Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising review

So I decided to go ahead and watch this today since it was playing at my theater. I liked the first one and appreciated who would be the new additions. I have seen all of Nicholas Stoller's current movies of which the only one I hated was Sex Tape. Andrew J. Cohen and Brendan O'Brien return from part one as the writers which is a big plus. Of course we all know that Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg are behind the material. I have seen quite a bit of their stuff. On a side note I'm super excited for Sausage Party. It starts off gross of course. There were quite a few laugh out loud moments. I enjoyed the characters and the acting itself was pretty good. They had some sweet moments here and there that were a nice touch. Of course some of the jokes are a bit much, but hey that's what you should expect from a Rogen film. I swear Zac Efron must have some kind of rule for all his roles that he must show off his torso several times. I prefer Chloe Moretz in R rated films rather than teen films. She just feels more at home. It is weird to see her playing a college student now though. Kiersey Clemons is great as usual. I liked the sort of cameos that were included. I think if you enjoyed the first one this is a good enough follow up to check out.

Zootopia review

I love Disney movies. Practically everything they do is fun and for all ages. They have yet to fail in my eyes with their blockbusters. The only time they get a bit silly is their direct to DVD sequels and the like. I have been wanting to check this out, but I just didn't have the opportunity or time until now. It's crazy though that there are three directors with seven writers and one who added additional material. This looks to be Jared Bush's first Rodeo. Rich Moore however was the one who brought us Wreck-It Ralph. Byron Howard is the one responsible for Tangled and it's short sequel. This is the first movie I have seen written by Josie Trinidad. Jim Reardon wrote Wreck-It Ralph as well as Wall-E. Phil Johnston also wrote for Wreck-It Ralph. Jennifer Lee is responsible for Frozen, it's short sequel, and also helped on Wreck-It Ralph. Dan Fogelman has done quite a few movies. Some of which were with Disney like the Cars trilogy and Tangled. While others include Last Vegas and Danny Collins. He tends to do better with Disney movies though. The cast here is pretty great. So what do they eat if not each other? Are they all vegetarians? Well predators still come off as bullies. Oh man those are some pretty extreme challenges to overcome. Don't let anyone tell you what you can't achieve. That's definitely one of the morals of the story. I get a kick out of all the goofy things like a literal weasel being a figurative one. Oh wow they have a counter where the bunny population is constantly going up ahaha. Of course since Shakira has a role her music is also used. I'm not complaining just noting it. So I wasn't the only one who caught that haha. Well that's pretty creative. Oh wow I mean I was expecting something but not that. Okay this Rodentia scene is quite hilarious. So are fish food not friends? I mean it seems like only mammals are the ones who have personalities and they did show fish markets earlier. Of course the pull that rabbit joke. Haha all natural animals! Wow that is really awkward. I'm just glad this is a kids movie so they couldn't be anatomically correct. Haha that's what if feels like to go to the DMV or even a post office. That is just some straight up comedy gold. I was wondering if that would be the joke. This scene is a bit like The Godfather. That's an interesting change of things. Even animal children can be cruel. Yeah that has to be the worst choice for security. Well that's nothing new. That's an interesting development. I find it amusing when Disney parodies it's own films with the current movies characters type and such. Ah that's a good twist I should've known. They just keep giving the good stuff here. Oh wow of course lol. That was a cute ending to a pretty sweet movie. I loved the characters. The voice-overs were great. I think it is a bit odd though for Shakira to play a gazelle of all things. I loved just about everything this film had to offer. It's a must see for the family and even by yourself. It has some nice messages to share.

