I have been wanting to check this out for awhile now, but I wasn't able to for the longest time. Francis Lawrence returns to direct the 3rd installation to the ever popular series. The second one felt a lot like the first one. So the first half of that had been boring where the second half was where the fun happened. I'm hoping this has action throughout it's entirety. It's pretty cool to see that this is written by Danny Strong who was on Buffy. I do hear a lot how this is the worse of the series so far, but it's mostly likely due to them splitting this and putting the bigger chunk of carnage in the second part. I always find it funny when a decent actor has to pretend like they can't act. Elizabeth Banks without all the crazy makeup and stuff looks much more attractive and interesting in my opinion. As I sit here watching this I realize even more similarities with Battle Royal. The leads start a revolution that is against the violent "games" after winning in their first tournament. Oh well I still love the brutal concept. The only think that I wish they did like the Battle Royal films is that they don't take too long to get to the middle of things. Anyways back to the movie. It's good to see that they bring the action sooner than the previous films although I had begun to wonder. It had a few pretty good twists and turns. It could of had a bit more action, but I was satisfied enough with what we got. I sure do hate cliffhanger movie endings though. Anyhow I actually really liked this one from start to finish.
-It pulls the action in quicker
-Better than the previous film (in my opinion)
-All the returning characters of course
-Some pretty good and somewhat brutal action scenes
-Natalie Dormer and Robert Knepper are in it!
-Not a big fan of Julianne Moore or Mahershala Ali
-Cliffhanger ending obviously
-Character deaths off-screen before the film
-It's the shortest by 20 minutes (which is silly since it's a 2 parter I would have expected a bit longer)
It was a good entry into the saga. I'm looking forward in anticipation to see how everything pulls together in the next one. I'm also hoping to see quite a few important albeit truly heart-wrenching death scenes.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 review

Match review

I saw the trailer for this and it looked quite interesting. I really enjoy the three main actors they have although Matthew Lillard doesn't always pick the best roles. This looks like it will be one of his best performances. Patrick Stewart's character here is quite different than pretty much all of the characters I've ever seen him play. Even the other characters were a bit confused by his behavior. It is an interesting concept with some quite excellent performances. I definitely think this was Matthew Lillard's best performance as I stated earlier it would be. I found myself bored with the first 30 minutes. Since I knew what was going on I wanted it to go ahead and just get to the point. After that time it started to get better and more interesting. That was a pretty good ending and very much not what I was expecting.
-The cast
-The acting
-Some truly powerful moments
-Good Premise
-The first 30 minutes are just plain boring
-Carla Gugino is not my wife in this lol
It was watchable and not a complete waste of time. Anyways the movie paid off in the end.
-The cast
-The acting
-Some truly powerful moments
-Good Premise
-The first 30 minutes are just plain boring
-Carla Gugino is not my wife in this lol
It was watchable and not a complete waste of time. Anyways the movie paid off in the end.

Cyberbully review

I simply adore Maisie Williams so I decided to check this one out. I just watched the trailer and it looked hilariously awful to be honest due to the music and the Hal 9000 villain voice. I think the concept was actually pretty interesting. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting it to be. It made me think about things. I try to avoid ever saying anything mean online, but I wonder if I ever have posted anything I shouldn't have. You never know what someone is going through in their life. I liked that it all took place in one room and there is very rarely anyone else physically seen on-screen. I think Maisie really carries this short film quite easily.
-Maisie Williams
-Makes you think
-Good acting
-Just long enough
-Interesting slightly different concept
-The Hacker's voice was too silly
Anyways I actually really enjoyed this. I think it's something that should be seen at least once. It's also worth seeing if you like Maisie Williams.
-Maisie Williams
-Makes you think
-Good acting
-Just long enough
-Interesting slightly different concept
-The Hacker's voice was too silly
Anyways I actually really enjoyed this. I think it's something that should be seen at least once. It's also worth seeing if you like Maisie Williams.

Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead (2014) review

I've been hearing that this is a zombie movie to check out. It's foreign which makes it several times more intriguing in my opinion. So I decided to go ahead and see what all the fuss is about. It isn't a big budget film, but it does do quite well with what it has. It is a bit cheesy at times although the intense action more than makes up for it. The acting here is actually not bad either. It goes back and forth with some comedy and drama which is actually quite interesting. This new breed of zombies is a bit odd, but it's definitely something different and original. It feels like several zombie films mashed up together with a Mad Max kind of feel via the vehicle used and I suppose the outfit designs. There are several interesting characters like the guy Barry first meets, Barry himself (who kind of looks like Billy Burke), the sister Brooke, and Benny (who is hilariously awkward). The concept was crazy, but so very enticing. I couldn't keep my eyes off this. The ending was pretty badass and intense.
-A unique telling of the zombie mythology
-A good amount of interesting characters
-Some good gore and death scenes
-The girl is hot lol
-It has a nice balance of humor and drama
-Wish it was longer
-Some of the writing could have been better
The only real problem I had with this was that it wasn't long enough and it ended! I hope to see more from the Roache-Turners and hopefully that includes more of the Wyrmwood story. If you love zombies and want to see them do something different then this is definitely one to see. I think even if you think they can't do anything more interesting with the genre then you should see this.
-A unique telling of the zombie mythology
-A good amount of interesting characters
-Some good gore and death scenes
-The girl is hot lol
-It has a nice balance of humor and drama
-Wish it was longer
-Some of the writing could have been better
The only real problem I had with this was that it wasn't long enough and it ended! I hope to see more from the Roache-Turners and hopefully that includes more of the Wyrmwood story. If you love zombies and want to see them do something different then this is definitely one to see. I think even if you think they can't do anything more interesting with the genre then you should see this.

The Last Five Years review

Ah I love me some Anna Kendrick. Jeremy Jordan is pretty cool as well and I thought he was amusing in Joyful Noise. This is directed by Richard LaGravenese whom I've enjoyed what I've seen of his. I actually admit I quite enjoy musicals so I was intrigued by this one. When it first started it seemed like it would be in the style of Les Miserables where all the dialogue was in song. The dialogue here is mostly song, but there are a few scenes of normal conversation. I like how when one is singing sometimes they will respond normally as if the person is talking to them. I have not seen very many musicals that do that sort of thing. I like that they show their singing skills by singing in slightly different styles and even singing in different accents. So the timeline in the movie is a bit confusing and keeps going back and forth without ever explaining which part of the timeline it is in.
-Anna Kendrick
-Some good songs
-Something a little different
-Storyline was a bit all over the place
-It was a little boring
It wasn't a bad watch, but it wasn't something I would watch again. It could have been better. If you like the Broadway musical you might like this. I didn't see it so I don't know how this compares.
-Anna Kendrick
-Some good songs
-Something a little different
-Storyline was a bit all over the place
-It was a little boring
It wasn't a bad watch, but it wasn't something I would watch again. It could have been better. If you like the Broadway musical you might like this. I didn't see it so I don't know how this compares.

Into the Grizzly Maze review

I have to say that I was impressed with the talent involved. It has freaking Billy Bob Thornton. It isn't even a theater movie, but I am sure this could be really well done. Also I have to say Bart the Bear is fantastic in everything good or bad. So the acting was pretty good for the most part. I have to say there were some pretty brutal kills which is awesome. "It does for the woods what Jaws did for the ocean." That being said Thomas Jane has gone against both super intelligent sharks and now a super angry bear!
-The Actors (James Marsden, Billy Bob Thornton, Thomas Jane, Scott Glenn, and Adam Beach)
-The death scenes
-When the action starts it gets intense
-Bart the Bear!
-They killed the damn dog, but not the horse!
-There were a few things that didn't quite make sense
-The writing could have been better
All in all it was quite entertaining and kept me interested from start to finish. It's definitely a must see for nature vs human fans.
-The Actors (James Marsden, Billy Bob Thornton, Thomas Jane, Scott Glenn, and Adam Beach)
-The death scenes
-When the action starts it gets intense
-Bart the Bear!
-They killed the damn dog, but not the horse!
-There were a few things that didn't quite make sense
-The writing could have been better
All in all it was quite entertaining and kept me interested from start to finish. It's definitely a must see for nature vs human fans.

Black or White review

Okay so I really enjoyed this movie. It's a bit stereotypical and racially biased to be honest. For me though it wasn't about the race issues. It spoke to me in a time where my family itself is dealing with a slightly similar situation caused by a rift in my family and the raising of a child. Also I love interracial families as mine is such an expansive family. Also I'm a white male married to an women born and raised in Africa. I thought that the performances were quite excellent and powerful. I thought the girl who played Eloise was absolutely adorable. One thing I thought was interesting is how Kevin Costner's character judges by the actions of a person rather than color. It does seem that the film itself judges by the color. This might not get so much hate if the race of our characters had been reversed. Anyways whatever the case may be I thought this was quite an interesting movie and had me tearing up a few times. It may not be for everyone, but that didn't stop me from enjoying this.

