Last Shift review
So I'm bored and I'm Netflix. The premise for this and the hot lead are what caught my interest. Oh this is from Anthony DiBlasi who wrote and directed a movie called Dread that was amazing! I haven't seen any of Scott Poiley's films who has worked with him though. This is kind of similar with Let Us Prey. Something is really off about this guy. Oh I hope that wasn't a fakeout that makes it all end up as a dream in the end. Ghosts over here making prank calls. Hmm that was odd. Eww that is definitely not a bathroom I would want to go in even if it was the last one on earth. Oh nice something unexpected that they didn't make into a jump scare. The atmosphere here is nice and creepy. What is with this guy? Okay those facial scars would be the stuff of nightmares. Thank God this isn't all jump scares and rather builds on the discovery of strange occurrences. Oh man they are completely insane especially the youngest looking one. Uh yeah because it being a joke explained what just happened there. I like this Officer Price guy. I kind of figured that something was up when he said he knew her dad. I didn't see that being part of the reveal though damn! Also Sixth Sense much lol? Okay bag head was super creepy. Poor guy he doesn't deserve to suffer this too. Hey look creepy dead wet girl. You usually see that in Japanese horror though. Okay that mirror scene I would have dipped out as soon as that started happening. Well I knew that was coming. You know this reminds me a little bit of what a Five Nights at Freddy's game would be like lol. Oh wow so the cops new about this and just let her suffer it on her first night?! Are these ghosts a little OCD or what? Well damn! Yeah that makes perfect sense to do. Ouch that looks painful. Yeah so now you're screwed. Um what in the hell?? I would have left long before that. Cool scars bro lol. Okay that was weird and kind of sad. Bouncy ponytail bouncy lol. Oh wow what an ending. Poor Joe and friends. A little bit cheesy at the very end though. Also what was the point of the homeless guy and the Marigold girl?
Extraction review
Oh Bruce Willis and his new habit of making direct to DVD fluff. Do I mind? No not really a job is a job. I can't help though, but feel like this is pretty much like A Good Day to Die Hard. Gina Carano is in it though which is a huge plus for me. Oh it's directed by Steven C. Miller who made the Silent Night remake and the crazy Automaton Transfusion (zombie movie) that I got a kick out of. Max Adams who writes here is also writing and directing another upcoming movie (most likely direct to DVD as well) with Bruce Willis. As of yet it seems this is the only credit Umair Aleem has for writing. Anyways I don't expect to be amazed, but I do hope it has some good stuff to keep it interesting. Well not the route I expected the beginning, but that was badass. Wow a bit like Taken don't you think? Well that was an interesting title sequence. The training montage is happening a lot earlier than most movies it seems. Oh yes Gina Carano! Dude if he finds out he is going to be pissed! That was a pretty fun fight scene. I mean couldn't they just see that she is lying through satellite or whatever? Oh I would be jelly for sure. Gina Carano you just got some brownie points for that little stunt lol. Her fake drunk is adorable lol. Yeah these fight scenes are actually pretty entertaining. Is he really the main villain because he is pretty lame if you ask me. Oh I thought that twist was going the ludicrous route. Anyways most of this is pretty routine and predictable. The ending is kind of weak. So this story has been done over and over. Really not much is even different here than others of the same. The fighting is the best thing about this. As usual for these direct to DVD films Bruce Willis really doesn't do much of anything for most of the movie. I'm sure they just use his name to get the attention of viewers who think him being here means it will be fun. I can see why it's rated so low now that I've watched it for myself. Steven C. Miller needs to stick to horror films.
