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Jobs review

Posted : 10 years, 12 months ago on 3 March 2014 11:13 (A review of Jobs)

At first I was a little skeptical about Ashton Kutcher playing Steve Jobs because they don't really looking anything alike. Then I watched it anyways. I thought he actually pulled the part off really well and even looked fine as older Steve Jobs. The acting is pretty good from a pretty interesting cast that includes Dermot Mulroney, Josh Gad, Lukas Haas, Matthew Modine, J.K. Simmons, Kevin Dunn, James Woods, Amanda Crew, Samm Levine, and a few other familiar faces. I though this was a little like The Social Network though to be honest. This was pretty good don't get me wrong, but it had too much of a feel like Mark Zuckerberg's movie. Steve and Mark are both major assholes in these and they both have to do with computer things. So I believe it's hard not to make a comparison. Anyways I did enjoy this, but it was missing something or maybe had something it didn't need. Anyways this movie could be a hit or miss. See for yourself.

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In the Name of the King: The Last Mission review

Posted : 10 years, 12 months ago on 3 March 2014 10:55 (A review of In the Name of the King: The Last Mission)

Uwe Boll is at it again with his prize player Dominic Purcell. In a third installment to the crapfest series that is In the Name of the King. Also the third lead character that has no relation to the previous films. Holy Crapfest, Batman this film has a ridiculous tacked on sub-title called The Last Job. Even some are titled The Last Mission. On that note hopefully that also means this is the last bloody film! Unfortunately yes I am watching this, but only to see just how truly awful it is. Also better me than you don't you think? This ominous sounding music in the beginning of the movie is really annoying and stupid. The main character is definitely the least likeable of the trilogy and not even a good person. Ralitsa Paskaleva and Petra Gocheva are beautiful, but I am not quite sure they can actually act. The fighting is lame as usual and doesn't even look like they are trying to make it interesting.

The acting and dialogue seems like something a five year old creates with his action figures although with the inclusion of foul language. The characters forgive and forget way too easily! This is the cheesiest of the three movies which is pretty hard to do. The main bad guy should not be shirtless ever as he looks like he has small female breasts rather than man pecs. There are random unexpected rivalries that are pointless as they really do nothing to the story. Why the hell does the fucking Shaman fight with an axe isn't he supposed to use magic! Come on writer get your shit together! The whole movie is just plain ridiculous. One scene in particular while Hazen Kaine's group is walking out of the woods he comes across another group WHO THEY WERE JUST FREAKING WITH NOT TOO LONG AGO and the guy says it's good to see you Hazen like its been a long time. You are joking right? The ending was lame. Makes room for yet another of these awful things. Please don't make another Uwe Boll! This has some of the worst script writing ever and I've seen some pretty shitty movies. I think anyone with a script could go to Uwe Boll and get their movie made no matter how much stupidity it contains. Uwe Boll truly masters making crap! This is the worst of the trilogy and they are already some of the worst movies in the world. This movie is worth absolutely nothing and should be avoided forever. This hits the mark where it gets so bad there is no way it can be enjoyable or fun for anyone to watch.

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Diana review

Posted : 10 years, 12 months ago on 3 March 2014 05:32 (A review of Diana)

I didn't even know about this to be honest. I saw this on my flight returning to the states from Ethiopia. I decided to watch it as I find Naomi Watts a stunner and I enjoy Naveen Andrews. However it really wasn't worth the time that I could have used for sleeping. The story wasn't engaging and was just plain boring. Sorry Diana God rest her soul, but this part of her life just did not need to be put into film. Nothing interesting happens on-screen, the chemistry of Andrews and Watts wasn't very believable, and just didn't do anything captivating. The acting is good that isn't an issue with this. It just wasn't a story that had any luster. I think had there been better chemistry and more to the story it could have been something. It really isn't worth the watch.

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The Bodyguard review

Posted : 10 years, 12 months ago on 3 March 2014 05:19 (A review of The Bodyguard )

To be honest I had never heard of this movie until I went to Ethiopia. One of the friends I made there while I was teaching students told me this was a good watch. Also several other people had mentioned it as well. So I finally found a store that had it. Now the look of this film makes me feel old being born before it by 3 years. Whitney Houston's music is always a treasure to hear especially learning that her hit "I Will Always Love You" started with this movie. Kevin Costner plays a badass 22 years before he stars in the action thriller 3 Days to Kill. I actually prefer him in this. There are a few pretty interesting twists here and there. Debbie Reynolds appears as herself briefly. Bill Cobbs and Richard Schiff are in it as well. The villain is a bit goofy and over the top in my opinion. I thought it was quite enjoyable to kick-back and relax to. I'd say it's worth a watch as you can most likely find it on television, Netflix, or something along those lines. R.I.P. Whitney Houston. You may be gone, but you are immortalized in film and music.