Gods of Egypt review

I agree that Hollywood needs to listen to the crowds when they only want people to be portrayed by actual people from the country involved. On the other hand it kind of makes sense that they don't do it when it comes to making money and getting an audience. It's not like this movie is only white people though. The cast has a wider variety than say Exodus with Christian Bale. Anyways let's move on. Wait this is directed by the same guy who did The Crow? That for me is definitely a plus. The writer duo (Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless) are responsible for creating The Last Witch Hunter as well as Dracula Untold. So the gods here are like giants. It looks kind of cheesy when they do it like that. Well this is definitely a colorful and extravagant looking film. That dress is very pleasant on the eyes. Oh man I had no idea that was coming. I actually didn't know much about what was going on before watching this. It's interesting to see Nikolaj Coster-Waldau playing the good guy while Gerard Butler plays the villain. That was brutal! It kind of reminds of Prince of Egypt with the time jump. Man he has to be one lucky son of a gun to survive all of that. So them changing into creatures looks great, but when they are riding a carriage it looks like movies from back in the day where they weren't really driving. Damn that was unexpected. Ah okay so that's how it all comes together then. So I know this is fiction and all, but there really is no way he could have survived that. That's a pretty simplistic looking place of creation. Wow are they really doing the whole Earth is flat scenario? Lol that line made me think of Star Wars. It looks like the CGI is back to being good again. Let's see how long that lasts. I guess having gold blood makes it a little less graphic. You know I can't get past how much Horus is basically Jaime Lannister as a God. Oh wow lol. Ah typical villain move there. Giant fire-breathing snakes nice! The silly thing is that they are kind of racial. Okay that was a pretty badass death scene. Bek is having way too many close calls where he should have definitely been dead. That is a lot of Chadwick Bosemans. He is very right about Bek's reliance on chance. Maybe you should think more considering who you are. Aw man not cool! That was kind of bittersweet. Well I don't see how it's possible to do anything but lose now. He is definitely on a power trip and quite psychotic. That was kind of amusing. The ending was rather predictable. It's not really all that bad if you get past that pretty much no one is Egyptian. The acting is pretty good. I liked the characters. The storyline was okay nothing particularly amazing. I probably wouldn't watch this again though.

Cruel Unusual review

When I saw the trailer for this I was excited by the concept. Odd enough I had forgotten about this movie. Part of the reason is that I had forgotten the title. Then I found it one day while surfing Netflix. Thank goodness for Netflix huh? This looks to be the only work from writer/director Merlin Dervisevic. It has a couple pretty well known faces. Oh yes who doesn't like a twist of the whole Groundhog Day scenario. Well these two are definitely an interesting and unusual couple. Now here is where it gets to the interesting stuff. Oh well that's certainly descriptive. Wow that's definitely cruel & unusual haha. This has to be like a messed up version of hell. Man that's a nice little twist to things. What happens if things go like that? Where exactly are they from? Their accents are kind of hard to pinpoint. Whoa that's interesting. Wait a minute I wonder if that's what is going on. Well it seems quite likely that is the case with that. There are a lot of "horror" stories involving people bringing people from other countries only to find out that things don't end up as planned. That is interesting that whoever dies last is the one who gets the blame there. Now we get so see glimpses of the other peoples' stories. It's interesting how it isn't all just murder and includes suicide as well. Whoa that was a wonderfully unexpected twist to things. This is all getting very twisty. It's not too much either. That's actually quite a beautiful thing. What a damn good ending. The acting was great. The characters were interesting. The storyline was excellent. Everything about this was just great. More people should definitely see this. I highly recommend it.

Open Windows review

I have been planning to watch this for awhile. I just never really had the time or opportunity. I have only seen segments from Nacho Vigalondo in ABCs of Death and one of the V/H/S films. This is the first time I will be seeing what he does with a feature length film. I was wondering what was going on there. It makes sense now though. So it is a found footage sort of movie. It kind of reminds me of The Den and Unfriended. Well she is a bit blunt. This guy is way too accepting of things. The acting could be much better from the secondary characters. Oh man the plot thickens. I would never have even responded to the guy. This actually has really unique style. There are some nice twists and turns throughout here. Sasha Grey has such a nice beauty about her. Well that is an interesting development. It's only halfway through where we are. Oh man that's a nice intense twist. Wait I believe that something else is truly amiss. Well never mind then that theory was incorrect. So much is going on here. Well that's definitely not what I was expecting. Damn didn't see that coming. Wow how gullible can you be. There are quite a few twists here. That's certainly not what I was imagining would happen. That was one oddball of a film. It was good, but there were just way too many twists. Sure we all love some good twists even when there are multiple ones. Here though it just got a bit tedious. Sasha Grey did a good job. I always enjoy Elijah Wood and his weird roles. I don't think it's something I would recommend unless there is nothing else to watch.

Re-Animator (1985) review

I can't figure out why I've not seen this one until now. Well now I can say I have. It's about time. Thank goodness for Netflix. I can't believe I've never seen any of horror legend Stuart Gordon's horror movies. I have only seen his writing with Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. I haven't seen any of Dennis Paoli's films either since it seems that he works solely with Gordon. This is the only credit William Norris. This is along a similar line to Frankenstein. Wait are they using the theme from Psycho? It certainly fits with the character here. I swear young Bruce Abbott looks like Elias Koteas from some angles. He was definitely not the cooler of the two Hans Grubers. That transition is always amusing. They are a pretty adorable couple. Haha what exactly is he doing there. Aww man of course that would happen. Oh man that's messed up. I can't believe people were ever scared of the old make up effects. Of course he is worried about things that are definitely no important. It's definitely not your typical zombie type of story. It's interesting when there a more villainous people than others. Well damn they kind of had what was coming to them. This is definitely one oddball of a film. That's kind of messed up. Well now the infamous scene is about to come. I guess I should have figured, but since I didn't that was pretty well done. That is a lot of nakedness. I think that's kind of a disturbing plan. It's definitely a different kind of film. Even though it's over 30 years old and clearly dated it still managed to give me some surprises. If you haven't seen it yet I would say give it a shot.