Knight of Cups review
I really didn't know much about this one except for the cast and the director. Many of whom I really enjoy. I mean it has some of my huge crushes like Natalie Portman, Freida Pinto, and Imogen Poots! Terrence Malick tends to write and direct most of his work. He has a certain style that is interesting to watch. My favorite of his work so far was The Tree of Life. The worst was The New World. Now his stories tend to lean to the stranger side, but the actors are what really grab your attention. Anyways I hope this one leans more towards entertaining than just stylish. No it already seems to be going for mainly visuals and strange storytelling. It narrates like it takes place in medieval times which given the title makes sense. I do think all the visuals are kind of neat. So I have this feeling even though I like the cast that this isn't going to be my cup of tea. Oh there is my girl Imogen Poots! Well the internal dialogue seems to be the more important stuff to pay attention to. At least the characters are interesting. A half an hour in and really I'm just bored. Terrence Malick is an acquired taste. He sometimes doesn't hit the mark for people and for me this is one of those times. Okay that just reminded me of American Psycho instead of a guy just having fun with two girls like I assume it's meant to. Well there goes my other lady Freida Pinto! Hmm I wonder if that was really good prosthetics or real burn victims. So if it really is true that there was no script then it does make this a little more interesting. It would also explain why it doesn't make a lot of sense at times. Is the glimpses of nudity supposed to add interest? I don't think it does. Well that scene was a bit random and silly. Well hello there Teresa Palmer. I think now I get why Christian Bale originally thought she was a real stripper lol. Okay that stripper cocoon things was pretty neat. Finally Natalie Portman although it kind of feels abrupt. It's funny this movie says it's about a screenwriter, but really not much here actually deals with that except maybe a few lines in the beginning. Also I doubt I would consider the events of his life strange. It's pretty much a journey of love and discovery I guess. I really couldn't get into this. I guess you have to be a huge Terrence Malick fan to appreciate this. It's beautiful to look at and the cast is excellent. It's just a tad bit convoluted and it kind of takes away from the experience. That and the plot description gives this feel like something more than just the drama/romance it is. I respect the film though for what it tries to do.
Exeter (2015) review
I have actually had this on my to watch list, but wasn't too sure about it considering exorcism movies usually don't really grasp my attention. Also it's produced by the guys who brought Paranormal Activity and Insidious which isn't very promising. The one thing I do like here is the interesting take on this sub genre of horror. I mean usually it's a closed off thing with family or priests or what have you. This one takes it to a party. I really enjoy Marcus Nispel when he does horror like the 2003 Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday The 13th remake. His normal action movies tend to go the other way with Pathfinder being lame and Conan being just okay. Kirsten McCallion was the writer of the other Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D remake. That one was just okay sadly, but still things I approved of. Ooh well boobies. Ah darn they are druggie boobs lol. Holy shit dude! It definitely has the look and feel of the same universe as Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th. The people who decided that was a good idea must be crazy. The characters are actually all fairly interesting and likable. That guy is the biggest asshole for like no reason. So I think I understand how the whole situation happens and if so it makes perfect sense. Damn! Wait is that even possible? Well it is a movie. Whoa! Whenever someone tries to be smart you know something is going to happen. Oh shit yep! That wasn't what I expected it to be though. What the hell that sounded straight up serial killer?! I loved their reactions too. I can't help but be amused every time Drew's back is to the camera lol. You were saying? LMFAO oh that is perfect! I was sure exorcisms don't work unless you are a real believer. Unless they are changing the lore a bit. That's an interesting turn of events. Lol that dude is way too doped up right now. Haha okay that was gold. Really you pronounce Devon as Dayvon? Dude where the hell did you learn pronunciation? That reminded me a little of the Dawn of the Dead remake. Well wasn't expecting it to happen like that, but I figured it would. A foosball pole with the little figures on it as a weapon? Okay then. I swear this movie has some nice sly little jokes. How come nothing is mentioned about the other guy? Ouch that has gotta hurt. Damn Gage people like smashing her character's face in with stuff like shovels (Cabin Fever) and now a fire extinguisher in similar fashion to the movie Irreversible. That would have freaked me out too. Damn dude you just the Tucker & Dale vs Evil treatment! Lol that pose though. Well yeah that is not a good sign. Holy shit this goes wheels off with the death scenes! Have to say that was actually insane. Also it was somewhat unique. Ah well I think I know what's going on. Aww damn! Now the beginning makes even more sense than I originally thought. Also yeah I saw that twist coming, but they almost had me second guess myself. Damn dude that was brutal! That was an amusing ending. Oh there is a scene after the credits so make sure to wait for it. Man this is so underrated. It has more than I expected from it. The death scenes were great, there was a nice amount of humor, the cast actually did a good job, the characters weren't lame, hot girls, and the premise is a new aspect which is always welcome. Yeah sure it can be a little predictable at times, but many movies these days usually are. I say give it a shot. Then again I'm a gore hound who gets a kick out of these crazy movies.
