X-Men: Apocalypse review

Of all these X-Men films I have only ever disliked Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I have seen every other film of the series and I will even include Deadpool into the mix. So my dad who actually thought the others were average and below average except for I think X-2 really liked this one. So I decided to go and see this asap. Besides when Bryan Singer is involved I tend to enjoy the film. I think there are some who really underestimate him. Ah now it makes sense that this and X-2 are my father's favorites. Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty returned to write this one after only writing that installment in the series. Then again Simon Kinberg who is responsible for Last Stand and the newest Fantastic Four movie does the screenplay here. He did do Days of Future Past which was in my opinion awesome! Man these guys are getting brutalized! Okay so far I'm liking the way they are introducing the young versions of these characters. Haha leave it up to him to screw up his childhood lol. Well damn I did not see that coming! This installment has been brutal from the get go and has barely lost any of that steam. Oh wow that was badass and different. When I think of Caliban I always think of the big monstrous version. Olivia Munn is actually a nice choice for Psylocke. Okay this just keeps getting better and better. Haha there is some sly bashing going on here about Last Stand. Once again Quicksilver steals the show with his powers. That might even be better than his other scene. Hello there old friend! Pretty cool moment I must say. Lol oh the irony. There is so much chaos and it's awesome! Oh hell yeah! That was an awesome entrance. OH MY GOD! This movie has no chill! I'm getting some serious chills! So badass! Those ending shots were just excellent. I also liked the simple additional scene after the credits. Only those who follow the comics would understand it though. This was a great end to the newer trilogy. I loved every second of it. All the characters were awesome and well portrayed. The fights were epic. It's just all around awesomeness!

13 Hours review

I've been wanting to see this. I thought the cast was interesting. Especially the idea of them putting John Krasinski in the lead of an action movie. Good for him for expanding his horizon. I had forgotten this was a Michael Bay movie. I wonder how many explosions he will have here. Need I say what his work includes seeing how he has some of the biggest movies under his belt. It's written by Chuck Hogan who wrote the excellent Ben Affleck directed movie The Town. With that being known I may be one of those who enjoys this one. "Payback is a bitch and her stripper name is Karma." Whoever came up with that is a genius lol. Early in the game and the tension is already building up nicely. Oh wow of course haha. Just a lot of set up going on now. I don't like this whole getting to know them having families. It's just going to be that much more heartbreaking if they die. Well we all knew that siege was going to happen. Damn this is some pretty intense stuff. That guy is such a tool! Wow did that guy just get torn in half by machine gun fire? I with Tanto. There are just way too many locals and some are just so suspicious. It really is hard to differentiate the bad from the good. Holy crap that guy's hands! There is some truly brutal action here and I love it. They must really think they are being sneaky. I have no words other than this just keeps getting more and more intense. It just has me completely hooked in. Holy hell that looks extremely painful! That is mad disrespectful man! The ending was pretty bittersweet. The tension this had was incredible. I never knew what would happen or what to expect. I felt the actors really took their people seriously and portrayed this real heroes well. I think this is Michael Bay's best movie in quite a long time. I mean he did many explosions, but they were the tamest they've been as well. He actually made it a bit more realistic which is good considering the source material. There were some things that made me get emotional like I knew would happen. I definitely recommend giving this a look.

The Ouija Experiment review

Well seeing as these two films are on Netflix I figured I would go ahead and get them out of the way. Israel Luna directed the off the wall movie Ticked-Off Trannies With Knives if that tells you anything. Although I have to be honest I thought that was pretty amusing. Did this guy really just say he doesn't know how many people are familiar with Dallas, Texas or what goes on around here? Of course this movie wouldn't work if he had listened to him. Is she really asking a man with only a towel on if he is ready to go out? Well that doesn't seem fair. That wasn't very smart of them. Of course something had to happen to make matters worse. Wait so how did he find that out without knowing any more information? That scene was pretty weak. The toy has a nice sensible message to pay attention to. I mean that's a decent twist to things. Okay that undershot was actually kind of unique. That felt like something that would have happened in the Supernatural series. The ending would have been better had the cut out that corny final shot. How can that part be in the found footage scenario if it's in the ghost world? The writing is pretty bad, but I feel the actors did a decent job with what they had to work with. That's just not enough to make this any good though.

