Force of Execution review

This movie blows. Steven Seagal needs to go ahead and pick another occupation already. Danny Trejo's character is kind of ridiculous. The twists are stupid and some are a bit over the top. Ving Rhames is really losing his bad ass mojo. Why does he keep picking shit these days? Remember when he was in Dawn of the Dead remake? Then he did the Day of the Dead Remake which was also complete shit! Bren Foster plays the lead in this. Does anyone know who that is because I sure didn't. Noel Guliemi is in this as well which shouldn't be a surprise as he is in pretty much everything. Has he ever even played a main character? Anyways I watched this mostly for Ving Rhames and Danny Trejo, but should have known that if Steven Seagal was there that it would suck. Do not watch this at all!

Hachi: A Dog's Tale review

I thought that this was amazing and truly heartfelt. It's a modernized version of a true story which makes it pretty cool if you ask me. I like a good movie centered on animals if it is done well and of course this doesn't disappoint. The cast is great as well with Richard Gere, Joan Allen, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Sarah Roemer, Jason Alexander, and Erick Avari. I thought the dog did a pretty great performance. One thing I didn't understand though is why the movie is title I don't I heard a single person call the dog Hachiko at any point. Anyways check this out it is amazing and cool. It can be a bit of a tearjerker, but it is totally worth it.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 review

I loved Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs so I was pretty sure I would like the second one as well. This was kind of like the first one meets Jurassic Park. The plot isn't as cool as the first one, but that doesn't take away from totally enjoying it. The characters are awesome and funny. The voice cast is pretty cool as it includes Bill Hader, Anna Faris, Will Forte, James Caan, Andy Samberg, Neil Patrick Harris, Terry Crews, and Kristen Schaal.
The food creature designs were hilarious and intriguing. Whoever came up with the creature designs is a genius. Also the names they come up with for the creatures are pretty adorable. Some of the creatures are totally adorable which makes eating the real versions kind of terrifying. Which now that I think about it kind of makes this a horror movie about our food coming to life! What the hell can we eat if all the world's food has a face? Oh wait we probably still would since we already eat meat. Chicken is my favorite! I guess the only thing that I had against this movie is that the villain was pretty lame and silly. Anyways this is a wonderful movie, good sequel, and fun for everyone. I highly recommend checking this out. It is totally worth it.
The food creature designs were hilarious and intriguing. Whoever came up with the creature designs is a genius. Also the names they come up with for the creatures are pretty adorable. Some of the creatures are totally adorable which makes eating the real versions kind of terrifying. Which now that I think about it kind of makes this a horror movie about our food coming to life! What the hell can we eat if all the world's food has a face? Oh wait we probably still would since we already eat meat. Chicken is my favorite! I guess the only thing that I had against this movie is that the villain was pretty lame and silly. Anyways this is a wonderful movie, good sequel, and fun for everyone. I highly recommend checking this out. It is totally worth it.

In the Name of the King 2: Two Worlds review

I don't know why I keep watching Boll movies. I guess I just hope he surprises me with a movie that is actually good. Lochlyn Munro's hairpiece is one of this movie's biggest problems as it looks way too fake. The acting is truly awful one of the worst is Natassia Malthe who sounds like she is trying to rehearse the scenes while they are being filmed. Dolph Lundgren is a horrible replacement for Jason Statham as the new lead. The characters are really lame and pathetic. I did however like the dragon. All in all this is another sham of movie made by the king of sham Uwe Boll. So avoid this! I repeat avoid this by all means unless you want to torture yourself by watching it.

Stormhouse review

When I first heard of this it caught my interest. It sounded like an interesting idea. Contrary to my belief this movie was pretty bland and average. The acting is not very good and the plot is nothing special. There aren't any familiar faces in this either. The Muslim guy is the most interesting of the characters, but that isn't really saying much as most of the characters don't really give you anything. There are a few scenes here and there that are interesting, but other than that it is pretty silly. I wouldn't recommend this.

Suddenly review

This time Uwe Boll tries to make a political thriller. At least it isn't over the top with ridiculous acting and not a video game adaptation. No this one is just boring and kind of lame. Stop putting Dominic Purcell in your movies. He is so bland it isn't even funny. I do not enjoy him on screen at all. Michael Pare and Ray Liotta are at least trying it seems. Even Erin Karpluk is decent in this. Oh look Brendan Fletcher another of Boll's flunkies is in this as well and plays a pretty pointless character just because he is one of Boll's favorite rag dolls. Is it intentional that the president looks strikingly similar to Barack Obama? What is Boll trying to state with that kind of symbolizing? Anyways nothing really happens in this useless entry to Uwe Boll's pathetic attempts at filmmaking. I suggest watching another political conspiracy film or anything else but this.