The Transporter Refueled (2015) review
I've been meaning to give this a shot. I like Ed Skrein and of course I am a fan of the movie and television series. Although it seems this wasn't well received. Hopefully it still has some moments that are enjoyable. I do find it funny how they have no regards toward the timeline they created here as I've seen pointed out many times. Can you believe Luc Besson actually helped write this reboot. Bill Collage and Adam Cooper who wrote Exodus: Gods and Kings, Accepted, and Tower Heist also have their hands here. I've seen Brick Mansions by Camille Delamarre. It was okay, but it was pretty cheesy. Hopefully that doesn't translate so much here. I find it sad that they decided to ignore the original trilogy while still taking the time to reinvent multiple scenes from it. Really that's their prologue here? That was pretty weak. Yeah that scene was definitely a copy. Also it wasn't even really all that impressive sadly. So they decided to go the whole like father like son route. In this situation it kind of takes away from the badassery that is Frank Martin. You know this could have easily been done as another guy since there are multiple Transporters. Lol wow censoring the music that's just pathetic. If you aren't allowed to use the music in a complete form just don't use it! The continuous hilarity of the movie is that pretty much all of his rules always get broken. You would think he would just give up on them already. So it's a mixture of Indiana Jones, the original Transporters, and even Taken. Does this have anything "original" that makes it stand out? Well they sure aren't playing nicely. Lol what are the chances of a cop car t-boning another cop car that's not even part of the chase?! Aww all the poor innocent people driving today. Okay that fire hydrant thing was badass! Finally there are some good fight scenes. Everything always has some kind of complication. That was insane and a bit unrealistic, but damn it was awesome. Wait let me get this straight. The girl who got shot and was in a lot of pain is perfectly fine enough to have sex that same night!? Way to go and make the plot continue through repetition. Well I have admit final confrontation was a bit bland. There is a cheesy but cute little epilogue at the end. I would have liked better fight scenes and car chases. Although each had their moments. Also the main girl was probably the least attractive of the girls in this in my opinion. Overall it's not the worst reboot I've seen, but it was pretty lackluster.
Pernicious review
So I haven't heard anything good about this. It's also low rated on IMDB and Netflix, but hell I'm curious. Also the ghosts look quite different from the pics and such. That's what really made me ultimately decide to just watch it. I have heard of a few James Cullen Bressack movies, but this is the first one I have seen. Also it doesn't seem like he is known for particularly good films. I almost watched a film by Taryn Hillin called A Stranger in Paradise, but the disc had been too scratched up. Well with that opening scene and the way the credits are done this is already feeling pretty low budget. What the hell was that thing in the water? It took nearly five minutes for dialogue to finally happen with nothing really interesting to keep you from fidgeting. Yeah I don't think that is a statue. Well that was interesting. If a person doesn't speak English speaking slowly isn't going to make them understand you. It just makes you look like an idiot. This friend is kind of bitchy. Man Thai women are so stunning! This sort of has a Hostel and The Grudge feel to it. I don't like this British guy at all. Hmm this is an interesting turn of events. Oh that is just messed up! Okay well all of this is pretty damn messed up now wow! What in the world is going on? That is one creepy little girl. Yeah even more so than the damn witch lol. Uh oh somebody made a self-aware comment. I swear ghosts play too much with their tricks. Wow that jump scene was way too predictable. Okay ouch that was just mean. Now it all makes sense. Well except for the stuff with the British guys. I wasn't expecting that twist. So that explains the rest of it I guess. Aww no poor guy! Well this movie doesn't seem to play by the rules which is one of the good things going for it. Holy crap this movie is wheels off! Despite it's goriness and some good twists it fails to deliver something enjoyable. The ending tries to set up a sequel that this really doesn't warrant. I would say not watching this won't be a loss.