Camino review

I don't know anything really about this movie. All I know is I like Zoe Bell so I figured I would give this a shot. Josh C. Waller also directed Raze which started Zoe Bell as well. He even wrote the pretty fun Cooties film. Daniel Noah also wrote a movie called Believers that I thought was pretty good and had a nice twist. Oh that one picture was kind of disturbing. Those thighs though hubba hubba. What is with this opening? It seems like a completely other kind of film. That guy definitely seems like he is going to be an issue. I feel there is some kind of hidden agenda going on. Well that was neither smart nor safe. It definitely just took a dark turn so hopefully it gets interesting now. The film is definitely nice to look at. Well they had some serious issues. That's definitely an interesting way to kill someone. So many times he could have ended the movie, but he was just too much of a psycho to end it that quick. I wonder what that's all about. Aww damn that's pretty sad and messed up if you think about it. That was pretty brutal. Dude is way off his rocker. I kind of figured something would happen there. I was thinking the same thing as her. Oh what a jerk move. I was wondering what happened to them. Ah using the titles in more ways than one I see. The ending was alright. The action was sparse, but when it happened it was pretty good. The best one was the first. It was a bit different than how I was expecting it to be, but I enjoyed it anyways. It's a decent one time watch.

The Darkness review

Well I didn't remember this until just recently. I thought wow the kid from Gotham is already getting blockbuster roles. It seems to be your typical PG-13 type of horror. This is written and directed by Greg McLean who did the very disturbing Wolf Creek movies. Of those I only like the second one. Shayne Armstrong and Shane Krause are the co-writers who also wrote Bait (an Australian shark movie I loved!). The cast here is a pretty interesting mixture. I wonder what kind of Autism that is. He easily found an exit close to where they were? That doesn't seem likely. The opening for this was pretty damn stupid. So far everything is by the books for this type of horror. There hasn't been anything new except the actors. Even the characters themselves have been done like a million times. They are quite the dysfunctional family. Lucy Fry looks odd in some scenes. Like I keep thinking they have two daughters because of how different she keeps looking. Well I'm glad that wasn't a successful attempt. What is that a collection of bongs or something lol? That is some seriously fast internet right there. I wish I had that. Whenever I see Ming-Na Wen in a joyous mood in a movie I feel now it's her being Agent May from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on a mission haha. Wait so that whole Bulimia thing was quickly solved in like 2 scenes and never shows any importance again? Is it just to show how out of touch the family is with each other? Does it just show the poor writing here? That ending was so corny. There were so many unimportant little subplots spread throughout here. The only good thing here was the acting. Everything else was just so typical. This is probably one of the worst haunting kind of movies I have seen. It's a huge waste of time. Avoid this one.

