Ouija review

Dear Hollywood will you please quit putting Lin Shaye in everything I want to see! I do not like her and that all started with her in Dead End! Anyways this is the first film directed by writer Stiles White whom I only liked his The Possession film from 2012. I remember seeing the trailer and wanting to see this immediately. This was actually pretty boring unfortunately and all of the death scenes lack any enthusiasm. This really lacked charisma and was totally lackluster. I found myself constantly checking the time and waiting for something exciting to happen. The acting was decent though except for the kids in the beginning. Things only get somewhat interesting a few times like with the twist in the ending. There was at least one jump scare for me anyways, but the rest of it was pretty predictable and cliche. The only character I found the least bit interesting was Pete (Who had the lamest death as they didn't even show anything really happen except for the stitches). This is not worth checking out at all. It was a waste of ninety minutes. It had potential but failed at reaching it. It was greatly disappointing. Also after watching this whole thing I'm thinking I either watched the wrong trailer or I was thinking of another film. The scene I was looking for never happened so either it's in an unrated version or it was never in this film. It's too bad though it might have been better.

If I Stay review

This is director R.J. Cutler's first non-documentary style movie so it should be interesting to see how he fares. The plot isn't that original seeing as I have seen a movie called The Invisible which also deals with a dying teenager trying to figure things out. I have to admit the only real reason I'm interested in this is for Chloe Moretz. It seems like this movie didn't know what it wanted to be. I think it should have been a straight through kind of story instead of going back and forth. It feels all jumbled up taking away from itself when it switches from past to present. It would work if the flashback scenes made any sense to what is happening in the hospital. Why is she even narrating like nothing is happening? It just doesn't make any sense the way this is filmed and edited. If the book is this way too I can say I'm not interested in reading it. The acting is pretty good though of course. Mireille Enos seems like she belongs in a Rob Zombie movie. Every time I see her that's what her presence feels like to me. Anyways this was a cute movie that had some great heart felt moments. The ending however made me mad. Why did it end that way? That was really unfair and unrewarding. I was highly disappointed with this movie as a whole. It's a good love story, but otherwise it could have been much better than it was.

Dracula Untold review

I have to say the title says it all since nobody has thought to tell this story in cinema. There are several Game of Thrones actors in this which tells you what the casting director likes. Luke Evans was made to play Dracula. He is brutal, badass, and just plain cool. The battles are insanely cool and are a constant presence. It's always interesting to see someone discovering their powers especially when they aren't aware of the full extent. The acting here is pretty good particularly Luke Evans and Charles Dance. I swear I got chills throughout this especially near the end. I hope they make a sequel because I would love to see more of this Dracula! This movie was just so exciting for me. I highly recommend it for lovers of vampire and Dracula lore. I really don't understand all the reviews saying this is slow or boring. It's a non-stop action packed origin story with good actors and an interesting look at a story I thought was a beat horse.

Jessabelle review

This is directed by the same guy who did the final two Saw films. That could be the deciding factor of if someone will give this a look or not. For me it definitely has me interested. The beginning was a bit predictable on what would happen. There are some visually interesting shots occasionally. It had it's creepy moments. One of my favorites was the bathtub scene. I thought it had some nice twists although some of it was cliche. The ending was definitely not what I was expecting. It was a decent one time watch, but it could have been better.

The Running Man review

I have been wanting to see this, but haven't had the chance yet. I love Stephen King and his stories are always fun to watch on the big screen. I'm a little skeptical seeing that Starsky and Hutch actor Paul Michael Glaser is the director though. It does have a pretty cast put together. It isn't the first story of it's kind and it's not the last. We have had Death Race, The Condemned, and even Gamer. The latter two of which I think could have been inspired by this story. It also reminds me of a grittier version of the movie Idiocracy. It definitely has that 80s cheesiness to it which I'm not sure if the book is cheesy or not. I do tend to notice a lot of Game Shows however fun to watch are always goofy anyways. The Stalkers are actually pretty interesting and unique. I enjoyed it although it's not amazing it does have some decent moments. It's just about as good as I was expecting it to be. If you like Arnold and Stephen King stories you will get a kick out of this.