México Bárbaro review

I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to watch on Netflix so I just picked this from my queue. I get a kick out of foreign horror so I wanted to see what Mexico had to offer to the table. It's an anthology so that can go any which way.
"Tzompantli" by Laurette Flores Bornn
So we start off with a narrated story about a journalist who is looking for info about blood rituals. That's not smart to do when you're in a horror film you know. Hahah that guy doesn't look so scary. Although he is being a bit of a creep. That scar looks like something painful had happened. Well you can clearly tell them some crazy brothers. I swear this one guy kind of looks like Efren Ramirez. Oh wow that ending! I'd say that's pretty creative. Definitely one of the creepiest things too. The story itself was just decent. I feel like Laurette Flores could have done a bit better. The acting wasn't half bad either.
"Jaral de Berrios" directed/written by Edgar Nito and co-written by Alfredo Mendoza
This next one looks to take place in the Western era. There are two types of people. Non-Believers never believe until it's too late. Believers can never convince very well and are usually the first to get the short end of the stick. That's definitely not a good sign. Oh will you look at that I was right. Not quite sure what was happening right there. Okay now that would be freaking scary. Now what is going on. This has taken a strange turn. Well helllooooo nurse! That's um very unusual. The last bit was the best part. The acting was fairly good. I'm not sure how I felt about the whole segment though. It kind of felt a bit thrown together and somewhat nonsensical. These ending credits scene don't make much sense to the actual segment.
"Drena" by Aaron Soto
I have a feeling this one is trying to be artsy. Already it has some lingering shots. From what my friend said about when he went to Mexico that kind of thing tends to happen a bit. Not much in the form of dialogue here. Wow this girl has got to be crazy. What in the actual f**k is that!? It's going to do what if she doesn't do what now?! This shit is crazy. I'm not entirely sure what in the world was going on there at the end. It's definitely a different kind of film that's for sure.
"La cosa mas preciada" by Isaac Ezban
She is beautiful, but damn those dudes really need to chill. It looks a little like it's doing some grindhouse style. This girl talks a bit too much though. She is a bit of an overreactor as well. Eww what the hell is that!? That is really messed up! It gets even more disgusting! Oh wow that is really, really wrong. Oh come on that is just unnecessary! Well they took something I suppose. This segment is definitely not for the faint of heart or easily offended. The ending was pretty good though. It's offensive and twisted, but well that's horror for you.
"Lo Que Importa es lo de Adentro" by Lex Ortega
Yeah that would probably annoy the hell out of me too. That guy is pretty gross looking. She is a pretty terrible mother. What's up with her legs though? That's what happens when you don't believe. This certainly doesn't seem have much in the way of barriers. Oh that's just not right! Damn that's how they decide to end it! Well it's different for sure. The acting was pretty good. The story was well done I thought.
"Muñecas" by Jorge Michel Grau
I saw Jorge Michel Grau's segment from ABC's of Death, but I don't remember if it was one I liked or not. This one is taking the black and white route. I have no idea what's going on yet, but I'm sure it can't be good. No you have to finish it. She is actually quite attractive at first I thought she looked older. It looks like this one actually has zero dialogue. Wait how come bodies keep disappearing while they are looking at them. I don't get the reasoning with that. So what is going on with that? Ah so there is some dialogue. They keep tricking me thinking there won't be. So no explanation? Okay then I guess. Would have been better if there was some kind of reason. It was still decent.
"Siete veces siete" directed by Ulises Guzman and written by Paulo Rique
Morgues don't usually look like that do they? That was an interesting opening. Oh damn what happened to him? That's some interesting symbolism. Eww what the hell?! Well then hello. Never mind that. Well this is definitely interesting. That took an interesting turn. I thought that is what was going on there. That's actually a very neat idea. It's Definitely an intense story of revenge. The acting is really well done. The twist was great. Out of all the ones before this is definitely the best.
"Dia de los Muertos" by Gigi Saul Guerrero
Strippers working on Day of the Dead. I wonder how this will end up being. Several attractive women. One of which looks like a girl I know. Well that took an exciting turn. That was definitely a great twist to things. That was a great ending to the whole thing. The acting was good. The story was simple, effective, and actually made sense. It's my favorite of the whole thing. I don't want to spoil this by saying too much. I only wish it had been longer.
I wish there was a wraparound for these or at least a constant theme. I guess the theme was simply Mexico. Anyways there were many bad apples here, but I have seen worse anthologies out there. I would say avoid "La cosa mas preciada" unless you aren't opposed to watching anything. I would never watch this again, but for a one time watch it was alright.
