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See You in Valhalla (2015) review

Posted : 9 years, 10 months ago on 30 April 2015 07:48 (A review of See You in Valhalla (2015))

Initial Thought: I have seen some pretty good Viking lore recently. That's mostly from watching Vikings episodes. From the title I was kind of expecting more Viking stuff. The poster obviously shows that it is not what I'm expecting. It will be interesting to see a take on how modern "Vikings" or followers of Norse mythology go about things.

Characters/Acting: I notice a few of the guys here have the look of Vikings which is pretty cool. There are quite a good batch of young recognizable Hollywood here. Sarah Hyland must have gotten along really well with the brother duo to be the lead after her small role in April Apocalypse. This family is horribly dysfunctional and there are hardly any likeable members among them. Even the daughter of the eldest brother treats people like crap. I think the only characters I cared for were Makewi, Barry, and Woody. The acting is pretty good except for Sarah Hyland for some reason. It seemed like she was taking on something she isn't yet ready for. I think her skills for the genre of drama are not what they should be for the kind of film this is meant to be. I think Emma Bell is supposed to be the "comedy" of this movie, but she really just comes off as just annoying.

Story: It's another of those dysfunctional family movies, but we get a perspective of a family with Nordic heritage. I guess the whole "dark comedy" comes from the perspective that a lot of the characters can be eccentric. It isn't really a funny movie at all other than that. Okay so I know ohana is a real Hawaiian term that means family, but I instantly thought of Lilo & Stitch and chuckled when a character actually mentioned it. There are so many things that happen here. It's such a huge spiral of chaos. Movies like this definitely make most families feel better about the issues they have. The ending was pretty interesting.

Directing/Writing: The director and writer are a brother duo that haven't really worked on too much. They did however do a really awesome movie called April Apocalypse. That was a fresh and funny take on the zombie scenario. This is on a whole other spectrum of creativity. It's really emotional, but at times it's kind of strange. The way everyone bad mouths each other is really messed up, but I think they all do really well portraying the script.

Final Thought: I felt some things were lacking here. Some closure would have been good. Why didn't Johana tell them her baby wasn't aborted? Where was Faye in the end if she cared so much for Woody? Is the dad still okay or not since they were all dressed in black it kind of took away from the Viking ceremony they did. It was an okay watch. It could have used some work here and there.

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Far Cry review

Posted : 9 years, 10 months ago on 27 April 2015 10:52 (A review of Far Cry)

Initial Thought: I have been avoiding this one for quite some time mostly because of Uwe Boll. I have been playing Far Cry 4 for the past week so I was thinking why not. I want to see how bad this can actually be. No I'm not a fan of Uwe Boll although he has had a very, very few movies I actually was entertained by. I do think he got a decent cast together for this one. I am simply curious.

Characters/Acting: I really enjoy Til Schweiger, Emmanuelle Vaugier, and to a certain extent Udo Kier. So to see them all here has me somewhat impressed. Why is everyone so stupid here? How can someone be in their 30s and not know what a grenade is? Some journalist Valerie is. You know one thing they got right here from the first Far Cry is that the voice acting in the game was pretty bad. At least they managed to do that right. The lame male sidekick that shows up near the halfway point was absolutely ridiculous. He overacts everything especially whenever he says his back hurts. Most of the characters here are so annoying. I did think Jack Carver was fine although I wish he was written out better, but can't expect much from Uwe Boll's writers. Max probably had the coolest moment near the end though.