Don Jon review

This wasn't your typical falling in love story. No this one is in my opinion realistic in how relationships are going these days. It has Tony Danza (who returns to film after 9 years), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (who just so happens to direct this as well), Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore, Brie Larson, and Rob Brown. It also has some cool little cameos including Channing Tatum, Meagan Good, Anne Hathaway, and Cuba Gooding Jr. This isn't really the kind of movie that you sit and watch with anyone because of well the extremely sexual theme and lots of porn scenes from actual porn videos (although they are edited to look softcore for it to be more "appropriate"). The acting in this is pretty great and I love the twists that it takes on falling in love and what love can actually mean. The plot is truly genuine and it is jam packed with excellent cinematography. This was way better than I had imagined it would be when I saw the first trailer. It is definitely highly recommended if you want to watch something new and isn't the typical love story. In fact I'd say this is a romance for dudes by a dude haha.

Les 4 soldats review

So this isn't half bad. It has a bunch 5 youths trying to understand and survive a war they do not understand. For the first 2/3rds of the film it is pretty slow as it builds the chemistry of our characters and lets us get to know them pretty well. The acting is pretty good and the characters are pretty interesting including Big Max who is a bit on the heavy side, Gabriel who is an average teenager, Dominique who is the only female in the group, Mateo who seems like the leader and has a mohawk, and lastly Kevin who has some pretty badass looking dreads. The last third of the film is when it finally gets to good stuff and ends the movie with plenty of bang for your buck. Don't let this one pass you by. It is pretty fine French storytelling. Check it out.

Our Family Wedding review

Another movie I really enjoyed because the contents include interracial relationships. Some of it is a bit cliche, but it is pretty funny. I watched it with my wife which makes me enjoy movies a little more than if I was alone I think. Anyways the cast here is pretty good as it has Forest Whitaker, America Ferrera, Carlos Mencia, Regina Kind, Lance Gross, Charles Q. Murphy, Shondrella Avery, Anna Marie Horsford, and Shannyn Sossamon. It even has brief parts with Harry Shum Jr., Hayley Marie Norman, and Noel Gugliemi. The acting is pretty good and the actors chemistry is pretty good. This was just simply an unexpected hidden gem I found looking around for something to watch on a boring night. Give it a check and you might just enjoy something new.