Victor Frankenstein review
The story of Frankenstein has always been one of the more interesting of the original horror. The monster is basically a form of zombie that is made up of several different people that ends up making him quite powerful. Anyways most of the time they make these stories pretty entertaining. I also liked the Igor movie so seeing as this sort of has the aspect of being from his perspective makes it a little more interesting that most adaptations. I guess the only difference being there aren't multiple Igors and creators. Paul McGuigan is an okay director. I didn't much like Lucky Number Slevin, but I enjoyed Push. Dude Max Landis wrote this? Each movie I have seen from him leaves me wanting more! Chronicle and American Ultra were badass! Anyways now let's get to the point at hand. I swear a lot of movies these days have narration and/or opening text. Yeah most people think Frankenstein is the monster's name lol. Well I can already tell this is going to be one of Daniel Radcliffe's weirdest roles. Wow the design and look of it all feels like it should be a Tim Burton film the only thing missing are his usuals. Okay that was pretty damn cool. Man these guys are bigger assholes than I believed. Yeah I don't think I've ever seen Dr. Frankenstein as a badass so that's new. It must be unpleasant having to work in that position for so long. Oh that was just disgusting lol! So what is he some kind of Sherlock wannabe haha? This really works as a steampunk sort of story. I really dig James McAvoy as the legendary mad scientist. Oh that was pretty neat. Lmao what the hell? That reaction was priceless too! I swear the way he tries to gives speeches is similar to me. I mean I can deal with acting, but for some reason presentations or speeches get to my nerves. Well that's gotta be pretty awkward. Wow this CGI is incredible! That's a nice twisted twist. Dude I respected your intelligence until your brought about the assholiness. I can't say that was predictable. Now for the part of the story we are quite familiar with yay! See someone always screws up a situation. Lol well nice try man. That was definitely different than I thought it would be. I liked the new angle this develops from. Everyone plays their role nicely specifically James McAvoy. The writing was great as I expected from Max Landis. I think this would have been even better than it is if the director had been different. Anyways it was still pretty good in my opinion.
Experimenter review
Oh I really enjoy these kinds of movies. I've been meaning to watch this, but I just never got around to it. I'm glad it's on Netflix though. One of my exes suggested I go ahead and watch it already so hopefully she knows my taste lol. Also the cast here is awesome with Peter Sarsgaard, Winona Ryder, and John Leguizamo to name a few. This is the first movie I've seen by Michael Almereyda, but I've been aware of him since other films of his are on my to watch list. Wait is Kellan Lutz playing William Shatner as in the actor? Some of the casting makes me think this is a bit of a comedy as well as drama. This is such an interesting experiment of which I do believe I've heard about before. Oh nice fourth wall breaking. It's intriguing how everyone reacts differently or similar to what is going on. I like to think in these situations that I would do the right thing. That was odd. All the different variables in this experiment keep things really interesting. Using backdrops that is definitely different. Other experiments are shown rather than the main one I knew about being in this. Which pretty much makes sense given the name of the movie. The boy who cried wolf. I feel like this is very informative. This goes through a lot of time with only visuals and mentions of events to signify this. That beard with no mustache is a unique style. Oh the irony of this scene. I like the whole thing with the daughter constantly asking questions. Well that answers that about William Shatner. Psychology has always been such an interesting topic for me. On some levels a lot of filmmakers and writers must understand to some level some of its theories. The ending was a bit different in how something like this is usually done. It's a very unique, intellectual, and entertaining film. This is definitely a thinker sort of movie so unless you are willing to keep your mind open and your attention here then it may not be of interest to you. Otherwise it's quite enjoyable.