Story: Well it's based off of a video game. The video game stories are usually about survival and taking down an evil leader. I'm sure this is basically the plot for the movie as well. I really don't understand the whole horror like scenario that happens in the beginning. I do like that some of elements of the game can be noticed here and there. Wow I have no seen one of the cheesiest "is that your gun" scenes where it literally is his gun. So basically they have a one night stand after barely knowing each other except for what they do. It was unnecessary and feels so unnatural. There are a lot of lame running jokes here. We have the "You owe me..." that different characters toss at each other, the constant wonder of how Jack was in bed, and Valerie and Jack mocking each others same exact line word for word in different scenes. Most of the action here comes about the middle of the movie and 2/3rds of the action is in the dark except for near the end. It's pretty decent action to be honest. There are a few plot holes regarding the super soldiers. If they can be shot anywhere without damage how does one die from the shot to the side of the head and also how can a needle even penetrate such durable skin. Also why the hell do some of the soldiers hip fire at the super soldiers when they know where to shoot them. I felt no closure at the end. The villain wasn't shown killed so how can I be sure what the hell even happened to him.

Directing/Writing: Uwe Boll must get a kick out of ruining games with terrible movies based of them. I mean why else does he continue to try. I'm watching this for free so I'm not contributing haha. He has a continuous streak of just awful work and he has very few fans. I'm sure people get excited when they hear they are getting a movie based off their favorite game. Then all of a sudden they realize it's Uwe Boll and lose all joy. Now I have actually enjoyed a few recent works of his including the Rampage movies and Assault on Wall Street because they are just mindless violent movies. I also thought Postal, Attack on Darfur, and Bloodrayne were just alright. They were watchable only once though. Dear lord this movie took three people to write it! Surprise, Surprise Michael Roesch and Peter Scheerer collaborated with Uwe Boll for Alone in the Dark and then directed it's sequel as well as a sequel for House of the Dead which the first was directed by Boll. Even Masaji Takei worked with Uwe Boll on Bloodrayne 2 as his only other film. This isn't very comforting to start off with. There are so many things bad about this that have to do with writing. The running jokes are lame and the characters are poorly written and directed to do such stupid actions.

Final Thought: This was not enjoyable at all. If you are a Far Cry fan this is not the production you want to see. If you see Uwe Boll at the helm it's better to expect the worst. The action scenes had a few decent moments. I think it wasn't the worst it could have been, but they really could have tried to actually make it work. It was godawful, but there are worse ways it could have gone. I wish there could be someone who takes Uwe Boll's place at making video games. Someone who is actually going to cater to the audience of those games while introducing to a wider selection as well.

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Dragon Blade review

Posted : 9 years, 10 months ago on 27 April 2015 06:06 (A review of Dragon Blade)

Initial Thought: I honestly don't know anything about this movie other than the very simplistic sounding plot. Also it has Jackie Chan so I'm in. This has to be better than The Man with the Iron Fists 2.

Characters/Acting: Well we have a pretty decent group of well known actors and familiar faces. Even foreign singers are trying to get more notice by appearing in films. Here there is French singer Lorie who plays the Persian queen. I love seeing Sharni Vinson in new things. Everything I have watched of hers I have liked a lot. It's good to see Jackie Chan still making movies. It seemed as if John Cusack didn't even bother with a Roman accent here which I found highly disappointing. I was however delighted to see Adrien Brody pulling one off. The kid is not really the best at acting and to me there were times I wish he would just shut up. It's weird seeing Brody as a villain, but he does quite rather well here.

Story: Romans in China sounds interesting. So it starts off in modern time and does the whole flashback style storytelling. It kind of reminded me of Titanic in that regard. The action is pretty fun to watch with a mixture of martial arts, sword fighting, and Jackie Chan's antics. I like how the synopsis is so simplistic, but there is a lot more to the story than lost Roman soldiers navigating their way through China. We have the perspective of what seems like an archeological group searching through some Chinese ruins. You get a group of people who just want peace led by Jackie Chan. Then you have Romans led by John Cusack who are lost and in search of a way to survive with a sick boy. There are little things here and there that are pretty funny like a scene were a woman (I'm assuming a leader) drops her clothes and Jackie Chan's reaction is just gold. Some of the death scenes in this are actually quite brutal and well done. On guy who has several arrows in his back is on the ground but elevated by them which was in my opinion a pretty well thought out shot. The swords that the protection squad use were awesome, but they weren't utilized quite as often as I would have hoped. The big battle near the end reminded me a lot of Battle of the Five Armies. So the ending was a bit cheesy.

