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Frank review

Posted : 10 years, 6 months ago on 8 September 2014 08:28 (A review of Frank)

I thought this looked rather unique and interesting. The cast alone is enough to make you interested. The plot itself is rather intriguing and fresh. The acting is phenomenal especially from Michael Fassbender. The music is unique and different. Maggie Gyllenhaal places against type I think, however she is still in the vicinity of strange that she tends to be cast for. The characters are flawed and genuine. None of them are perfect people just as you would expect with such a storyline. I like that no one is perfect in this because that is how real life is. The ending was bittersweet. I am glad I got to see this it was totally worth it. It's definitely one of Michael Fassbender's top roles to date. I recommend giving this a try. It's unique and different. Frank is truly a magnificent and intriguing character.

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The Rover review

Posted : 10 years, 6 months ago on 7 September 2014 05:38 (A review of The Rover)

I have been wanting to check this out since I saw the trailer. The cast is pretty interesting and it's even written by well known actor Joel Edgerton. It's also written by the guy who wrote Hesher and Animal Kingdom two films I really enjoyed. This is pretty dark and gritty. It isn't your typical post apocalyptic tale, but it fits into the likes of maybe the Mad Max world. The music is quite a unique and unusual set. The acting is phenomenal. Guy Pearce is absolutely amazing as the rugged and mysterious lead. Robert Pattinson is really moving his career away from the tragic miss that was the Twilight series. I admit I actually even liked his character more than Guy Pearce. It has some great shots and moments that I myself had never seen before. It's unpredictable, wicked, and at times it even gets a little gruesome. It didn't even go the route I expected at all. This was different and keeps you locked in. It's thought provoking, gripping, and felt like a more realistic take on post-apocalyptic tales. This is a definite must see if you are looking for something different.

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Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie review

Posted : 10 years, 6 months ago on 6 September 2014 06:07 (A review of Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie)

Too be honest I find it kind of funny to review a movie about someone who reviews stuff. Anyways I have waited a few years for this to come out and now I get to see if it was worth the wait. Haha James' facial reactions are so over the top it makes you giggle. The premise of the movie is pretty goofy as well as the writing. I like that they got a hold of cheesy movie actors to cameo in this. It is definitely something that is right up his alley. It kind of reminds me of the other Youtube series that got made into movies such as Fred. It also reminds of the crappy looked Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie except without any big celebrities. It tries really hard to be funny, but for me it came up short on the laughs. I mean a few things about this sort of pull your giggle strings, but most of it is just lame and tired. I mean it is watchable for what it is. There are even several scenes I did like probably due to having a little bit of guilty pleasure for certain kinds of cheesiness. Near the end it kind of felt like an episode of Power Rangers. It stays true to the attitude of the Youtube series at least. This may get a cult following and satisfy fans of the series, but for me I just didn't feel that close to it. Make sure you stay after the credits mostly if you are a series fan. There is a little something for you fans out there.

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The Possession of Michael King (2014) review

Posted : 10 years, 6 months ago on 4 September 2014 02:25 (A review of The Possession of Michael King (2014))

While the story of found footage possession isn't particularly original the premise on this one brings a new spin to it. When I saw the trailer I knew this was something I would want to check out. I thought the different methods he encounters were pretty interesting. The pacing of the film was eery, but it pretty much follows the same pace as most possession movies. I think the stair scene kind of paid a slight homage to The Exorcist. The title of this movie is kind of lame, but I actually thought the movie itself was better than I was expecting it to be. I felt genuinely freaked out by several scenes which doesn't happen too often. The acting was actually pretty good. I like the twists near to the end and really didn't expect them at all. It's quite a great entry to the found footage and possession sub-genres.

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Edge of Tomorrow (2014) review

Posted : 10 years, 6 months ago on 2 September 2014 10:43 (A review of Edge of Tomorrow (2014))

So it's an action packed futuristic story along the lines of Groundhog Day. That sounds fairly interesting enough. It only takes 20 minutes to get to the action and when it does it is relentless. This is one great big adrenaline rush. I enjoyed the little spins and twists as to the why and how of the "Groundhog Syndrome". There is a bit of humor to it that makes you chuckle and such. I think the aliens designs were kind of interesting to look at, but they kind of looked like sentinels from The Matrix. I think the ending was good, but could have been a little better. Anyways I loved it and thought it was a very fun and exhilarating story. It is definitely a must see in my opinion.

