfied with the whole thing. I would recommend checking it out. It can be a bit slow paced at times, but if you don't mind that it's good.

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