Directing/Writing: I have not seen any of Daniel Lee's movies, but I have heard of some. So this will be the first encounter I have with his work. Some of the writing here could have been a bit better, but this was still pretty entertaining.

Final Thought: It was definitely better than the previous movie I watched. The fighting was pretty great. It had it's faults, but otherwise this wasn't a waste of time. If you like Jackie Chan you might enjoy this quite nicely.

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The Man with the Iron Fists 2 review

Posted : 9 years, 10 months ago on 25 April 2015 08:01 (A review of The Man with the Iron Fists 2)

Initial Thought: I saw this had come out and so I was kind of wanting to see it. I absolutely loved the first one. It was just so much fun and had many well known actors. Here I was disappointed to learn that the only familiar returnee was RZA. He hasn't really done too well in the last two films I watched of his The Protector 2 and Brick Mansions. Anyways I won't fully judge this until I have seen the whole thing.

Characters/Acting: We do get Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa here as the other highly well known actor. He is always fun to watch so hopefully he works his magic. There are only two other people who return from the previous film Gemini Male and Female, but they aren't really anyone recognizable. The acting here is supposed to pay homage to old Asian cinema which is supposed to be hilariously awful. Here though it's just cringe-worthy and way overacted. It isn't funny when you have to try so hard to seem like you aren't trying. Li Kung reminds me of a mix of Ip Man and Fearless, but not as much of a badass as the two. I don't understand why all of the Asian characters have actual Asian names except for Li Kung's daughter Innocence. What was the reason other than making obvious conclusions about her character? Also as a name in English it just sounds ridiculous.

Story: The fight during the credits was really awful. It did have a few decent things to it though. I really think the credits should have been done differently instead of interrupting the fight scene. It only made it look tacky. The choreography of some of the fight scenes is actually pretty good, but then other times it feels like they couldn't figure out what to do. The death scenes are really bad and feel as if no effort was put into it. One such scene is kind of a slaughter. It looked as if the dead bodies were just piles of flattened clothes instead of dummies. The plot is just so boring that most of the movie is filled with action scenes. There is nothing brilliant in the dialogue whatsoever. The ending was really pathetic although I did think the twist was pretty well done.

Directing/Writing: The director here is Roel Reine who is known for mostly making sequels to popular films. He seems to have a varying talent. His worst that I saw were Scorpion 3 and The Marine 2. While 12 Rounds 2 and Death Race 2 were average. He did however keep my attention with Death Race 3 and his original work Dead in Tombstone. I wonder what scale of his skill was put in this movie. John Jarrell who co-wrote this also did Romeo Must Die which I actually enjoyed. RZA returns to writing his sequel, but doesn't direct it for some reason.

Final Thought: This was a cheesefest, but not the kind that's enjoyable. It's simply nowhere near as fun as the first one. The acting is dull, the dialogue is pathetic, and the plot is way too simple. I found myself constantly looking at the time wondering this would end. The only good things here were a few of the fight scenes and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa. There is one cool Mortal Kombat reference here I liked. If you loved the first one this will kill it for you. If you hated the first one then I would recommend you avoid this one. It just takes all that was fun in the first one and throws it all out the window.

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Fifty Shades of Grey review

Posted : 9 years, 10 months ago on 24 April 2015 09:46 (A review of Fifty Shades of Grey)

Initial Thought: I really had no care in the world to see this. It was at my theater for awhile and I just could not do it. It's Twilight all over again just trying to not be copyright. The names were changed as well as the setting, but the scenario is pretty much basically the same. He is something different and strange. She wants to be a part of it even though she has no idea what she is really in for. The acting doesn't even look they tried whatsoever and that's just from the trailer. I walked in a few times while cleaning theaters and some scenes were just plain awful. Well I am going to grin and bear it. Funny thing is the recent episode of Gotham and Vikings has BDSM in them. One acted upon it slightly while the other hinted at it. Well looks like entertainment has it all haha. It's time to sit through this and actual share my opinion on the full of the movie.