Debug review

It seems there are a lot of technology versus humanity movies this year including Transcendence and Lucy (in some ways). This is written and directed by Stargate actor David Hewlett and stars co-star Jason Momoa. I'm guessing either they are good friends or Momoa owed him a favor. The idea sounded interesting and the trailer caught my interest. The characters are pretty interesting and it seems like the actors tried. "I Am" is a bit silly for a character name, but he makes up for it by being awesome. It feels a bit like a Syfy channel movie though because the gore is minimum. It does however have some pretty good sets and the CGI is decent. It wasn't too bad, but it could have been better too. I have to say the ending was pretty good though and unexpected. It was a pretty straightforward kind of film. It definitely wasn't what I was expecting which is fine.

Hit by Lightning review

Okay so Ricky Blitt is known for being involved in controversial little films. I have to admit though I was only wanting to see this because of Jon Cryer. So we have parody versions of Denny's (Debby's) and EHarmony (EHappily). This is actually a really cute and sweet movie. I still feel as if Jon Cryer is basically still Allen from Two and a Half Men. I think the title is more used as a metaphor rather than being taken literally. Nothing in life is perfect even if it may feel that way. Everyone and everything has its own flaw. This is super cheesy, but that's what makes this so hilarious and enjoyable. There were some nice little twists to the common cliche. I thought the ending was pretty great. It was quite a fun little film which I think people should check out.

The November Man review

I felt November was as good a time as any to watch November Man. It's good to see Pierce Brosnan back in action and working with Dante Peak's director Roger Donaldson again. It seems 007 didn't fully retire from the spy network he just changed the country he works for. I have to say some scenes it was as if characters leaned on different sides of the good and evil spectrum. There are a few good twists here and there. When the violence does happen it can get pretty bloody and sometimes intense. The acting is pretty great and proves that Pierce Brosnan still has it. Some things were just discarded and that was a little odd. The ending was pretty good and I like how it left things up for interpretation. It's a pretty good movie and if you enjoy Brosnan you will be enjoying this. I do feel that it could have been better though.

Drumline: A New Beat review

So they actually made a sequel to Drumline. I don't think this was necessary or wanted, but I will still watch it anyways. It didn't make it to movie theaters. It didn't even make it as a Direct to DVD sequel. It was made as a television movie. Those are not known for being very good entries in my opinion. At least they have Leonard Roberts and Nick Cannon reprising their roles, although I'm not surprised to see the latter in this. I do like that the storyline is done from a female perspective this time around. It's cool that the gay guy isn't the usual stereotypical kind you see in most movies. There were a few cliches of course, but there were also some that got switched around. I thought the different plays were pretty cool especially the last three of the Panthers near the end. It actually wasn't bad for a TV movie. It was pretty entertaining and it kept me watching until the credits ran. I guess this movie proves that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. It's definitely much better than I could have expected. I'm sure if you enjoyed the first one you will appreciate this one too.

Let's Be Cops review

I've been wanting to see this because the idea looks funny and interesting. The director hasn't been too impressive though except for Something Borrowed. I do think the cast makes up for it though. I have to say this is actually pretty funny. It's pretty obvious that things would get more intense the more you get involved with things. Anything can happen if you try to be something you aren't. Nina Dobrev is as attractive as ever. The acting is pretty good. James D'Arcy plays one scary villain. It has several scenes of suggestive and gross out humor. If you are easily offended this probably won't be your cup of tea. There are some great twists and turns throughout. It's quite and unusual cast, but they all make it work. This is like the reverse of 21 Jump Street where normal people act like cops instead of cops acting like normal people. I love how when the shit hits the fan everything gets real and intense. I loved the ending. I thought this was really well done and so much fun to watch. There has to be a sequel because this was just too awesome to leave at one film. If you haven't seen this yet I suggest getting a move on. The additional scenes during the credits are just as funny as the rest of the movie.