Burnt review
I've been meaning to watch this for some time. I'm not even sure why I haven't. I love foodie movies and to top it off the cast is also excellent. There are even a few people here I didn't know were in the cast that I like. John Wells has only directed three movies so far and I've seen them all. As of before starting this Company Men is my favorite, but that may change. Steven Knight is a pretty entertaining writer with Pawn Sacrifice, The One Hundred-Foot Journey, and Redemption to name a few. I've only seen one other film written by Michael Kalesniko and it was vastly different (still very fun) than this will be. So I'm hoping with all this positives that this will be a good watch. Damn he counted every single one. See I wish I could just walk out of a job like that sometimes. Yep it seems to me a lot of great cooks always come off as complete assholes. Ah the good ole recruitment montage. Lol pay someone to work for them hell no! I don't care who you are. So at least he has some redeeming factors like not ridiculing a fast food joint. Oh wow that food is beautiful! At least he can back up his extreme cockiness. That was just plain mean. Yeah he definitely feels like a Gordon Ramsey type. Holy shit that was crazy! Gosh cooking is such an amazing work of art! Expensive food is almost always so small, but always looks so tasty. Aww I always hate seeing good people treated poorly. Oh that was touching. That's an interesting little twist of development. Hey there is my lady Alicia Vikander! Oh no don't go mucking it all up again. Damnnnnnnn! Wow that was such an incredible moment! Man this was just great. It had nice twists and turns. The characters were entertaining and well rounded. I knew I would enjoy this so much. I don't get why it has a bit of a low rating here. I definitely recommend this one for sure.
Dracula III: Legacy review
Well at least Patrick Lussier and Joel Soisson stuck with their series. I still can't believe Wes Craven presented these. I wasn't even aware that these were another of those back to back filmed horror sequels. I guess it's something these guys like to do. Tom Kane is the only actor who has been in all three films albeit different characters each time. The previous film had good enough moments that at times I appreciated it even though it was clearly not all that good. Hopefully this one will be similar in that aspect. At least Roy Scheider returns and Rutger Hauer joins the party. So this starts off exactly where the previous ended. Why show the weird screaming in the grass shot again? It looks like they are showing a lot of recap from the previous film for some reason. Well I know where this is going. Oh she is kind of hot. Wow that guy needs to not speak for his parts lol. Yeah Uffizi don't play. I don't think it was said in the last film, but it's obvious here that the Cardinal is blind. That seems a bit random though. Oh damn dude. That guy looks familiar. Yes indeed he is from one of the other awful back to back sequels Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave. He may not be a good actor, but he is amusing. Oh shit did the dog do that or what? 800lb doors doesn't seem likely. Wow that caught me off guard. So what's behind curtain number 2? WTF a vampire on stilts?! Well it's original that's for sure. Holy shit he just cut it in half wow! I swear these movies are off the wall. Okay I swear this is just too hilarious sometimes. I don't think that was fooling anyone except for her. Damn he got messed up. That's different. Does this guy ever listen? The body count here is probably the highest of the trilogy by far. I guess that explains what is going on with that whole screaming business. Going back to his Vlad the Impaler roots then. That really is an unnecessary amount of satellites. See that is how most situations would really go. Is the too fast and blurry to see the action necessary? Okay so what happened to Dracula II? Are they going to explain that or just let us make assumptions. I can't believe we get less new Dracula footage than the other parts of the trilogy. I mean we don't even see him until less than the last half hour! See they really screwed up now. Oh no! Well that is quite a turn of events for sure. That's really gotta be a downer. Did they seriously just do a they are saying the same lines crap? So the shot at the end was kind of cool. So overall this was still not the worse these guys have done, but it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as part two unfortunately.