Characters/Acting: As of the trailer and the scenes I saw the acting is quite a mess. I have never seen anything with Jamie Dornan in it before, but I hope his other roles are better than this. Dakota Johnson has been decent in most things I've seen of her and she does have a bit more emotion than Kristen Stewart. I'm not a big fan of Marcia Gay Harden as she usually plays some of the most obnoxious characters in my opinion. Rita Ora is here which I like because I find her quite interesting. I wish her role had been bigger, but she is already cast for the next two so we shall see. The way Christian and Anastasia interact just feels so awkward and forced to me. Christian is such a self-centered guy that it kind of makes me chuckle with the way he says things about his behavior. There are a few moments of good acting between Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan, but most of it is jumbled by a bad script. I am glad that they had much more emotion than Edward and Bella. All the supporting actors here actually did pretty well though to my surprise. I think they really tried.

Story: It's Twilight with different names and scenario. I hated the Twilight series. Instead of vampires (well fairies that drink blood because I refuse to think of Twilight as anything but) we deal with BDSM and even more pathetic decisions. As I'm watching this I understand this clearly isn't a love story it's more about infatuation. How often does love actually come from situations this strange? Of course it's just a movie based off a fiction book so there is no reality here. If someone makes you sign paperwork to be in a "relationship" of sorts then you probably wouldn't react as if it's normal. Some things here I just think are so far-fetched. It surprisingly takes almost an hour before things get truly intimate. I wasn't expecting it to take that long. Once the heat starts the fire stays pretty hot. Now I am near to the end which is most of what I saw before and it's probably the worst stuff in the entire movie. I really didn't want to sit through it again, but it was too near the end to just skip past it. One thing I really hated was the fact she asks him to do it and when he does she hates him for it. I mean you got what you asked for. You sat through it the whole way and then got upset. It was just so ridiculous to me! I must have watched the new ending because where it ended in theaters it has extra stuff after. Mostly it's flashbacks from earlier scenes. It doesn't do much except kind of reflect how the characters are feeling.

Directing/Writing: Well this is a fan fiction of Twilight. E.L. James just changed all the names to avoid getting into any legal issues. Even worse is the fact that someone actually dared to make a horrible movie of a fan fiction based on a book series that spawned horrible movies. Now I never read the Twilight books so I can't say if they are good or bad. They might be much better than the movies, but I just could not get past sparkling "vampires". The screenwriter here wrote Saving Mr. Banks! Are you kidding me? Why would someone who can actually write a movie set to work on this travesty. The director here I actually enjoyed her work with Nowhere Boy. Her little PSA with James Bond was kind of interesting to watch. The dialogue is so cringe-worthy that it truly feels like the source material it started as.

Final Thought: One of the lines in this movie is literally "I'm fifty shades of fucked up!" Come on that is really cheesy and they tried to make it such a serious scene. It had a few decent moments, but most of it was kind of dull. The supporting actors did an excellent job. It was actually better than Twilight to be honest. I can't believe I just said that. Anyways it's not as awful as I had expected it to be, but it was still pretty bad. I will still probably see the sequels because I'm crazy. Who knows maybe they will improve.

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Me and Earl and the Dying Girl review

Posted : 9 years, 10 months ago on 22 April 2015 08:51 (A review of Me and Earl and the Dying Girl)

Initial Thought: Honestly I didn't know much going into this one. All I knew is that it was about a girl with cancer and a guy who becomes a friend reluctantly. I had an idea that this was kind of like Be Kind Rewind meets The Fault in Our Stars after watching the trailer for it. I was on my way to a promo for The Water Diviner, but two of my coworkers suggested me to check this out instead so I did. I mean I will be able to see my previous choice in a few days when we release it at my theater anyways. I also missed this at the film festival we had last week and I heard a lot of people enjoyed it. So without further ado here are my thoughts on this film.