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How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) review

Posted : 10 years, 6 months ago on 2 September 2014 05:32 (A review of How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014))

Dean DeBlois returns to direct the sequel to hit movie How to Train Your Dragon. I can't believe it has already been 4 years since the first film came out. Time really flies by you when you don't realize it. You can definitely see the animation is more finely tuned this time around not that the previous film was anything to complain about. Toothless has to be the most adorable dragon ever. He kind of reminds of the goofiness of Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. The first one was lighthearted and had a good amount of humor. This one however has a more serious, dramatic tone to it. Of course it still has humor spread through it, but it was just more emotional and mature. I enjoyed seeing the various new dragons that showed up. The battle scenes were intense and crazy. It was a really great follow up and I would be excited to see a third one. It's great for all ages, but I think kids should definitely have some parental guidance. I recommend it if you liked the first one.

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Evil Feed review

Posted : 10 years, 6 months ago on 2 September 2014 06:45 (A review of Evil Feed)

I decided to check this out because it has an original and interesting concept. At time this gets over the top with ridiculous humor. The fighting might be good if it wasn't mostly filmed in such poor lighting. I mean some of the death scenes were okay if you could actually see them. The acting is pretty bad as well. This drowns in cheesy movie rip-off quotes and replicated scene moments from other famous films. Yuki was probably the only interesting thing about this for me. Even the main character was pretty awful and wasn't even in it that much. The twist was a bit unexpected, but a bit lackluster. The ending was just plain lame. This tried to be original and funny. While it succeeded in the originality it lacked heavily on humor. What an awful waste of time.

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Think Like a Man Too review

Posted : 10 years, 6 months ago on 31 August 2014 01:32 (A review of Think Like a Man Too)

It isn't promising that this is the same director from the first one. He isn't known for making good films. I like most of the cast members though so I will give it a shot anyways. For the most part this was actually kind of boring and drawn out. I mean the acting was good and the actors tried their best with what they had. Kevin Hart was the best thing about this. I thought the constant narration was a bit unnecessary and tedious. The best scene in my opinion was definitely when they were in the strip club. I felt some characters were too forced into awkward situations and such that really made no sense. Things even got resolved to easily for some of the characters. The ending reminded me a little bit of a scene from Sin City that I had watched the previous day. Anyways it was nothing special and really didn't bring anything to the table that I haven't seen in countless romance dramedies.

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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For review

Posted : 10 years, 6 months ago on 30 August 2014 06:41 (A review of Sin City: A Dame to Kill For)

Oh I have been waiting to see this for nine long nerve wrecking years. This film is long overdue. Due to the period of time it took to dish this out one actor had to be replaced sadly (R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan), one replaced due to pregnancy, and a third had to be replaced due to prior engagements. I did think everyone still pulled off their characters well and I enjoyed the new additions. Sadly time takes peoples' interest away and this hasn't been doing so good for that reason. I however thought it was a great follow up even if it is quite belated. I loved how even actors of minor characters made quick appearances throughout the duration of the film. I do think some characters needed a bit more screen time than they were given, but maybe we will see more of them if they make another one.

Marv still has to be Sin City's coolest citizen. Miho although played by a new actress was still brutal awesomeness. I thought Josh Brolin was a great choice for Dwight and really pulled off the tragedy of the character in my opinion. Dennis Haysbert was alright, but he didn't live up to Michael Clarke Duncan's version of Manute. Eva Green and Juno Temple love their bodies and so do we. Green barely wears any clothes throughout pretty much the whole movie. I would be screwed if I ever came across Ava if she were real and looked like Eva Green. That is definitely a plus for me lol. Jessica Alba doesn't have to get nude to make you squirm. She just has that vibe that draws you in and the seductive dancing to keep you entangled. All the performances in general were just great and the characters were portrayed as I liked.

I thought the action was excellent. The cinematography was excellent and it felt like I was watching the comic like it were a 3-D pop-up book. Of course the CGI was much better than the previous installment, but yet it still felt like it matched with it perfectly. They threw in a lot of little homages to the previous film that I caught. As you would expect from Sin City all the stories are tragic and brutal. The world is a crappy place sometimes, but I would have to say Sin City is one of the worst. I really think people should forgive the delay of time it took to make this and just go see it. It's quite fun and enjoyable. It stays true to the graphic novels as I remember. It was executed really well and was a good watch. I approve.

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Septic Man review

Posted : 10 years, 6 months ago on 29 August 2014 04:22 (A review of Septic Man)

Well I enjoyed Monster Brawl which shares the same director and Pontypool which had the same writer. Take those two and put them together and you got my attention. Yes with a title like Septic Man you have to expect a completely disgusting film. It takes balls to make movies this gross, but the way the film industry and filmgoers are these days anything can happen on-screen. The first scene definitely fits in this movie. It lives up to it's name that's for sure. It's extremely gross and it takes someone with a tough stomach to sit through. So much body fluids and such. It isn't really the kind of movie you could recommend to others, but it sure is different than most movies. It's like a Troma sort of story except more serious and with better acting. Lord Auch is one of the weirdest characters for sure. The ending was quite an unexpected change of pace. I thought it was well done. It's original and keeps you watching even if you're disgusted.

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