Never Back Down: No Surrender review

I didn't even know they were making a third one of these. The way these are going though reminds me of the Undisputed series. The first one barely has any relation to the second one. Then a supporting character of the second one ends up as the main character of the third one. It's a bit silly if you think about it. Oh well Michael Jai White is awesome and so is Scott Adkins who became the main of the Undisputed series. I also like the poster for this which makes it look almost like a legit UFC fight. Michael Jai White also works as the director again after part two . He also takes a shot at the screenplay this time around. This has a couple really awesome action stars including JeeJa Yanin (Chocolate) and [spoiler]Tony Jaa (Ong Bak trilogy).[/spoiler] MMA in a boxing ring? I don't think I have seen that except in like the very beginning of the Ultimate Fighter seasons. Don't you just love it when people are defiant? This series has deviated greatly from what the first one was. The second one was still similar, but this one is practically another series. I wonder how this is supposed to go. Josh Barnett's acting is a little underwhelming as well as the woman who plays his wife. I mean the focus is on the action here of course. Hopefully it will be good considering the martial arts powerhouses included. That doesn't seem safe at all. Oh man I miss street vendor food. Why can't Texas have more of that around? That's definitely an interesting training set up. Okay that is actually kind of cool. It kind of reminds me of the Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock movies. He had me going for a minute there too. Well hello there. Okay I wish I was that strong. Haha oh wow lol! So why exactly is that a bad thing? The fights here have been pretty tame so far which is disappointing. Now that's just immature lol. Dude that's not necessary. JeeJa Yanin is still amazing. Her English is so adorable too. The humor throughout this is kind of amusing while some of it is a bit corny as well. I feel like besides one scene they made it watchable for the family. Wow a flashback to the second movie! Man you can clearly tell that Michael Jai White has buffed up after 5 years. Of course that's what would happen. I didn't expect any cameos nice. That final fight was smart, different, and the most interesting of them all. I do wish we got to see some action from Tony Jaa though. It could have had some better action. The acting could have been tweaked as well. As a one time watch I liked it. I just wish it had offered something more.

Hardcore Henry review

I have been wanting to see this. I like the creativity of the whole thing. Besides I get a kick out of found footage. So when I saw they were doing a first person perspective type a thing I thought it was a nice touch. There was a part in the Doom film that did the same thing. I personally find it a fun and wheels off idea. This is Ilya Naishuller's directorial and writing debut. Will Stewart did one other film which I'm sure no one has heard of. Hardcore sounds about right with opening credits like that. There was still something quite beautiful about it though. I've never seen someone use a freaking windshield wiper to kill someone wow! Ah he is the silent hero which I think is to make us feel like we are in his place. Damn I definitely didn't see that coming! That's kind of funny. Yes this truly delivers on hardcore. Wait how in the world?! I kind of figured that's what it was. Okay so is that going to be a running gag through here? I bet it is. Damn these fight scenes are absolutely insane and it's awesome! Okay there is so much gore! It's definitely my kind of movie. When are we going to learn why there are so many different Jimmys? Haha oh my what a dumbass. This has some seriously creative death scenes! Those guys definitely had it coming. Ah okay well that's interesting. Well that escalated quickly. It's certainly an interesting development. That's an epic way to do a battle scene. I didn't see that twist coming. This final showdown though. I'm glad they didn't title this Softcore Henry haha. That was an insane ending! I have to say I loved it! It kept me pumped from beginning to end. I loved the characters. I think video game movies should be more like this. That's just how I feel anyways. If you are a squeamish one I wouldn't recommend this. If you enjoy brutal, insane, and over the top violence like I do I would say to check this out.

The Do-Over review

So I watched the trailer for this and thought it looked decent. I still enjoy Adam Sandler even if some of his recent choices have been kind of poor. I'm sick of Nick Swardson though. He is one of the weird comedian guys I just can't like. Paula Patton is interesting. The weird thing is I think she is pretty at some points and not so much in others. Steven Brill has written and directed many films. A couple of them were with Adam Sandler like Little Nicky and Mr. Deeds. He also worked on all three Mighty Ducks films. Kevin Barnett wrote The Heartbreak Kid and Hall Pass. Both of which I found to be just average. This looks like the only credit for writer Chris Pappas. Well that's amusing and kind of sad at the same time. Oh nice it's Natasha Leggero. Her characters are usually fairly funny to watch. Wow his life is worse than what I'm going through lol. It would suck to be in that situation. Well aren't they gorgeous. Oh wow haha. Eww well that bathroom is going to need some heavy cleaning. Damn that's hilarious! Okay that was definitely unexpected and different. Of course that would happen. Well that's a fun and interesting turn. Aw that's really depressing. Eww that's just not right. How many countries have Tuk Tuks? Well that is definitely dedication. Catherine Bell yay! Oh wow I wish it was me there just without the other guy there. Oh good lord that's sick lol! Well that has got to suck. Ouch that has to be painful. Ah looks like that is going to be a running gag here. Well that's a mouth full. All these comedies and their gross out jokes. That's not fair. How is that even possible? Did he just bow? That was a pretty good little line there. Max has some serious issues lol. Oh my god haha! Wow that's pretty mindblowing! This is one weird dude. Way to be cheesy man. I agree with Max on that note. Damn that was a bit hardcore man. Okay there are two things here that just didn't make any sense. That's a brilliant idea. Oh, oh god why?? Well that was a nice ending. This was actually pretty good. Probably one of the better Adam Sandler movies in recent years. I definitely recommend giving it a shot.