Characters/Acting: Good lord the acting here is just phenomenal. Some of our characters here are truly complicated while even the simplistic of characters keep you interested in them. I love how nonchalant Earl is through most of the movie with his dialogue. Yet no matter how straight-face he seems to be he is actually a much deeper character in my opinion. Thomas Mann and Olivia Cooke have really great chemistry together in my opinion. I loved the way they interacted with each other. I was truly impressed by them here. I have never been much of a fan of Molly Shannon, but she is strangely fun here. I actually enjoyed her character much more than Connie Britton's portrayal. I even really liked the supporting cast who had small yet hilarious roles in the overall storytelling. Jon Bernthal in particular has one of the most interesting roles here as a fun role model teacher yet he is covered in very noticeable tattoos that no one seems to remark on. Scott Mayhew, Derrick (Earl's brother), and Ill Phil reminded of some people I knew in high school. Bobb'e J. Thompson has really grown up after playing rude little kids in past adult comedies. It's nice to see him grown up and still acting some. I do hope his career expands though past limited roles and direct to DVD films because he does have good comedic capabilities.

Story: The story is undeniably well crafted and delivered. It's one of those very humorous takes on a truly serious subject. I enjoy when someone can make a story like this and be able to make it lighthearted. I think it's a good idea to make films like this where we learn that everyone doesn't want to be treated different. We all want to be treated like we are normal. If someone has cancer they don't want others to treat them like they are amazing when they know you never thought that of them before. I'm sure that everyone would much rather be treated the way you treat others. This in my opinion is a perfect representation of being treated in the correct way. I loved the filmmaking aspect of this too. The videos they make are just so awful it is absolutely hilarious. It was also fun to try to think about which movie some of the ideas came from. Everything pulls together and the ending is just so well crafted.

Directing/Writing: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon has really stepped his directing game up since his previous film The Town That Shredded Sundown. It's probably due to the fact that he is much more at home dealing with teen comedy/dramas like Glee episodes or Red Band Society. Anyways what he did here was absolutely remarkable and touching. He made me feel a roller coaster of emotions throughout this. I hadn't known this was based off a book, but it does make since as most teen movies these days are. I never even heard of the guy, but he should definitely write a lot more if he makes stories like this.

Final Thought: This was an incredible work of art. It had me in a roller coaster of emotions. In one moment I would be laughing and in others I would be on the brink of tears. It is beautifully acted. The characters are likeable and familiar. Alfonso Gomez-Rejon seemed to really care about the material he was working with and it showed here quite effortlessly. I highly recommend checking this out as soon as possible.

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Child 44 review

Posted : 9 years, 10 months ago on 22 April 2015 07:13 (A review of Child 44)

Initial Thought: I really didn't know much going in. I knew the cast was enough to get my attention. It's mostly for Noomi Rapace if I must be honest. I also knew a little bit of the story and it sounded intriguing. Anyways other than that it's time to find out if it was worth the watch.

Characters/Acting: There are quite a few pretty well accomplished actors here whom I really enjoy. I noticed a lot of them have worked with each other before. Noomi Rapace and Tom Hardy played love interests before in The Drop. Joel Kinnaman and Gary Oldman were both in the Robocop film. Joel Kinnaman was also in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (the American remake of Noomi Rapace's movie). He was also in Daniel Espinosa's previous film Safe House with Fares Fares. I could go on and on about all the work they have done together, but that really doesn't explain this movie. Obviously the fact they worked together again proves they get along. Everyone here looks like they have excellent on-screen chemistry. All the characters are really interesting and well rounded. I do wish that some had a bit more screen time like Gary Oldman or the random inclusion of Charles Dance (not that seeing him was a bad thing). Vasili is such a complicated character whom I think Joel Kinnaman did an amazing job at portraying. I love Noomi Rapace and she is amazing here as usual. Everyone here does an excellent job of getting me emotionally attached to these characters.