The Butler review

The Butler is a masterpiece. The acting is phenomenal. The story is fantastic and intriguing. It was interesting to see such a person deal with the different styles of politics throughout the years. It was also interesting to see how his family had to deal with everything. One thing I would have liked to see was either someone playing Barack Obama at the end of movie or at least the man himself. I mean the guy that played him Orlando Eric Street had filmed some scenes, but they were cut before the film came out.
There are a lot of musical personalities who play characters in this such as David Banner (Rap), Mariah Carey (Pop), Lenny Kravitz (Funk/Pop), and I guess you could say Terrence Howard is kind of a rapper (Djay from Hustle & Flow). All of them do well with what they are supposed to do in this.
You know when you see Oprah Winfrey in a movie it or involved it should be taken as a serious film. That is exactly what this is as it has some sad scenes. It has a lot of serious topics of the times that are dealt with and done well in my opinion.
I enjoyed Cuba Gooding Jr., David Oyelowo, and Nelsan Ellis as I think they did their roles very well. There are a few other familiar faces that don't have much screen time and their names aren't really considered big yet which include Elijah Kelley, Yaya Alafia, Jesse Williams, Danny Strong (Although he has been around for a few decades, and Michael Rainey Jr. (a slightly new young face who has already done a few interesting films).
At first when I heard Nelsan Ellis was going to play Martin Luther King Jr. I thought that he couldn't pull it off and I thought he didn't really look like him. When I watched it I thought the performance was alright, but he wasn't exactly on screen long enough to be considered good or bad.
David Oyelowo is a remarkable actor and plays various ages of Cecil Gaines' son Louis from I think his late teens to quite a bit older and actually pulls it off really well.
It was interesting to see some somewhat big and some kind of big actors playing brief roles like Alex Pettyfer, Vanessa Redgrave, Robin Williams, John Cusack, Liev Schrieber, James Marsden, Minka Kelly, Alan Rickman, and Jane Fonda.
Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave didn't do too much, but it was nice to see them. They did well with the brief time they were given. Alex Pettyfer character caused a bit of drama with having I think the briefest time on-screen. Minka Kelly didn't do much at all I think.
Robin Williams as Dwight D. Eisenhower was another role I questioned. I actually thought he did pretty well to my surprise. I mean yes Robin Williams can act and can do serious well. I know that. I just didn't think he fit the part until I saw the movie. Apparently Melissa Leo had originally been in this as Mamie, but her scenes were cut.
John Cusack played a believable Richard Nixon. I thought he did pretty well. Not much else to really say about it though.
Liev Schrieber as Lyndon B. Johnson was well done and actually kind of hilarious. A little bit of comedy in an otherwise serious movie about racial topics.
James Marsden was wonderful and charismatic as the young John F. Kennedy. I thought he was quite enjoyable and did well. John F. Kennedy was a great person and did a lot for the USA. It was good to see him played so well.
Last but not least Alan Rickman as the great Ronald Reagan! I think he had the longest screen time of all the presidents and was one of the sweeter ones. I thoroughly enjoyed him in this and the way he played Reagan was great.
Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford were themselves in archive footage so there is nothing to really say about that.
Anyways I really enjoyed this. My wife did as well. Yes some parts drag out a bit, but it is worth getting through to the end.
There are a lot of musical personalities who play characters in this such as David Banner (Rap), Mariah Carey (Pop), Lenny Kravitz (Funk/Pop), and I guess you could say Terrence Howard is kind of a rapper (Djay from Hustle & Flow). All of them do well with what they are supposed to do in this.
You know when you see Oprah Winfrey in a movie it or involved it should be taken as a serious film. That is exactly what this is as it has some sad scenes. It has a lot of serious topics of the times that are dealt with and done well in my opinion.
I enjoyed Cuba Gooding Jr., David Oyelowo, and Nelsan Ellis as I think they did their roles very well. There are a few other familiar faces that don't have much screen time and their names aren't really considered big yet which include Elijah Kelley, Yaya Alafia, Jesse Williams, Danny Strong (Although he has been around for a few decades, and Michael Rainey Jr. (a slightly new young face who has already done a few interesting films).
At first when I heard Nelsan Ellis was going to play Martin Luther King Jr. I thought that he couldn't pull it off and I thought he didn't really look like him. When I watched it I thought the performance was alright, but he wasn't exactly on screen long enough to be considered good or bad.
David Oyelowo is a remarkable actor and plays various ages of Cecil Gaines' son Louis from I think his late teens to quite a bit older and actually pulls it off really well.
It was interesting to see some somewhat big and some kind of big actors playing brief roles like Alex Pettyfer, Vanessa Redgrave, Robin Williams, John Cusack, Liev Schrieber, James Marsden, Minka Kelly, Alan Rickman, and Jane Fonda.
Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave didn't do too much, but it was nice to see them. They did well with the brief time they were given. Alex Pettyfer character caused a bit of drama with having I think the briefest time on-screen. Minka Kelly didn't do much at all I think.
Robin Williams as Dwight D. Eisenhower was another role I questioned. I actually thought he did pretty well to my surprise. I mean yes Robin Williams can act and can do serious well. I know that. I just didn't think he fit the part until I saw the movie. Apparently Melissa Leo had originally been in this as Mamie, but her scenes were cut.
John Cusack played a believable Richard Nixon. I thought he did pretty well. Not much else to really say about it though.
Liev Schrieber as Lyndon B. Johnson was well done and actually kind of hilarious. A little bit of comedy in an otherwise serious movie about racial topics.
James Marsden was wonderful and charismatic as the young John F. Kennedy. I thought he was quite enjoyable and did well. John F. Kennedy was a great person and did a lot for the USA. It was good to see him played so well.
Last but not least Alan Rickman as the great Ronald Reagan! I think he had the longest screen time of all the presidents and was one of the sweeter ones. I thoroughly enjoyed him in this and the way he played Reagan was great.
Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford were themselves in archive footage so there is nothing to really say about that.
Anyways I really enjoyed this. My wife did as well. Yes some parts drag out a bit, but it is worth getting through to the end.