"Tzompantli" by Laurette Flores Bornn
So we start off with a narrated story about a journalist who is looking for info about blood rituals. That's not smart to do when you're in a horror film you know. Hahah that guy doesn't look so scary. Although he is being a bit of a creep. That scar looks like something painful had happened. Well you can clearly tell them some crazy brothers. I swear this one guy kind of looks like Efren Ramirez. Oh wow that ending! I'd say that's pretty creative. Definitely one of the creepiest things too. The story itself was just decent. I feel like Laurette Flores could have done a bit better. The acting wasn't half bad either.
"Jaral de Berrios" directed/written by Edgar Nito and co-written by Alfredo Mendoza
This next one looks to take place in the Western era. There are two types of people. Non-Believers never believe until it's too late. Believers can never convince very well and are usually the first to get the short end of the stick. That's definitely not a good sign. Oh will you look at that I was right. Not quite sure what was happening right there. Okay now that would be freaking scary. Now what is going on. This has taken a strange turn. Well helllooooo nurse! That's um very unusual. The last bit was the best part. The acting was fairly good. I'm not sure how I felt about the whole segment though. It kind of felt a bit thrown together and somewhat nonsensical. These ending credits scene don't make much sense to the actual segment.
"Drena" by Aaron Soto
I have a feeling this one is trying to be artsy. Already it has some lingering shots. From what my friend said about when he went to Mexico that kind of thing tends to happen a bit. Not much in the form of dialogue here. Wow this girl has got to be crazy. What in the actual f**k is that!? It's going to do what if she doesn't do what now?! This shit is crazy. I'm not entirely sure what in the world was going on there at the end. It's definitely a different kind of film that's for sure.
"La cosa mas preciada" by Isaac Ezban
She is beautiful, but damn those dudes really need to chill. It looks a little like it's doing some grindhouse style. This girl talks a bit too much though. She is a bit of an overreactor as well. Eww what the hell is that!? That is really messed up! It gets even more disgusting! Oh wow that is really, really wrong. Oh come on that is just unnecessary! Well they took something I suppose. This segment is definitely not for the faint of heart or easily offended. The ending was pretty good though. It's offensive and twisted, but well that's horror for you.
"Lo Que Importa es lo de Adentro" by Lex Ortega
Yeah that would probably annoy the hell out of me too. That guy is pretty gross looking. She is a pretty terrible mother. What's up with her legs though? That's what happens when you don't believe. This certainly doesn't seem have much in the way of barriers. Oh that's just not right! Damn that's how they decide to end it! Well it's different for sure. The acting was pretty good. The story was well done I thought.
"Muñecas" by Jorge Michel Grau
I saw Jorge Michel Grau's segment from ABC's of Death, but I don't remember if it was one I liked or not. This one is taking the black and white route. I have no idea what's going on yet, but I'm sure it can't be good. No you have to finish it. She is actually quite attractive at first I thought she looked older. It looks like this one actually has zero dialogue. Wait how come bodies keep disappearing while they are looking at them. I don't get the reasoning with that. So what is going on with that? Ah so there is some dialogue. They keep tricking me thinking there won't be. So no explanation? Okay then I guess. Would have been better if there was some kind of reason. It was still decent.
"Siete veces siete" directed by Ulises Guzman and written by Paulo Rique
Morgues don't usually look like that do they? That was an interesting opening. Oh damn what happened to him? That's some interesting symbolism. Eww what the hell?! Well then hello. Never mind that. Well this is definitely interesting. That took an interesting turn. I thought that is what was going on there. That's actually a very neat idea. It's Definitely an intense story of revenge. The acting is really well done. The twist was great. Out of all the ones before this is definitely the best.
"Dia de los Muertos" by Gigi Saul Guerrero
Strippers working on Day of the Dead. I wonder how this will end up being. Several attractive women. One of which looks like a girl I know. Well that took an exciting turn. That was definitely a great twist to things. That was a great ending to the whole thing. The acting was good. The story was simple, effective, and actually made sense. It's my favorite of the whole thing. I don't want to spoil this by saying too much. I only wish it had been longer.
I wish there was a wraparound for these or at least a constant theme. I guess the theme was simply Mexico. Anyways there were many bad apples here, but I have seen worse anthologies out there. I would say avoid "La cosa mas preciada" unless you aren't opposed to watching anything. I would never watch this again, but for a one time watch it was alright.