Story: I thought the story was pretty interesting. It was a different kind of storytelling you don't normally see in movies like this. This movie has two interlocking major plots. I thought that the way it was presented was quite interesting and different. One weird thing I noticed may have been the fault of the make up department or something. I saw a small cut or something on Gary Oldman's forehead in one scene and the next time you see him it's gone. Later in the movie though you can see it again. Either they thought no one would notice or they didn't care to fix it during editing. It doesn't take away from the movie it's just a small thing that irked me. I really like how everything was paced and the way it all connected. Some parts of the story were really intense and brutal while in other areas it was a nice blend of emotions. The tone here is pretty dark and a few times I felt kind of on nerves through some scenes. It had a few decent twists. I really loved the end which proves that the harsh world we live in still has parts that we can adore.

Directing/Writing: I have only seen this and Safe house from Daniel Espinosa and they are both highly enjoyable. He did a wonderful job here with of course the help of some major players. I haven't read anything from the author of the book, but if they are like this one I might check them out. The writer is also someone I have never heard of, but he did an excellent job here working with two plots. If this is what these guys can dish out. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for them and watching anything I have missed from the past.

Final Thought: This was a very well done experience. The characters are well rounded and portrayed quite well. It really gets your attention and holds it. I highly recommend checking this one out.

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Ex Machina review

Posted : 9 years, 10 months ago on 20 April 2015 10:01 (A review of Ex Machina)

Initial Thought: I thought this looked like it would be one hell of a movie. The cast is small yet really recognizable. It looked like something that would be eye catching and intelligent. I planned on seeing this one as soon as it came out. I hope it is as good as it looks.

Characters/Acting: Domhnall Gleeson has really risen up since his very limited role in the Harry Potter series. I loved him in About Time so I was interested to see his next big thing. I swear he didn't disappoint me. His acting here was just great and I feel as if I would have been the same kind of person in this situation. Oscar Isaac is amazing as usual. Here he plays such an interesting character that you aren't sure if he is someone to like or not. He also has a few moments of perfect comedic timing that I had not expected especially near the end. Alicia Vikander was wonderful here. I swear I might have fallen for Ava no matter the fact that she isn't human. Which honestly I really could care less about how weird that sounds haha. Sonoya Mizuno as Kyoko was a pretty interesting character to watch. Everyone just did absolutely wonderful here.

Story: Basically this guy is chosen via a contest to come to his employer's home to help him with an experiment. That's where we come to find out about what we already know about him creating Ava. This is just a visually stunning treat of a movie. The design of Ava is so unique to look at as it just feels so realistic. The conversations between Nathan and Caleb are comical, but they kind of give us a look at how vastly different these two men really are. On one hand you have this genius who just wants to drink and relax casually learning about the subject. On the other hand you have this lanky guy who is so excited to learn about such an advanced project that all he sees are the serious scientific studies. There are some pretty good twists of which there are expected and slightly unexpected varieties.

Directing/Writing: Alex Garland has yet to fail at filmmaking. I have loved each of his films. I wish he would hurry up and get 28 Months Later out as the first two were just great! Anyways this is by far one of his best so far. On par with Never Let Me Go. This guy is really a great director to watch. He really knows how to mess with our emotions. He pulls some humor out even when the story is a little dark. He has come a long way. Many people thought The Beach was just average, but I actually enjoyed it. If they went from that to this there is still a huge change in quality. It's amazing how much a director's style can improve given time.

Final Thought: This is a really awesome movie. It's a simplistic view of a scientific study that could have been complicated. I enjoy the fact that anybody can watch this and not be confused by scientific mumbo jumbo. This is an intelligent movie that still gives us a fun and intriguing study of human and machine understandings. I thought the ending was also pretty good and different in a way. It's definitely a must see especially if you already have it on your to watch list.