Beyond the Lights review

I have been wanting to see this since seeing the trailer. I like a good music drama. The cast looks awesome. I always find it intriguing when a rapper or singer takes on acting. When I saw Machine Gun Kelly listed amongst the cast I wondered how it would work out. When I saw him he was basically playing a fictional version of himself and doesn't really have much screen time outside of the music video scenes. I have to say Minnie Driver plays such a disgusting despicable mother. She cares more about getting money and fame than how her daughter is treated and feels. The sad thing is this is sadly quite realistic. I think this was quite underrated. The acting is really great and I enjoyed the characters. I liked the music as well. Specifically the two main songs "Masterpiece" and "Blackbird". I think this also portrayed what seems like what might go through a lot of famous peoples minds and lives. We don't understand that people who have "everything" could be the same as us. Everyone has a breaking point and it is not easy to be truly happy for everyone. Anyways it may not be a hit for everyone, but it hit for me as in some ways I felt this one spoke to me.

Gnome Alone review

Another film that I know will most likely be bad, but I'm still watching in the off chance I find myself enjoying it. So here we got witches, leprechauns, and gnomes. Although the gnome is the main focus it feels slightly like a leprechaun film for the obvious reasons. He rhymes and makes ridiculous "witty" comments. Are they sure it's not about a leprechaun because it just seems like a horrible remake with a gnome. It also feels slightly like the Wishmaster films. Okay I really didn't understand the point of the two witches um "seductively fighting" in the muddy water. It was probably just to show some hot ladies nude. Hell there is a lot of ridiculous lesbian stuff here. Wow I haven't seen Ross Bagley since the 90s he must have ran out of money. If the gnome is supposed to protect the bearer of the mark why the hell does he wait until close to or after something happens to them? The production value is very low through most of this and only a few scenes felt like they actually tried to make it look well made. The acting was just plain awful! The death scenes were pathetic except for maybe one. One scene you could tell that they used the green screen to make it look like someone's decapitated head is being held up, but that the person is probably on their knees or something. The way it ended made entirely no sense for why it happened. Dear God it was just a horrible movie with a horrible ending. It did seem as if the ending was sort of hinting at a Leprechaun vs Gnome type of crap.
-Seeing Ross Bagley on-Screen again
-Bill Oberst Jr.
-Production Value
-Leprechaun Rip-Off
-Lame Death Scenes
-Seeing Ross Bagley on-Screen again (Finding Out why he has been gone)
-An awkward random BDSM room
-That WTF ending!
I highly recommend this to never be seen this was way worse than I had expected.
-Seeing Ross Bagley on-Screen again
-Bill Oberst Jr.
-Production Value
-Leprechaun Rip-Off
-Lame Death Scenes
-Seeing Ross Bagley on-Screen again (Finding Out why he has been gone)
-An awkward random BDSM room
-That WTF ending!
I highly recommend this to never be seen this was way worse than I had expected.

The Boy Next Door review

When I saw the trailer I had a feeling I would watch it despite it looking horrible. It showed it's cheesiness with the lame cookies line. The premise reminds me of The Guest meets Fatal Attraction/Fear although not nearly as interesting as the aforementioned. It even feels a bit like Kelly & Cal. I think the only real reason I am watching this is because Jennifer Lopez is still a hottie. Ah It's a Rob Cohen movie. His are usually either hits or misses most of which are misses. Seriously it starts off with some atrocious acting. That is not a good sign at all. Seeing Ryan Guzman play a vindictive little prick rather than the romantic dancing lead of the recent Step Up movies just feels awkward. The jokes and double entendres are plain ridiculous. The acting is mostly subpar with very few exceptional scenes. This was pretty horrible. I was so disinterested from beginning to end. The epi-pen scene near the end was hilarious to me.
The few good things about this were:
-Jennifer Lopez sex scene of course
-Kristin Chenoweth whom I have a crush on
-The Hilarious Epi-Pen scene mentioned above
-It was short
The bad stuff about this:
-The acting was horrible
-It was completely cliche with nothing that hasn't been done
-Ryan Guzman doesn't dance lol
-Random evil acts for no real reason
-The lamest double entendres
-Just feels way too much like a Lifetime Film with soft core eroticism thrown in as the only means of attention grabbing
-There are only two sex scenes one of which is just completely unnecessary (I mean come on that is pretty much the only reason anyone was planning to see this one)
I say skip this one and if you really want to see it just wait for Mr. Skin to post the scene on their website and you've scene the only part truly worth anything.
The few good things about this were:
-Jennifer Lopez sex scene of course
-Kristin Chenoweth whom I have a crush on
-The Hilarious Epi-Pen scene mentioned above
-It was short
The bad stuff about this:
-The acting was horrible
-It was completely cliche with nothing that hasn't been done
-Ryan Guzman doesn't dance lol
-Random evil acts for no real reason
-The lamest double entendres
-Just feels way too much like a Lifetime Film with soft core eroticism thrown in as the only means of attention grabbing
-There are only two sex scenes one of which is just completely unnecessary (I mean come on that is pretty much the only reason anyone was planning to see this one)
I say skip this one and if you really want to see it just wait for Mr. Skin to post the scene on their website and you've scene the only part truly worth anything.