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Closed Circuit review

Posted : 10 years, 12 months ago on 3 March 2014 05:11 (A review of Closed Circuit)

This was slow and boring to me. It had a pretty decent cast which includes Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Jim Broadbent, and Julia Stiles. It wasn't bad per say it just didn't really have any charisma to it. It had a lot of twists and turns to it, but just because you put a lot of twists into a movie doesn't make it a good watch. The acting wasn't even bad nor was it the fault of the director. I blame the writer on the poor quality of this as it is mostly just the plot that doesn't give much. Not really worth watching in my opinion.

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Non-Stop review

Posted : 10 years, 12 months ago on 3 March 2014 03:20 (A review of Non-Stop)

I decided to go ahead and see this because Liam Neeson is wicked awesome and the premise is intriguing. It is pretty intense with some good acting. I love closed space types of movies as it builds up more tension than if it were in an open area. You don't know what will happen next and that's really what makes this so exciting. Also trying to figure out who is causing all the chaos is fun. I always liked a good murder mystery like Ten Little Indians and such. One thing I felt though is that Liam Neeson's character is similar to that of Denzel Washington's character albeit Neeson plays a fictional character. However they both are alcoholics, both work in airlines companies, and both are part of some airplane chaos. There were some pretty good twists and turns. The ending was cool. It wasn't a masterpiece, but it was well made. It's a good popcorn flick. I recommend checking this out for sure.

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Antisocial review

Posted : 10 years, 12 months ago on 2 March 2014 11:00 (A review of Antisocial)

Well let's see how this goes. I usually enjoy zombie flicks even ones others do not. Although sometimes the shit really does hit the fan. Anyways I decided to check this out for myself as it seems like an interesting concept. It starts off well enough. The token black guy looks like a discount Columbus Short. This kind of felt like a ripoff of Stephen King's Cell which has a similar premise. It also tries to do for social networking what Jaws did for the ocean or what Teeth and Contracted did for sex. So the big twist in this movie isn't really a surprise to the viewers, rather it's a surprise for the characters. Now there are a few interest little gimmicks that are kind of interesting. The acting is a little bit mediocre. There could have been a bit more death scenes involved. It's isn't really that engaging to be honest. I though however that the ending had more of what this movie could have been. I'd say the IMDB rating is more on the mark with this. As it isn't quite the worst, but far from good. I would say pass on this.

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A Walk to Beautiful review

Posted : 10 years, 12 months ago on 2 March 2014 07:33 (A review of A Walk to Beautiful)

This documentary is truly remarkable. It provides a look into what we as Americans don't even think about. Ethiopia is a tough country especially for the women. Trust me on this I have been there. It's hard to know how much the people truly struggle there while still having faith in God while we most of the time question him. Anyways this is a powerful and compelling documentary. It is worth the watch. I happen to avoid most documentaries, but this one really had an impact on me. You can find 3 versions of this on youtube as posted by PBS.

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Logan review

Posted : 10 years, 12 months ago on 2 March 2014 07:26 (A review of Logan)

You have got to be kidding me. Nobody has watched this yet besides me? First of all when I was a kid I really wanted to do stuff like make movies or something along those lines. It is also interesting because my name is Logan as well. This movie is truly amazing given the chance. One scene in particular really changes the course that the film was taking. I really thought this was a well done Indie. I love the chemistry of the two brothers. Leo Howard is truly great in this as well as the other actors. It shouldn't be so much under the radar as it is here. Go watch this. I swear that if you have a heart or even an interest in film this would be a great movie to check.

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Boys of Abu Ghraib review

Posted : 10 years, 12 months ago on 2 March 2014 10:04 (A review of Boys of Abu Ghraib)

Now I know that this isn't really the most spectacular cast in the world, but it can be so much worse. I've always been interested in war movies, but have hated actual war. This is probably one of the sickest true stories about our nations military and I think it is a story that definitely should be heard even if it is dramatized. I'm sure even some people will think this film is unnecessary and tasteless. I say sadly that this is a way to get the story more attention from a wider range of people. Sometimes torture can get downright out of hand and the world needs to know just how upsetting and wrong it can get. The writing, directing, and acting all are on point in this. It is a really powerful piece of film-making and truly a masterpiece. The performances are just phenomenal! To think the first time director is also the lead actor is amazing! Also he kind of looks like Aaron Taylor-Johnson and a young Tom Hardy. This is actually a really touching story and isn't too graphic. It is deep, compelling, and gripping. I thought they really dealt with this story tastefully! It can be quite emotional, but it's a must see! I highly recommend this.

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