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Kung Fu Killer review

Posted : 9 years, 10 months ago on 16 April 2015 06:54 (A review of Kung Fu Killer )

Initial Thought: My dad posted the trailer for this on my brother's page and was instantly mystified. It looks like a thrill ride. It said it comes from the people who brought us Ip Man so that is exciting. It also stars Donnie Yen who played Ip Man the first two times and will be in an upcoming 3rd installment. Everything here looks to be creative and different.

Characters/Acting: So far Donnie Yen is the only actor I know of and he is awesome in everything he has been in. His character seems to be pretty cool too. The villain even looks like he will be fun to watch on the big screen. I love that he is so maniacal, but in a way it seems he has slightly more layers than the usual bad guy. Everyone here was amazing and I will definitely look out for more of their films.

Story: Here we have an action movie. These aren't known for their plots, but the one here seems to be pretty extensive. The idea of an accidental killer enlisted by the police force to go after a martial arts master killer for his freedom. The action is bad ass. It was a fun idea to see so many different fighting styles throughout the movie. The twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat.

Directing/Writing: I haven't seen anything that Teddy Chan has directed. Even the writers here have nothing I have seen. I guess when they say it's the people who brought us Ip Man that it meant the company that owned it. There were a few little things I noticed that were a little repetitive, but other than that these guys are definitely worth watching. I will have to go and hunt down some of their films when I get the chance.

Final Thoughts: I think the dialogue was a little awkward in a few spots, but most of it was pretty good and funny. At times there were scenes that got you to laugh some and then wince when you saw how painful some of the fights would be. The editing was good, but there were a few scenes I felt jumped in an odd way. Anyways this was a fun and energetic film. I would totally watch this one over and over again. It's a must see for Donnie Yen and martial arts fans alike.

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Boy Meets Girl review

Posted : 9 years, 11 months ago on 10 April 2015 11:12 (A review of Boy Meets Girl)

Initial Thought: This caught my eye when I was searching for news about something. It is the first film for Michelle Hendley who just so happens to be a real transgender person. I really do find it intriguing and inspirational to watch people try to deal with the struggles they face for what they believe. I had seen another moving dealing with transgender identity called Gun Hill Road which was absolutely amazing and eye opening. I'm hoping this will open my eyes more to the subject as well. I believe in choice and that people are whatever they say they are. We should not judge people for who they want to be. It is their life to live. If you have no respect for their decisions then why bother letting it get to you?

Characters/Acting: I love the idea of an actual transgender playing the character of one. It gives more authenticity than someone we see on a usual basis take on such a role. I also think it's nice that this is Michelle's first time on film and that she wants to spread a deep message with this movie. Michael Welch's character reminds me a lot of Jason Stackhouse from True Blood with the way he talks and his interest in sleeping with any woman he can find. The acting is pretty good from the fairly unknown faces including Michelle Hendley. Everyone has really good chemistry together. There is a nice little Youtuber cameo near the end some people might recognize and enjoy.

Story: So from what I garnered so far in the first two minutes is that this has a lot to do with finding love. It seems as if our main character has no luck with men who can't see beyond sexual feelings. I have to admit the part with the flasher was just genius writing. So Ricky takes after the actress by also having a Youtube channel albeit not in the same type of topic. The first scene doesn't really make too much sense until quite a bit later where things are sort of explained. There are actually some pretty great twists! I respected the idea of them revealing Ricky's nude body in entirety because of the meaning of it's nature.

Directing/Writing: I'm not familiar with this director, but most of his stuff isn't rated to high. We shall see what happens after I begin the movie. I think it is amazing though that he went for such a powerful and challenging subject. His storytelling here is quite remarkable.

Final Thought: It's a love story. One that although presented from a new angle it is still pretty much another look at love. It's quite a respectable hidden gem. If you have no problem with LGBT then I highly recommend seeing this to open your eyes a bit to the world around us. I find this to be actually pretty inspirational. I got teary eyed in the last few minutes. I have to admit this was a pretty beautiful gem of a film.

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