Skin Trade review

I wanted to watch this simply because of the action stars and I expect some great action sequences. I haven't seen any of Ekachai Uekrongtham's films. Dolph Lundgren usually writes or directs movies that he stars in. I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing. This is the only writing credit for actor Steven Elder. I haven't seen Gabriel Dowrick's other writing credit. John Hyams who did the rewrites has directed and written some of the Universal Soldier sequels. Both of which I liked. The fact that he had to rewrite some of this says something about how it will be or would have been. Oh wow that was pretty messed up and sad. That fight scene was sadly nothing really special. Well I saw that coming. I mean that's what happens when you think you're a tough cookie. Why did they make it such an emotional like scene. There was no real connection to that character. I wonder what happened there. That's pretty messed up. Ah a typical way to try and keep attention when the movie isn't all that great. Celina Jade is quite the bombshell. Thank goodness they got there in time. She is way too awake for someone who was sleeping. Oh damn that's pretty brutal. This music feels so out of place. Wait so is he playing The Punisher again haha? Well it seems his ethical compass has broken. When guns are involved things get pretty gruesome here. What in the world is up with that? The fight scenes have been mostly uninteresting which isn't good for a movie like this. Get down after the shots have been fired makes no sense. Okay finally a good fight! Seriously was he really just yelling at a dead body for answers expecting a response. That's a bit silly, but If that's what they want to do. Well that is an interesting little twist of things. The final showdown so it better be awesome. That was kind of sweet. Ah man they can't end it like that. Ah there we go with statistics. The acting was decent considering. The action could have been better since this is of course an action film. The story itself felt a bit lopsided. I was pretty disappointed.

Housebound review

I've heard many good things about this. So I figured I would go ahead and check it out while it's on Netflix. This is the only credit for writer/director Gerard Johnstone. Also I don't recognize any of the actors here. I hope this is as good as I've heard. Okay that seems like a little bit of humor. New Zealand has some interesting humor style. That was interesting. I wonder if it was foreshadowing or not. I swear she acts just like a ungrateful teenage brat. Well that's an interesting development. I think this Morgana O'Reilly is quite an intriguing actress. That is an interesting development. Hmm it definitely doesn't feel like a typical ghost story. Oh no that's messed up! It's kind of feeling like a whodunnit kind of movie. There are definitely some truly creepy aspects here that I find intriguing. Ah well then that was an interesting twist to things and it actually works for this story. Wow that certainly changes things. This just keeps giving new twists and turns that are great. Aww man! Aww how sweet of him. Come on why you keep messing with my emotions! Well that was surely an epic kill. Thank goodness for that ending. I was not expecting that. It was kind of amusing. It's quite different than I would have expected, but it was still quite fun.

Some Kind of Hate review

I have been curious about this one for awhile. It has a few decent young actors as well as the legendary Andrew Bryniarski. I enjoyed Adam Egypt Mortimer's Holiday segment so I hope this will be entertaining for a feature length film. This is the only writing credit Brian DeLeeuw has so far. I don't know if it's just me, but seeing a bully with his shirt tucked in at a public school seems really odd. Why is that dude being such a creeper? People suck wherever you end up I suppose. Dang she looks good though. It's about a half hour in and it seems more along the lines of a drama about bullying. Well it's about time. That was a bit different, but it was nicely done. Well it was definitely deserved if you ask me. I wasn't expecting her to still be there when that happened. Well that's an interesting place to keep your murder weapon. It's interesting what she is using as her weapon. You don't see those as weapons too much at all really. Oh wow that's actually pretty unique. I didn't realize that's how it was happening. That's pretty damn cool. I like her design. All these girls are gorgeous. Well that was different and disturbing. Oh man no that's messed up. Damn! Whoa those shorts are quite flattering. Wait there seems to be more to what was happening there. Wow that was pretty hardcore and sad. This is quite different as it's like two stories in one. Oh shit that was wicked. That was a pretty insane and twisted story. Ah there is an extra little scene added in. I wouldn't mind a sequel since I really enjoyed this. The acting was good and I enjoyed the characters portrayed. I recommend giving this a shot.