Alice Through the Looking Glass review

I was really skeptical about watching this. I despised the first one. I usually like Tim Burton films, but whenever he takes on kids stories like Alice in Wonderland or Willy Wonka they tend to be off-putting for me. I had no idea he only produced this one until I was about to watch it. I figured I would give it a shot since it was playing at my theater. I mean a free movie is a free movie you know. This is directed by James Bobin who did the most recent Muppet movies. It's written by Linda Woolverton who is responsible for some of Disney's greatest like The Lion King, Mulan, and Beauty and the Beast. The beginning was really creative and awesome. A lot of this comes off a bit cheesy with some kindergarten style jokes. It also has some dark humor spread out. I still don't like Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter. I don't have a problem with anyone else here though. I wish Alan Rickman had more than a couple brief lines in the beginning. The new characters are fun and interesting. Time is probably one of the best things about this. I thought the twist about Iracebeth was extremely lackluster and pathetic. I loved what happened when all of time breaks down. I surprisingly thought this was better than the first one. I wouldn't say it was particularly good though. I was just more entertained. It's also really pleasant to look at. If you liked the first one I'm sure you will enjoy this one as well.

The Brothers Grimsby review

I watched the trailer for this and seeing Sacha Baron Cohen lets you know that this is going to be a rather gross comedy. The guy doesn't seem to have any boundaries. I wonder how he constantly gets such huge stars to make fools of themselves with him. I have greatly enjoyed every film by Louis Leterrier so it looks like this may be the first time he fails me. If Sacha Baron Cohen has his way with the script like he does here then you can definitely expect some offensive jokes. The crazy thing here is Phil Johnston also wrote Wreck-It Ralph and Zootopia. So this is definitely a weird direction for him to take. Peter Baynham has also done a few kids movies like Arthur Christmas and Hotel Transylvania. He has worked on Bruno and Borat though. Anyways I'm not expecting much from this. I just figured I would get it out of the way since it's short. As expected it starts off with some gross humor. The type of comedy is similar to a Seth Rogen film, but it usually takes it much further. A first person view is an interesting way to start the action off. Haha he is so immature and creepy. Wow that was messed up. I kind of figured that was what that was. Ah okay I was wondering if that was actually him or not so had to check. An idiot is a vast understatement lol. Aww there are actually some fairly well done serious and emotional scenes too. I honestly can't really stand Rebel Wilson. That stuff is actually pretty heartbreaking. Okay that's just disgusting! I can't believe Mark Strong agreed to do that scene. All the spy stuff and action scenes are fun to watch. The humor though gets a bit too much at times and comes off as over the top unnecessary. Okay that was actually pretty funny. Oh wow here we go again with the gross out jokes. Well that just took it a bit too far! I think this and the other scene would have been where normal people would have walked out. Good lord that was just wrong. An interesting thing to note about this is that the story is actually really good. Oh my gosh lol. Haha damn nice one! Ah the little messed up jokes here and there haha. Haha yes now that joke was wonderful! Lol are they serious right now? I like how they had to add the little notes at the end haha. He got a bit too trigger happy there. There are a couple scenes during the credits if you stuck through the whole movie. The second one is messed up, but it was still kind of funny. Anyways despite some of the real outrageous jokes it was enjoyable. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this or say it was a great movie though. If it hadn't been lathered with Sacha Baron Cohen type humor it could have been an excellent movie.